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import json
import os
from unittest.mock import Mock
11 months ago
import pytest
from swarms.models import OpenAIChat
11 months ago
from swarms.structs import Agent
from swarms.structs.multi_agent_collab import MultiAgentCollaboration
# Sample agents for testing
agent1 = Agent(llm=OpenAIChat(), max_loops=2)
agent2 = Agent(llm=OpenAIChat(), max_loops=2)
agents = [agent1, agent2]
def collaboration():
return MultiAgentCollaboration(agents)
def test_collaboration_initialization(collaboration):
assert len(collaboration.agents) == 2
assert callable(collaboration.select_next_speaker)
assert collaboration.max_iters == 10
assert collaboration.results == []
assert collaboration.logging is True
def test_reset(collaboration):
for agent in collaboration.agents:
assert agent.step == 0
def test_inject(collaboration):
collaboration.inject("TestName", "TestMessage")
for agent in collaboration.agents:
assert "TestName" in agent.history[-1]
assert "TestMessage" in agent.history[-1]
def test_inject_agent(collaboration):
agent3 = Agent(llm=OpenAIChat(), max_loops=2)
assert len(collaboration.agents) == 3
assert agent3 in collaboration.agents
def test_step(collaboration):
for agent in collaboration.agents:
assert agent.step == 1
def test_ask_for_bid(collaboration):
agent = Mock() = "<5>"
bid = collaboration.ask_for_bid(agent)
assert bid == 5
def test_select_next_speaker(collaboration):
collaboration.select_next_speaker = Mock(return_value=0)
idx = collaboration.select_next_speaker(1, collaboration.agents)
assert idx == 0
def test_run(collaboration):
for agent in collaboration.agents:
assert agent.step == collaboration.max_iters
def test_format_results(collaboration):
9 months ago
collaboration.results = [{"agent": "Agent1", "response": "Response1"}]
formatted_results = collaboration.format_results(collaboration.results)
assert "Agent1 responded: Response1" in formatted_results
def test_save_and_load(collaboration):
loaded_state = collaboration.load()
assert loaded_state["_step"] == collaboration._step
assert loaded_state["results"] == collaboration.results
def test_performance(collaboration):
performance_data = collaboration.performance()
for agent in collaboration.agents:
assert in performance_data
assert "metrics" in performance_data[]
def test_set_interaction_rules(collaboration):
rules = {"rule1": "action1", "rule2": "action2"}
assert hasattr(collaboration, "interaction_rules")
assert collaboration.interaction_rules == rules
def test_repr(collaboration):
repr_str = repr(collaboration)
assert isinstance(repr_str, str)
assert "MultiAgentCollaboration" in repr_str
def test_load(collaboration):
state = {
"step": 5,
"results": [{"agent": "Agent1", "response": "Response1"}],
with open(collaboration.saved_file_path_name, "w") as file:
json.dump(state, file)
loaded_state = collaboration.load()
assert loaded_state["_step"] == state["step"]
assert loaded_state["results"] == state["results"]
def test_save(collaboration, tmp_path):
collaboration.saved_file_path_name = tmp_path / "test_save.json"
11 months ago
with open(collaboration.saved_file_path_name) as file:
saved_data = json.load(file)
assert saved_data["_step"] == collaboration._step
assert saved_data["results"] == collaboration.results
# Add more tests here...
# Add more parameterized tests for different scenarios...
# Example of exception testing
def test_exception_handling(collaboration):
agent = Mock() = ValueError("Invalid bid")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# Add more exception testing...
# Example of environment variable testing (if applicable)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("env_var", ["ENV_VAR_1", "ENV_VAR_2"])
def test_environment_variables(collaboration, monkeypatch, env_var):
monkeypatch.setenv(env_var, "test_value")
assert os.getenv(env_var) == "test_value"