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import os
from unittest.mock import Mock
import pytest
from openai import OpenAIError
from PIL import Image
from termcolor import colored
1 year ago
from playground.models.dalle3 import Dalle3
# Mocking the OpenAI client to avoid making actual API calls during testing
def mock_openai_client():
return Mock()
def dalle3(mock_openai_client):
return Dalle3(client=mock_openai_client)
def test_dalle3_call_success(dalle3, mock_openai_client):
# Arrange
task = "A painting of a dog"
expected_img_url = ""
mock_openai_client.images.generate.return_value = Mock(data=[Mock(url=expected_img_url)])
# Act
img_url = dalle3(task)
# Assert
assert img_url == expected_img_url
mock_openai_client.images.generate.assert_called_once_with(prompt=task, n=4)
def test_dalle3_call_failure(dalle3, mock_openai_client, capsys):
# Arrange
task = "Invalid task"
expected_error_message = "Error running Dalle3: API Error"
# Mocking OpenAIError
mock_openai_client.images.generate.side_effect = OpenAIError(expected_error_message, http_status=500, error="Internal Server Error")
# Act and assert
with pytest.raises(OpenAIError) as excinfo:
assert str(excinfo.value) == expected_error_message
mock_openai_client.images.generate.assert_called_once_with(prompt=task, n=4)
# Ensure the error message is printed in red
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert colored(expected_error_message, "red") in captured.out
def test_dalle3_create_variations_success(dalle3, mock_openai_client):
# Arrange
img_url = ""
expected_variation_url = ""
mock_openai_client.images.create_variation.return_value = Mock(data=[Mock(url=expected_variation_url)])
# Act
variation_img_url = dalle3.create_variations(img_url)
# Assert
assert variation_img_url == expected_variation_url
_, kwargs = mock_openai_client.images.create_variation.call_args
assert kwargs["img"] is not None
assert kwargs["n"] == 4
assert kwargs["size"] == "1024x1024"
def test_dalle3_create_variations_failure(dalle3, mock_openai_client, capsys):
# Arrange
img_url = ""
expected_error_message = "Error running Dalle3: API Error"
# Mocking OpenAIError
mock_openai_client.images.create_variation.side_effect = OpenAIError(expected_error_message, http_status=500, error="Internal Server Error")
# Act and assert
with pytest.raises(OpenAIError) as excinfo:
assert str(excinfo.value) == expected_error_message
# Ensure the error message is printed in red
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert colored(expected_error_message, "red") in captured.out
def test_dalle3_read_img():
# Arrange
img_path = "test_image.png"
img ="RGB", (512, 512))
# Save the image temporarily
# Act
dalle3 = Dalle3()
img_loaded = dalle3.read_img(img_path)
# Assert
assert isinstance(img_loaded, Image.Image)
# Clean up
def test_dalle3_set_width_height():
# Arrange
img ="RGB", (512, 512))
width = 256
height = 256
# Act
dalle3 = Dalle3()
img_resized = dalle3.set_width_height(img, width, height)
# Assert
assert img_resized.size == (width, height)
def test_dalle3_convert_to_bytesio():
# Arrange
img ="RGB", (512, 512))
expected_format = "PNG"
# Act
dalle3 = Dalle3()
img_bytes = dalle3.convert_to_bytesio(img, format=expected_format)
# Assert
assert isinstance(img_bytes, bytes)
assert img_bytes.startswith(b"\x89PNG")
def test_dalle3_call_multiple_times(dalle3, mock_openai_client):
# Arrange
task = "A painting of a dog"
expected_img_url = ""
mock_openai_client.images.generate.return_value = Mock(data=[Mock(url=expected_img_url)])
# Act
img_url1 = dalle3(task)
img_url2 = dalle3(task)
# Assert
assert img_url1 == expected_img_url
assert img_url2 == expected_img_url
assert mock_openai_client.images.generate.call_count == 2
def test_dalle3_call_with_large_input(dalle3, mock_openai_client):
# Arrange
task = "A" * 2048 # Input longer than API's limit
expected_error_message = "Error running Dalle3: API Error"
mock_openai_client.images.generate.side_effect = OpenAIError(expected_error_message, http_status=500, error="Internal Server Error")
# Act and assert
with pytest.raises(OpenAIError) as excinfo:
assert str(excinfo.value) == expected_error_message
def test_dalle3_create_variations_with_invalid_image_url(dalle3, mock_openai_client):
# Arrange
img_url = ""
expected_error_message = "Error running Dalle3: Invalid image URL"
# Act and assert
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
assert str(excinfo.value) == expected_error_message
def test_dalle3_set_width_height_invalid_dimensions(dalle3):
# Arrange
img = dalle3.read_img("test_image.png")
width = 0
height = -1
# Act and assert
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
