import pytest
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
from swarms.memory.ocean import OceanDB
def test_init():
with patch("oceandb.Client") as MockClient:
MockClient.return_value.heartbeat.return_value = "OK"
db = OceanDB(MockClient)
assert db.client == MockClient
def test_init_exception():
with patch("oceandb.Client") as MockClient:
MockClient.side_effect = Exception("Client error")
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
assert str(e.value) == "Client error"
def test_create_collection():
with patch("oceandb.Client") as MockClient:
db = OceanDB(MockClient)
db.create_collection("test", "modality")
"test", embedding_function=Mock.ANY
def test_create_collection_exception():
with patch("oceandb.Client") as MockClient:
MockClient.create_collection.side_effect = Exception("Create collection error")
db = OceanDB(MockClient)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
db.create_collection("test", "modality")
assert str(e.value) == "Create collection error"
def test_append_document():
with patch("oceandb.Client") as MockClient:
db = OceanDB(MockClient)
collection = Mock()
db.append_document(collection, "doc", "id")
collection.add.assert_called_once_with(documents=["doc"], ids=["id"])
def test_append_document_exception():
with patch("oceandb.Client") as MockClient:
db = OceanDB(MockClient)
collection = Mock()
collection.add.side_effect = Exception("Append document error")
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
db.append_document(collection, "doc", "id")
assert str(e.value) == "Append document error"
def test_add_documents():
with patch("oceandb.Client") as MockClient:
db = OceanDB(MockClient)
collection = Mock()
db.add_documents(collection, ["doc1", "doc2"], ["id1", "id2"])
documents=["doc1", "doc2"], ids=["id1", "id2"]
def test_add_documents_exception():
with patch("oceandb.Client") as MockClient:
db = OceanDB(MockClient)
collection = Mock()
collection.add.side_effect = Exception("Add documents error")
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
db.add_documents(collection, ["doc1", "doc2"], ["id1", "id2"])
assert str(e.value) == "Add documents error"
def test_query():
with patch("oceandb.Client") as MockClient:
db = OceanDB(MockClient)
collection = Mock()
db.query(collection, ["query1", "query2"], 2)
query_texts=["query1", "query2"], n_results=2
def test_query_exception():
with patch("oceandb.Client") as MockClient:
db = OceanDB(MockClient)
collection = Mock()
collection.query.side_effect = Exception("Query error")
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
db.query(collection, ["query1", "query2"], 2)
assert str(e.value) == "Query error"