import os # Try to read the AI's response from 'aianswer.txt' try: with open('aianswer.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: ai_response = except FileNotFoundError: print("Error: 'aianswer.txt' not found") ai_response = None if ai_response is not None: # Find and extract content between triple backticks (```python) and (```) start_markers = ["```python", "```"] end_marker = "```" start_index = -1 for marker in start_markers: start_index = ai_response.find(marker) if start_index != -1: start_marker = marker break end_index = ai_response.find(end_marker, start_index + len(start_marker)) if start_index != -1 and end_index != -1: python_content = ai_response[start_index + len(start_marker):end_index] # Check if 'aipythonanswer.txt' exists and compare its content with python_content aipythonanswer_path = 'aipythonanswer.txt' utf8_path = 'utf8.txt' try: with open(aipythonanswer_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as aipython_file: existing_content = if existing_content != python_content: # If python_content is different, delete 'aipythonanswer.txt' and create a new one try: os.remove(aipythonanswer_path) with open(aipythonanswer_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as python_file: python_file.write(python_content) with open(utf8_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as utf8_file: utf8_file.write(python_content) print("Python content updated in 'aipythonanswer.txt' and saved to 'utf8.txt'") except FileNotFoundError: print("Error: 'aipythonanswer.txt' not found") else: print("Python content in 'aipythonanswer.txt' is the same as extracted content.") except FileNotFoundError: # If 'aipythonanswer.txt' doesn't exist, create it and save python_content to it with open(aipythonanswer_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as python_file: python_file.write(python_content) print("Python content extracted and saved to 'aipythonanswer.txt'") with open(utf8_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as utf8_file: utf8_file.write(python_content) print("Python content saved to 'utf8.txt'") else: print("No Python code found between triple backticks in 'aianswer.txt'") else: print("No AI response found in 'aianswer.txt'")