You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

785 lines
25 KiB

import os
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
import pytest
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from swarms.models.cohere_chat import BaseCohere, Cohere
# Load the environment variables
api_key = os.getenv("COHERE_API_KEY")
def cohere_instance():
return Cohere(cohere_api_key=api_key)
def test_cohere_custom_configuration(cohere_instance):
# Test customizing Cohere configurations
cohere_instance.model = "base"
cohere_instance.temperature = 0.5
cohere_instance.max_tokens = 100
cohere_instance.k = 1
cohere_instance.p = 0.8
cohere_instance.frequency_penalty = 0.2
cohere_instance.presence_penalty = 0.4
response = cohere_instance("Customize configurations.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
def test_cohere_api_error_handling(cohere_instance):
# Test error handling when the API key is invalid
cohere_instance.model = "base"
cohere_instance.cohere_api_key = "invalid-api-key"
with pytest.raises(Exception):
cohere_instance("Error handling with invalid API key.")
def test_cohere_async_api_error_handling(cohere_instance):
# Test async error handling when the API key is invalid
cohere_instance.model = "base"
cohere_instance.cohere_api_key = "invalid-api-key"
with pytest.raises(Exception):
1 year ago
"Error handling with invalid API key."
def test_cohere_stream_api_error_handling(cohere_instance):
# Test error handling in streaming mode when the API key is invalid
cohere_instance.model = "base"
cohere_instance.cohere_api_key = "invalid-api-key"
with pytest.raises(Exception):
generator =
"Error handling with invalid API key."
for token in generator:
def test_cohere_streaming_mode(cohere_instance):
# Test the streaming mode for large text generation
cohere_instance.model = "base"
cohere_instance.streaming = True
prompt = "Generate a lengthy text using streaming mode."
generator =
for token in generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
def test_cohere_streaming_mode_async(cohere_instance):
# Test the async streaming mode for large text generation
cohere_instance.model = "base"
cohere_instance.streaming = True
prompt = "Generate a lengthy text using async streaming mode."
async_generator = cohere_instance.async_stream(prompt)
for token in async_generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
def test_cohere_wrap_prompt(cohere_instance):
prompt = "What is the meaning of life?"
wrapped_prompt = cohere_instance._wrap_prompt(prompt)
assert wrapped_prompt.startswith(cohere_instance.HUMAN_PROMPT)
assert wrapped_prompt.endswith(cohere_instance.AI_PROMPT)
def test_cohere_convert_prompt(cohere_instance):
prompt = "What is the meaning of life?"
converted_prompt = cohere_instance.convert_prompt(prompt)
assert converted_prompt.startswith(cohere_instance.HUMAN_PROMPT)
assert converted_prompt.endswith(cohere_instance.AI_PROMPT)
def test_cohere_call_with_stop(cohere_instance):
1 year ago
response = cohere_instance(
"Translate to French.", stop=["stop1", "stop2"]
assert response == "Mocked Response from Cohere"
def test_cohere_stream_with_stop(cohere_instance):
generator =
"Write a story.", stop=["stop1", "stop2"]
for token in generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
def test_cohere_async_call_with_stop(cohere_instance):
response = cohere_instance.async_call(
"Tell me a joke.", stop=["stop1", "stop2"]
assert response == "Mocked Response from Cohere"
def test_cohere_async_stream_with_stop(cohere_instance):
async_generator = cohere_instance.async_stream(
"Translate to French.", stop=["stop1", "stop2"]
for token in async_generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
def test_cohere_get_num_tokens_with_count_tokens(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.count_tokens = Mock(return_value=10)
text = "This is a test sentence."
num_tokens = cohere_instance.get_num_tokens(text)
assert num_tokens == 10
def test_cohere_get_num_tokens_without_count_tokens(cohere_instance):
del cohere_instance.count_tokens
with pytest.raises(NameError):
text = "This is a test sentence."
def test_cohere_wrap_prompt_without_human_ai_prompt(cohere_instance):
del cohere_instance.HUMAN_PROMPT
del cohere_instance.AI_PROMPT
prompt = "What is the meaning of life?"
