The `getAllPrompts` API endpoint is a part of the `` application, designed to fetch all prompt records from the database. This endpoint is crucial for retrieving various prompts stored in the `swarms_cloud_prompts` table, including their metadata such as name, description, use cases, and tags.
The primary purpose of this API endpoint is to provide a method for clients to fetch a list of prompts stored in the `swarms_cloud_prompts` table, with the ability to filter by name, tags, and use cases.
- **name** (optional): A substring to match against the prompt name. The query is case-insensitive.
- **tag** (optional): A comma-separated list of tags to filter prompts by. The query matches any of the provided tags, and is case-insensitive.
- **use_case** (optional): A substring to match against the use case titles within the `use_cases` array. The query is case-insensitive.
- **use_case_description** (optional): A substring to match against the use case descriptions within the `use_cases` array. The query is case-insensitive.
1.**Method Validation**: The endpoint only supports the `GET` method. If a different HTTP method is used, it responds with a `405 Method Not Allowed` status.
- **Fetching All Prompts**: The endpoint uses the `supabaseAdmin` client to query the `swarms_cloud_prompts` table. Filters are applied based on the query parameters (`name`, `tag`, and `use_cases`).
- **Fetching a Prompt by ID**: The endpoint retrieves a single prompt from the `swarms_cloud_prompts` table by its unique ID.
3.**Response**: On success, it returns the prompt data in JSON format. In case of an error during the database query, a `500 Internal Server Error` status is returned. For fetching by ID, if the prompt is not found, it returns a `404 Not Found` status.
This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to the `getAllPrompts` API endpoint, including usage examples in multiple programming languages and detailed attribute descriptions.