You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

70 lines
2.6 KiB

const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder } = require("discord.js");
const Docker = require('node-docker-api').Docker;
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Restarts a Docker container")
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('The container to restart')
async autocomplete(interaction) {
try {
// Create docker client
const docker = new Docker({ socketPath: '/var/run/docker.sock' });
// Get list of running containers
const containers = await docker.container.list({ all: true, filters: { status: ['running'] } });
const runningContainers = =>[0].slice(1));
// Filter list of containers by focused value
const focusedValue = interaction.options.getFocused(true);
const filteredContainers = runningContainers.filter(container => container.startsWith(focusedValue.value));
//slice if more than 25
let sliced;
if (filteredContainers.length > 25) {
sliced = filteredContainers.slice(0, 25);
} else {
sliced = filteredContainers;
// Respond with filtered list of containers
await interaction.respond( => ({ name: container, value: container })));
} catch (error) {
// Handle error
await interaction.reply('An error occurred while getting the list of running containers.');
async execute(interaction) {
try {
// create docker client
const docker = new Docker({ socketPath: '/var/run/docker.sock' });
// Get container name from options
const container = interaction.options.getString('container');
// Restart container
await interaction.reply(`Restarting container "${container}"...`);
const containers = await docker.container.list({ all: true, filters: { name: [container] } });
if (containers.length === 0) {
await interaction.followUp(`Container "${container}" does not exist.`);
throw new Error(`Container "${container}" does not exist.`);
await containers[0].restart();
// Confirm that container was restarted
await interaction.followUp(`Container "${container}" was successfully restarted.`);
} catch (error) {
// Handle error
await interaction.followUp(`An error occurred while trying to restart the container "${container}".`);