with pytest.raises(NameError):
def test_base_cohere_import():
with patch.dict("sys.modules", {"cohere": None}):
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
def test_base_cohere_validate_environment():
1 year ago
values = {
"cohere_api_key": "my-api-key",
"user_agent": "langchain",
validated_values = BaseCohere.validate_environment(values)
assert "client" in validated_values
assert "async_client" in validated_values
def test_base_cohere_validate_environment_without_cohere():
1 year ago
values = {
"cohere_api_key": "my-api-key",
"user_agent": "langchain",
with patch.dict("sys.modules", {"cohere": None}):
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
# Test cases for benchmarking generations with various models
def test_cohere_generate_with_command_light(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "command-light"
1 year ago
response = cohere_instance(
"Generate text with Command Light model."
assert response.startswith(
"Generated text with Command Light model"
def test_cohere_generate_with_command(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "command"
response = cohere_instance("Generate text with Command model.")
assert response.startswith("Generated text with Command model")
def test_cohere_generate_with_base_light(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "base-light"
response = cohere_instance("Generate text with Base Light model.")
assert response.startswith("Generated text with Base Light model")
def test_cohere_generate_with_base(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "base"
response = cohere_instance("Generate text with Base model.")
assert response.startswith("Generated text with Base model")
def test_cohere_generate_with_embed_english_v2(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v2.0"
1 year ago
response = cohere_instance(
"Generate embeddings with English v2.0 model."
assert response.startswith(
"Generated embeddings with English v2.0 model"
def test_cohere_generate_with_embed_english_light_v2(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-light-v2.0"
response = cohere_instance(
"Generate embeddings with English Light v2.0 model."
assert response.startswith(
"Generated embeddings with English Light v2.0 model"
def test_cohere_generate_with_embed_multilingual_v2(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v2.0"
response = cohere_instance(
"Generate embeddings with Multilingual v2.0 model."
assert response.startswith(
"Generated embeddings with Multilingual v2.0 model"
def test_cohere_generate_with_embed_english_v3(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
1 year ago
response = cohere_instance(
"Generate embeddings with English v3.0 model."
assert response.startswith(
"Generated embeddings with English v3.0 model"
def test_cohere_generate_with_embed_english_light_v3(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-light-v3.0"
response = cohere_instance(
"Generate embeddings with English Light v3.0 model."
assert response.startswith(
"Generated embeddings with English Light v3.0 model"
def test_cohere_generate_with_embed_multilingual_v3(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v3.0"
response = cohere_instance(
"Generate embeddings with Multilingual v3.0 model."
assert response.startswith(
"Generated embeddings with Multilingual v3.0 model"
1 year ago
def test_cohere_generate_with_embed_multilingual_light_v3(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-light-v3.0"
response = cohere_instance(
"Generate embeddings with Multilingual Light v3.0 model."
assert response.startswith(
"Generated embeddings with Multilingual Light v3.0 model"
# Add more test cases to benchmark other models and functionalities
def test_cohere_call_with_command_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "command"
response = cohere_instance("Translate to French.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
def test_cohere_call_with_base_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "base"
response = cohere_instance("Translate to French.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
def test_cohere_call_with_embed_english_v2_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v2.0"
response = cohere_instance("Translate to French.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
def test_cohere_call_with_embed_english_v3_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
response = cohere_instance("Translate to French.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_call_with_embed_multilingual_v2_model(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v2.0"
response = cohere_instance("Translate to French.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_call_with_embed_multilingual_v3_model(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v3.0"
response = cohere_instance("Translate to French.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
def test_cohere_call_with_invalid_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "invalid-model"
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cohere_instance("Translate to French.")
def test_cohere_call_with_long_prompt(cohere_instance):
prompt = "This is a very long prompt. " * 100
response = cohere_instance(prompt)
assert isinstance(response, str)
def test_cohere_call_with_max_tokens_limit_exceeded(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.max_tokens = 10
1 year ago
prompt = (
"This is a test prompt that will exceed the max tokens limit."
