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# AnthropicTokenizer
import pytest
12 months ago
from swarms.tokenizers.anthropic_tokenizer import AnthropicTokenizer
def test_post_init():
tokenizer = AnthropicTokenizer()
assert tokenizer.model == "claude-2.1"
assert tokenizer.max_tokens == 200000
def test_default_max_tokens():
tokenizer = AnthropicTokenizer(model="claude")
assert tokenizer.default_max_tokens() == 100000
"model,tokens", [("claude-2.1", 200000), ("claude", 100000)]
def test_default_max_tokens_models(model, tokens):
tokenizer = AnthropicTokenizer(model=model)
assert tokenizer.default_max_tokens() == tokens
def test_count_tokens_string():
# Insert mock instantiation of anthropic client and its count_tokens function
text = "This is a test string."
tokenizer = AnthropicTokenizer()
tokens = tokenizer.count_tokens(text)
assert tokens == 5
def test_count_tokens_list():
# Insert mock instantiation of anthropic client and its count_tokens function
text = ["This", "is", "a", "test", "string."]
tokenizer = AnthropicTokenizer()
with pytest.raises(ValueError):