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site_url: https://swarms.apac.ai
site_author: Swarms
site_description: Orchestrate Swarms of Agents From Any Framework Like OpenAI, Langchain, and Etc for Real World Workflow Automation.
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repo_url: https://github.com/kyegomez/swarms
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copyright: TGSC Corp 2024. All rights reserved.
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- footnotes
- Home:
- Installation:
- Overview: "index.md"
- Install: "install.md"
- Docker Setup: docker_setup.md
- Usage Examples:
- Build an Agent: "diy_your_own_agent.md"
- Build an Agent with tools: "examples/tools_agents.md"
- Why does Swarms Exist?:
- Why Swarms? Orchestrating Agents for Enterprise Automation: "why.md"
- Limitations of Individual Agents: "limits_of_individual_agents.md"
- Swarms Cloud API:
- Overview: "swarms_cloud/main.md"
- Available Models: "swarms_cloud/available_models.md"
- Migrate from OpenAI to Swarms in 3 lines of code: "swarms_cloud/migrate_openai.md"
- Getting Started with SOTA Vision Language Models VLM: "swarms_cloud/getting_started.md"
- Enterprise Guide to High-Performance Multi-Agent LLM Deployments: "swarms_cloud/production_deployment.md"
- Swarms Framework [PY]:
- Overview: "swarms/index.md"
- DIY Build Your Own Agent: "diy_your_own_agent.md"
- Agents with Tools: "examples/tools_agent.md"
- swarms.models:
- How to Create A Custom Language Model: "swarms/models/custom_model.md"
- Deploying Azure OpenAI in Production A Comprehensive Guide: "swarms/models/azure_openai.md"
- Language:
- BaseLLM: "swarms/models/base_llm.md"
- Overview: "swarms/models/index.md"
- Llava3: "swarms/models/llama3.md"
- HuggingFaceLLM: "swarms/models/huggingface.md"
- Anthropic: "swarms/models/anthropic.md"
- OpenAI: "swarms/models/openai.md"
- Mistral: "swarms/models/mistral.md"
- Mixtral: "swarms/models/mixtral.md"
- MultiModal:
- BaseMultiModalModel: "swarms/models/base_multimodal_model.md"
- Fuyu: "swarms/models/fuyu.md"
- Vilt: "swarms/models/vilt.md"
- Idefics: "swarms/models/idefics.md"
- Kosmos: "swarms/models/kosmos.md"
- Nougat: "swarms/models/nougat.md"
- Dalle3: "swarms/models/dalle3.md"
- GPT4V: "swarms/models/gpt4v.md"
- DistilWhisperModel: "swarms/models/distilled_whisperx.md"
- swarms.structs:
- Foundational Structures:
- Agent: "swarms/structs/agent.md"
- BaseStructure: "swarms/structs/basestructure.md"
- Task: "swarms/structs/task.md"
- YamlModel: "swarms/structs/yaml_model.md"
- Workflows:
- ConcurrentWorkflow: "swarms/structs/concurrentworkflow.md"
- SequentialWorkflow: "swarms/structs/sequential_workflow.md"
- BaseWorkflow: "swarms/structs/baseworkflow.md"
- Multi Agent Architectures:
- Conversation: "swarms/structs/conversation.md"
- SwarmNetwork: "swarms/structs/swarmnetwork.md"
- MajorityVoting: "swarms/structs/majorityvoting.md"
- AgentRearrange: "swarms/structs/agent_rearrange.md"
- swarms.memory:
- Building Custom Vector Memory Databases with the BaseVectorDatabase Class: "swarms/memory/diy_memory.md"
- ShortTermMemory: "swarms/memory/short_term_memory.md"
- Guides:
- Agents:
- Building Custom Vector Memory Databases with the BaseVectorDatabase Class: "swarms/memory/diy_memory.md"
- How to Create A Custom Language Model: "swarms/models/custom_model.md"
- Deploying Azure OpenAI in Production, A Comprehensive Guide: "swarms/models/azure_openai.md"
- DIY Build Your Own Agent: "diy_your_own_agent.md"
- Equipping Autonomous Agents with Tools: "examples/tools_agent.md"
- Overview: "examples/index.md"
- Agents:
- Agent: "examples/flow.md"
- OmniAgent: "examples/omni_agent.md"
- Swarms:
- SequentialWorkflow: "examples/reliable_autonomous_agents.md"
- 2O+ Autonomous Agent Blogs: "examples/ideas.md"
- Applications:
- CustomerSupport:
- Overview: "applications/customer_support.md"
- Marketing:
- Overview: "applications/marketing_agencies.md"
- Operations:
- Intoducing The Swarm of Automated Business Analyts: "applications/business-analyst-agent.md"
- Corporate:
- Corporate Documents:
- Data Room: "corporate/data_room.md"
- The Swarm Memo: "corporate/swarm_memo.md"
- Corporate Architecture: "corporate/architecture.md"
- Flywheel: "corporate/flywheel.md"
- Sales:
- FAQ: "corporate/faq.md"
- Distribution: "corporate/distribution"
- Product:
- SwarmCloud: "corporate/swarm_cloud.md"
- Weaknesses of Langchain: "corporate/failures.md"
- Design: "corporate/design.md"
- Metric: "corporate/metric.md"
- Organization:
- FrontEnd Member Onboarding: "corporate/front_end_contributors.md"
- Contributors:
- Contributing: "contributing.md"