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_cohere_stream_with_command_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "command"
generator ="Write a story.")
for token in generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
def test_cohere_stream_with_base_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "base"
generator ="Write a story.")
for token in generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
def test_cohere_stream_with_embed_english_v2_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v2.0"
generator ="Write a story.")
for token in generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
def test_cohere_stream_with_embed_english_v3_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
generator ="Write a story.")
for token in generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_stream_with_embed_multilingual_v2_model(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v2.0"
generator ="Write a story.")
for token in generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_stream_with_embed_multilingual_v3_model(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v3.0"
generator ="Write a story.")
for token in generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
def test_cohere_async_call_with_command_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "command"
response = cohere_instance.async_call("Translate to French.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
def test_cohere_async_call_with_base_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "base"
response = cohere_instance.async_call("Translate to French.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_async_call_with_embed_english_v2_model(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v2.0"
response = cohere_instance.async_call("Translate to French.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_async_call_with_embed_english_v3_model(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
response = cohere_instance.async_call("Translate to French.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_async_call_with_embed_multilingual_v2_model(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v2.0"
response = cohere_instance.async_call("Translate to French.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_async_call_with_embed_multilingual_v3_model(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v3.0"
response = cohere_instance.async_call("Translate to French.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
def test_cohere_async_stream_with_command_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "command"
async_generator = cohere_instance.async_stream("Write a story.")
for token in async_generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
def test_cohere_async_stream_with_base_model(cohere_instance):
cohere_instance.model = "base"
async_generator = cohere_instance.async_stream("Write a story.")
for token in async_generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_async_stream_with_embed_english_v2_model(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v2.0"
async_generator = cohere_instance.async_stream("Write a story.")
for token in async_generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_async_stream_with_embed_english_v3_model(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
async_generator = cohere_instance.async_stream("Write a story.")
for token in async_generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_async_stream_with_embed_multilingual_v2_model(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v2.0"
async_generator = cohere_instance.async_stream("Write a story.")
for token in async_generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_async_stream_with_embed_multilingual_v3_model(
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v3.0"
async_generator = cohere_instance.async_stream("Write a story.")
for token in async_generator:
assert isinstance(token, str)
def test_cohere_representation_model_embedding(cohere_instance):
# Test using the Representation model for text embedding
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
1 year ago
embedding = cohere_instance.embed(
"Generate an embedding for this text."
assert isinstance(embedding, list)
assert len(embedding) > 0
def test_cohere_representation_model_classification(cohere_instance):
# Test using the Representation model for text classification
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
classification = cohere_instance.classify("Classify this text.")
assert isinstance(classification, dict)
assert "class" in classification
assert "score" in classification
1 year ago
def test_cohere_representation_model_language_detection(
# Test using the Representation model for language detection
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
language = cohere_instance.detect_language(
"Detect the language of this text."
assert isinstance(language, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_representation_model_max_tokens_limit_exceeded(
# Test handling max tokens limit exceeded error
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
cohere_instance.max_tokens = 10
1 year ago
prompt = (
"This is a test prompt that will exceed the max tokens limit."
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# Add more production-grade test cases based on real-world scenarios
1 year ago
def test_cohere_representation_model_multilingual_embedding(
# Test using the Representation model for multilingual text embedding
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v3.0"
1 year ago
embedding = cohere_instance.embed(
"Generate multilingual embeddings."
assert isinstance(embedding, list)
assert len(embedding) > 0
def test_cohere_representation_model_multilingual_classification(
# Test using the Representation model for multilingual text classification
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v3.0"
1 year ago
classification = cohere_instance.classify(
"Classify multilingual text."
assert isinstance(classification, dict)
assert "class" in classification
assert "score" in classification
def test_cohere_representation_model_multilingual_language_detection(
# Test using the Representation model for multilingual language detection
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v3.0"
language = cohere_instance.detect_language(
"Detect the language of multilingual text."
assert isinstance(language, str)
def test_cohere_representation_model_multilingual_max_tokens_limit_exceeded(
# Test handling max tokens limit exceeded error for multilingual model
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-v3.0"
cohere_instance.max_tokens = 10
prompt = (
1 year ago
"This is a test prompt that will exceed the max tokens limit"
" for multilingual model."
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_cohere_representation_model_multilingual_light_embedding(
# Test using the Representation model for multilingual light text embedding
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-light-v3.0"
1 year ago
embedding = cohere_instance.embed(
"Generate multilingual light embeddings."
assert isinstance(embedding, list)
assert len(embedding) > 0
def test_cohere_representation_model_multilingual_light_classification(
# Test using the Representation model for multilingual light text classification
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-light-v3.0"
classification = cohere_instance.classify(
"Classify multilingual light text."
assert isinstance(classification, dict)
assert "class" in classification
assert "score" in classification
def test_cohere_representation_model_multilingual_light_language_detection(
# Test using the Representation model for multilingual light language detection
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-light-v3.0"
language = cohere_instance.detect_language(
"Detect the language of multilingual light text."
assert isinstance(language, str)
def test_cohere_representation_model_multilingual_light_max_tokens_limit_exceeded(
# Test handling max tokens limit exceeded error for multilingual light model
cohere_instance.model = "embed-multilingual-light-v3.0"
cohere_instance.max_tokens = 10
prompt = (
1 year ago
"This is a test prompt that will exceed the max tokens limit"
" for multilingual light model."
