What this script does :
Multi - Agent run to test AgentOps ( https : / / www . agentops . ai / )
Requirements :
1. Create an account on https : / / www . agentops . ai / and run pip install agentops
2. Add the folowing API key ( s ) in your . env file :
3. Go to your agentops dashboard to observe your activity
################ Adding project root to PYTHONPATH ################################
# If you are running playground examples in the project files directly, use this:
import sys
import os
sys . path . insert ( 0 , os . getcwd ( ) )
################ Adding project root to PYTHONPATH ################################
from swarms import Agent , OpenAIChat , AgentRearrange
Treasurer = Agent (
agent_name = " Treasurer " ,
system_prompt = " Give your opinion on the cash management. " ,
agent_description = (
" responsible for managing an organization ' s financial assets and liquidity. They oversee cash management, "
" investment strategies, and financial risk. Key duties include monitoring cash flow, managing bank relationships, "
" ensuring sufficient funds for operations, and optimizing returns on short-term investments. Treasurers also often "
" handle debt management and may be involved in capital raising activities. "
) ,
llm = OpenAIChat ( ) ,
max_loops = 1 ,
agent_ops_on = True ,
CFO = Agent (
agent_name = " CFO " ,
system_prompt = " Give your opinion on the financial performance of the company. " ,
agent_description = (
" the top financial executive in an organization, overseeing all financial operations and strategy. Their role is broader than a treasurer ' s and includes: \n "
" Financial planning and analysis \n "
" Accounting and financial reporting \n "
" Budgeting and forecasting \n "
" Strategic financial decision-making \n "
" Compliance and risk management \n "
" Investor relations (in public companies) \n "
" Overseeing the finance and accounting departments "
) ,
llm = OpenAIChat ( ) ,
max_loops = 1 ,
agent_ops_on = True ,
swarm = AgentRearrange (
agents = [ Treasurer , CFO ] ,
flow = " Treasurer -> CFO " ,
results = swarm . run (
" Date,Revenue,Expenses,Profit,Cash_Flow,Inventory,Customer_Acquisition_Cost,Customer_Retention_Rate,Marketing_Spend,R&D_Spend,Debt,Assets \n "
" 2023-01-01,1000000,800000,200000,150000,500000,100,0.85,50000,100000,2000000,5000000 \n "
" 2023-02-01,1050000,820000,230000,180000,520000,95,0.87,55000,110000,1950000,5100000 \n "
" 2023-03-01,1100000,850000,250000,200000,530000,90,0.88,60000,120000,1900000,5200000 \n "
" 2023-04-01,1200000,900000,300000,250000,550000,85,0.90,70000,130000,1850000,5400000 \n "
" 2023-05-01,1300000,950000,350000,300000,580000,80,0.92,80000,140000,1800000,5600000 \n "
" 2023-06-01,1400000,1000000,400000,350000,600000,75,0.93,90000,150000,1750000,5800000 \n "
" 2023-07-01,1450000,1050000,400000,320000,620000,78,0.91,95000,160000,1700000,5900000 \n "
" 2023-08-01,1500000,1100000,400000,300000,650000,80,0.90,100000,170000,1650000,6000000 \n "
" 2023-09-01,1550000,1150000,400000,280000,680000,82,0.89,105000,180000,1600000,6100000 \n "
" 2023-10-01,1600000,1200000,400000,260000,700000,85,0.88,110000,190000,1550000,6200000 \n "
" 2023-11-01,1650000,1250000,400000,240000,720000,88,0.87,115000,200000,1500000,6300000 \n "
" 2023-12-01,1700000,1300000,400000,220000,750000,90,0.86,120000,210000,1450000,6400000 \n "
" 2024-01-01,1500000,1200000,300000,180000,780000,95,0.84,100000,180000,1500000,6300000 \n "
" 2024-02-01,1550000,1220000,330000,200000,760000,92,0.85,105000,185000,1480000,6350000 \n "
" 2024-03-01,1600000,1240000,360000,220000,740000,89,0.86,110000,190000,1460000,6400000 \n "
" 2024-04-01,1650000,1260000,390000,240000,720000,86,0.87,115000,195000,1440000,6450000 \n "
" 2024-05-01,1700000,1280000,420000,260000,700000,83,0.88,120000,200000,1420000,6500000 \n "
" 2024-06-01,1750000,1300000,450000,280000,680000,80,0.89,125000,205000,1400000,6550000 "