from unittest.mock import MagicMock
import pytest
from pydantic import BaseModel
from swarms.tools.tool import BaseTool, Runnable, StructuredTool, Tool, tool
# Define test data
test_input = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
expected_output = "expected_output_value"
# Test with global variables
global_var = "global"
# Basic tests for BaseTool
def test_base_tool_init():
# Test BaseTool initialization
tool = BaseTool()
assert isinstance(tool, BaseTool)
def test_base_tool_invoke():
# Test BaseTool invoke method
tool = BaseTool()
result = tool.invoke(test_input)
assert result == expected_output
# Basic tests for Tool
def test_tool_init():
# Test Tool initialization
tool = Tool()
assert isinstance(tool, Tool)
def test_tool_invoke():
# Test Tool invoke method
tool = Tool()
result = tool.invoke(test_input)
assert result == expected_output
# Basic tests for StructuredTool
def test_structured_tool_init():
# Test StructuredTool initialization
tool = StructuredTool()
assert isinstance(tool, StructuredTool)
def test_structured_tool_invoke():
# Test StructuredTool invoke method
tool = StructuredTool()
result = tool.invoke(test_input)
assert result == expected_output
# Test additional functionality and edge cases as needed
def test_tool_creation():
tool = Tool(name="test_tool", func=lambda x: x, description="Test tool")
assert tool.name == "test_tool"
assert tool.func is not None
assert tool.description == "Test tool"
def test_tool_ainvoke():
tool = Tool(name="test_tool", func=lambda x: x, description="Test tool")
result = tool.ainvoke("input_data")
assert result == "input_data"
def test_tool_ainvoke_with_coroutine():
async def async_function(input_data):
return input_data
tool = Tool(
name="test_tool", coroutine=async_function, description="Test tool"
result = tool.ainvoke("input_data")
assert result == "input_data"
def test_tool_args():
def sample_function(input_data):
return input_data
tool = Tool(name="test_tool", func=sample_function, description="Test tool")
assert tool.args == {"tool_input": {"type": "string"}}
# Basic tests for StructuredTool class
def test_structured_tool_creation():
class SampleArgsSchema:
tool = StructuredTool(
func=lambda x: x,
description="Test tool",
assert tool.name == "test_tool"
assert tool.func is not None
assert tool.description == "Test tool"
assert tool.args_schema == SampleArgsSchema
def test_structured_tool_ainvoke():
class SampleArgsSchema:
tool = StructuredTool(
func=lambda x: x,
description="Test tool",
result = tool.ainvoke({"tool_input": "input_data"})
assert result == "input_data"
def test_structured_tool_ainvoke_with_coroutine():
class SampleArgsSchema:
async def async_function(input_data):
return input_data
tool = StructuredTool(
description="Test tool",
result = tool.ainvoke({"tool_input": "input_data"})
assert result == "input_data"
def test_structured_tool_args():
class SampleArgsSchema:
def sample_function(input_data):
return input_data
tool = StructuredTool(
description="Test tool",
assert tool.args == {"tool_input": {"type": "string"}}
# Additional tests for exception handling
def test_tool_ainvoke_exception():
tool = Tool(name="test_tool", func=None, description="Test tool")
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
def test_tool_ainvoke_with_coroutine_exception():
tool = Tool(name="test_tool", coroutine=None, description="Test tool")
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
def test_structured_tool_ainvoke_exception():
class SampleArgsSchema:
tool = StructuredTool(
description="Test tool",
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
tool.ainvoke({"tool_input": "input_data"})
def test_structured_tool_ainvoke_with_coroutine_exception():
class SampleArgsSchema:
tool = StructuredTool(
description="Test tool",
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
tool.ainvoke({"tool_input": "input_data"})
def test_tool_description_not_provided():
tool = Tool(name="test_tool", func=lambda x: x)
assert tool.name == "test_tool"
assert tool.func is not None
assert tool.description == ""
def test_tool_invoke_with_callbacks():
def sample_function(input_data, callbacks=None):
if callbacks:
return input_data
tool = Tool(name="test_tool", func=sample_function)
callbacks = MagicMock()
result = tool.invoke("input_data", callbacks=callbacks)
assert result == "input_data"
def test_tool_invoke_with_new_argument():
def sample_function(input_data, callbacks=None):
return input_data
tool = Tool(name="test_tool", func=sample_function)
result = tool.invoke("input_data", callbacks=None)
assert result == "input_data"