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_cohere_command_light_model(cohere_instance):
# Test using the Command Light model for text generation
cohere_instance.model = "command-light"
1 year ago
response = cohere_instance(
"Generate text using Command Light model."
assert isinstance(response, str)
def test_cohere_base_light_model(cohere_instance):
# Test using the Base Light model for text generation
cohere_instance.model = "base-light"
1 year ago
response = cohere_instance(
"Generate text using Base Light model."
assert isinstance(response, str)
def test_cohere_generate_summarize_endpoint(cohere_instance):
# Test using the Co.summarize() endpoint for text summarization
cohere_instance.model = "command"
response = cohere_instance.summarize("Summarize this text.")
assert isinstance(response, str)
1 year ago
def test_cohere_representation_model_english_embedding(
# Test using the Representation model for English text embedding
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
embedding = cohere_instance.embed("Generate English embeddings.")
assert isinstance(embedding, list)
assert len(embedding) > 0
1 year ago
def test_cohere_representation_model_english_classification(
# Test using the Representation model for English text classification
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
1 year ago
classification = cohere_instance.classify(
"Classify English text."
assert isinstance(classification, dict)
assert "class" in classification
assert "score" in classification
def test_cohere_representation_model_english_language_detection(
# Test using the Representation model for English language detection
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
language = cohere_instance.detect_language(
"Detect the language of English text."
assert isinstance(language, str)
def test_cohere_representation_model_english_max_tokens_limit_exceeded(
# Test handling max tokens limit exceeded error for English model
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-v3.0"
cohere_instance.max_tokens = 10
prompt = (
1 year ago
"This is a test prompt that will exceed the max tokens limit"
" for English model."
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
1 year ago
def test_cohere_representation_model_english_light_embedding(
# Test using the Representation model for English light text embedding
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-light-v3.0"
1 year ago
embedding = cohere_instance.embed(
"Generate English light embeddings."
assert isinstance(embedding, list)
assert len(embedding) > 0
def test_cohere_representation_model_english_light_classification(
# Test using the Representation model for English light text classification
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-light-v3.0"
1 year ago
classification = cohere_instance.classify(
"Classify English light text."
assert isinstance(classification, dict)
assert "class" in classification
assert "score" in classification
def test_cohere_representation_model_english_light_language_detection(
# Test using the Representation model for English light language detection
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-light-v3.0"
language = cohere_instance.detect_language(
"Detect the language of English light text."
assert isinstance(language, str)
def test_cohere_representation_model_english_light_max_tokens_limit_exceeded(
# Test handling max tokens limit exceeded error for English light model
cohere_instance.model = "embed-english-light-v3.0"
cohere_instance.max_tokens = 10
prompt = (
1 year ago
"This is a test prompt that will exceed the max tokens limit"
" for English light model."
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_cohere_command_model(cohere_instance):
# Test using the Command model for text generation
cohere_instance.model = "command"
1 year ago
response = cohere_instance(
"Generate text using the Command model."
assert isinstance(response, str)
# Add more production-grade test cases based on real-world scenarios
def test_cohere_invalid_model(cohere_instance):
# Test using an invalid model name
cohere_instance.model = "invalid-model"
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cohere_instance("Generate text using an invalid model.")
1 year ago
def test_cohere_base_model_generation_with_max_tokens(
# Test generating text using the base model with a specified max_tokens limit
cohere_instance.model = "base"
cohere_instance.max_tokens = 20
prompt = "Generate text with max_tokens limit."
response = cohere_instance(prompt)
assert len(response.split()) <= 20
def test_cohere_command_light_generation_with_stop(cohere_instance):
# Test generating text using the command-light model with stop words
cohere_instance.model = "command-light"
prompt = "Generate text with stop words."
stop = ["stop", "words"]
response = cohere_instance(prompt, stop=stop)
assert all(word not in response for word in stop)