description="A unique identifier for the task. This should be a short, descriptive name that captures the main purpose of the task. Use - to separate words and make it lowercase."
description="The comprehensive plan detailing how the task will accomplish the given task. This should include the high-level strategy, key milestones, and expected outcomes. The plan should clearly articulate what the overall goal is, what success looks like, and how progress will be measured throughout execution."
description="A thorough analysis of potential failure modes and mitigation strategies. This should identify technical risks, edge cases, error conditions, and possible points of failure in the task. For each identified risk, include specific preventive measures, fallback approaches, and recovery procedures to ensure robustness and reliability."
description="The detailed reasoning and justification for why this specific task design is optimal for the given task. This should explain the key architectural decisions, tradeoffs considered, alternatives evaluated, and why this approach best satisfies the requirements. Include both technical and business factors that influenced the design."
description="Generate the code for the task. This should be a python function that takes in a task and returns a result. The code should be a complete and working implementation of the task. Include all necessary imports and dependencies and add types, docstrings, and comments to the code. Make sure the main code executes successfully. No placeholders or comments. Make sure the main function executes successfully."
system_prompt="""You are an expert Python developer specializing in building reliable API integrations and developer tools. Your role is to generate production-ready code that follows best practices for API interactions and tool development.