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1 year ago
import pytest
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
from swarms.embeddings.pegasus import PegasusEmbedding
def test_init():
with patch("your_module.Pegasus") as MockPegasus:
embedder = PegasusEmbedding(modality="text")
assert embedder.pegasus == MockPegasus.return_value
def test_init_exception():
with patch("your_module.Pegasus", side_effect=Exception("Test exception")):
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
embedder = PegasusEmbedding(modality="text")
assert str(e.value) == "Test exception"
def test_embed():
with patch("your_module.Pegasus") as MockPegasus:
embedder = PegasusEmbedding(modality="text")
embedder.embed("Hello world")
def test_embed_exception():
with patch("your_module.Pegasus") as MockPegasus:
MockPegasus.return_value.embed.side_effect = Exception("Test exception")
embedder = PegasusEmbedding(modality="text")
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
embedder.embed("Hello world")
assert str(e.value) == "Test exception"