dalle3.set_width_height(img, width, height)
def test_dalle3_convert_to_bytesio_invalid_format(dalle3):
# Arrange
img = dalle3.read_img("test_image.png")
invalid_format = "invalid_format"
# Act and assert
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
dalle3.convert_to_bytesio(img, format=invalid_format)
def test_dalle3_call_with_retry(dalle3, mock_openai_client):
# Arrange
task = "A painting of a dog"
expected_img_url = ""
# Simulate a retry scenario
mock_openai_client.images.generate.side_effect = [
OpenAIError("Temporary error", http_status=500, error="Internal Server Error"),
# Act
img_url = dalle3(task)
# Assert
assert img_url == expected_img_url
assert mock_openai_client.images.generate.call_count == 2
def test_dalle3_create_variations_with_retry(dalle3, mock_openai_client):
# Arrange
img_url = ""
expected_variation_url = ""
# Simulate a retry scenario
mock_openai_client.images.create_variation.side_effect = [
OpenAIError("Temporary error", http_status=500, error="Internal Server Error"),
# Act
variation_img_url = dalle3.create_variations(img_url)
# Assert
assert variation_img_url == expected_variation_url
assert mock_openai_client.images.create_variation.call_count == 2
def test_dalle3_call_exception_logging(dalle3, mock_openai_client, capsys):
# Arrange
task = "A painting of a dog"
expected_error_message = "Error running Dalle3: API Error"
# Mocking OpenAIError
mock_openai_client.images.generate.side_effect = OpenAIError(expected_error_message, http_status=500, error="Internal Server Error")
# Act
with pytest.raises(OpenAIError):
# Assert that the error message is logged
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert expected_error_message in captured.err
def test_dalle3_create_variations_exception_logging(dalle3, mock_openai_client, capsys):
# Arrange
img_url = ""
expected_error_message = "Error running Dalle3: API Error"
# Mocking OpenAIError
mock_openai_client.images.create_variation.side_effect = OpenAIError(expected_error_message, http_status=500, error="Internal Server Error")
# Act
with pytest.raises(OpenAIError):
# Assert that the error message is logged
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert expected_error_message in captured.err
def test_dalle3_read_img_invalid_path(dalle3):
# Arrange
invalid_img_path = "invalid_image_path.png"
# Act and assert
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
def test_dalle3_call_no_api_key():
# Arrange
task = "A painting of a dog"
dalle3 = Dalle3(api_key=None)
expected_error_message = "Error running Dalle3: API Key is missing"
# Act and assert
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
assert str(excinfo.value) == expected_error_message
def test_dalle3_create_variations_no_api_key():
# Arrange
img_url = ""
dalle3 = Dalle3(api_key=None)
expected_error_message = "Error running Dalle3: API Key is missing"
# Act and assert
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
assert str(excinfo.value) == expected_error_message
def test_dalle3_call_with_retry_max_retries_exceeded(dalle3, mock_openai_client):
# Arrange
task = "A painting of a dog"
# Simulate max retries exceeded
mock_openai_client.images.generate.side_effect = OpenAIError("Temporary error", http_status=500, error="Internal Server Error")
# Act and assert
with pytest.raises(OpenAIError) as excinfo:
assert "Retry limit exceeded" in str(excinfo.value)
def test_dalle3_create_variations_with_retry_max_retries_exceeded(dalle3, mock_openai_client):
# Arrange
img_url = ""
# Simulate max retries exceeded
mock_openai_client.images.create_variation.side_effect = OpenAIError("Temporary error", http_status=500, error="Internal Server Error")
# Act and assert
with pytest.raises(OpenAIError) as excinfo:
assert "Retry limit exceeded" in str(excinfo.value)
def test_dalle3_call_retry_with_success(dalle3, mock_openai_client):
# Arrange
task = "A painting of a dog"
expected_img_url = ""
# Simulate success after a retry
mock_openai_client.images.generate.side_effect = [
OpenAIError("Temporary error", http_status=500, error="Internal Server Error"),
# Act
img_url = dalle3(task)
# Assert
assert img_url == expected_img_url
assert mock_openai_client.images.generate.call_count == 2
def test_dalle3_create_variations_retry_with_success(dalle3, mock_openai_client):
# Arrange
img_url = ""
expected_variation_url = ""
# Simulate success after a retry
mock_openai_client.images.create_variation.side_effect = [
OpenAIError("Temporary error", http_status=500, error="Internal Server Error"),
# Act
variation_img_url = dalle3.create_variations(img_url)
# Assert
assert variation_img_url == expected_variation_url
assert mock_openai_client.images.create_variation.call_count == 2