def test_tool_ainvoke_with_new_argument():
async def async_function(input_data, callbacks=None):
return input_data
tool = Tool(name="test_tool", coroutine=async_function)
result = tool.ainvoke("input_data", callbacks=None)
assert result == "input_data"
def test_tool_description_from_docstring():
def sample_function(input_data):
"""Sample function docstring"""
return input_data
tool = Tool(name="test_tool", func=sample_function)
assert tool.description == "Sample function docstring"
def test_tool_ainvoke_with_exceptions():
async def async_function(input_data):
raise ValueError("Test exception")
tool = Tool(name="test_tool", coroutine=async_function)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# Additional tests for StructuredTool class
def test_structured_tool_infer_schema_false():
def sample_function(input_data):
return input_data
tool = StructuredTool(
assert tool.args_schema is None
def test_structured_tool_ainvoke_with_callbacks():
class SampleArgsSchema:
def sample_function(input_data, callbacks=None):
if callbacks:
return input_data
tool = StructuredTool(
callbacks = MagicMock()
result = tool.ainvoke({"tool_input": "input_data"}, callbacks=callbacks)
assert result == "input_data"
def test_structured_tool_description_not_provided():
class SampleArgsSchema:
tool = StructuredTool(
func=lambda x: x,
assert tool.name == "test_tool"
assert tool.func is not None
assert tool.description == ""
def test_structured_tool_args_schema():
class SampleArgsSchema:
def sample_function(input_data):
return input_data
tool = StructuredTool(
assert tool.args_schema == SampleArgsSchema
def test_structured_tool_args_schema_inference():
def sample_function(input_data):
return input_data
tool = StructuredTool(
assert tool.args_schema is not None
def test_structured_tool_ainvoke_with_new_argument():
class SampleArgsSchema:
def sample_function(input_data, callbacks=None):
return input_data
tool = StructuredTool(
result = tool.ainvoke({"tool_input": "input_data"}, callbacks=None)
assert result == "input_data"
def test_structured_tool_ainvoke_with_exceptions():
class SampleArgsSchema:
async def async_function(input_data):
raise ValueError("Test exception")
tool = StructuredTool(
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
tool.ainvoke({"tool_input": "input_data"})
# Test additional functionality and edge cases
def test_tool_with_fixture(some_fixture):
# Test Tool with a fixture
tool = Tool()
result = tool.invoke(test_input)
assert result == expected_output
def test_structured_tool_with_fixture(some_fixture):
# Test StructuredTool with a fixture
tool = StructuredTool()
result = tool.invoke(test_input)
assert result == expected_output
def test_base_tool_verbose_logging(caplog):
# Test verbose logging in BaseTool
tool = BaseTool(verbose=True)
result = tool.invoke(test_input)
assert result == expected_output
assert "Verbose logging" in caplog.text
def test_tool_exception_handling():
# Test exception handling in Tool
tool = Tool()
with pytest.raises(Exception):
tool.invoke(test_input, raise_exception=True)
def test_structured_tool_async_invoke():
# Test asynchronous invoke in StructuredTool
tool = StructuredTool()
result = tool.ainvoke(test_input)
assert result == expected_output
def test_tool_async_invoke_with_fixture(some_fixture):
# Test asynchronous invoke with a fixture in Tool
tool = Tool()
result = tool.ainvoke(test_input)
assert result == expected_output
# Add more tests for specific functionalities and edge cases as needed
# Import necessary libraries and modules
# Example of a mock function to be used in testing
def mock_function(arg: str) -> str:
"""A simple mock function for testing."""
return f"Processed {arg}"
# Example of a Runnable class for testing
class MockRunnable(Runnable):
# Define necessary methods and properties
# Fixture for creating a mock function
def mock_func():
return mock_function
# Fixture for creating a Runnable instance
def mock_runnable():
return MockRunnable()
# Basic functionality tests
def test_tool_with_callable(mock_func):
# Test creating a tool with a simple callable
tool_instance = tool(mock_func)
assert isinstance(tool_instance, BaseTool)
def test_tool_with_runnable(mock_runnable):
# Test creating a tool with a Runnable instance
tool_instance = tool(mock_runnable)
assert isinstance(tool_instance, BaseTool)
# ... more basic functionality tests ...
# Argument handling tests
def test_tool_with_invalid_argument():
# Test passing an invalid argument type
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
tool(123) # Using an integer instead of a string/callable/Runnable
def test_tool_with_multiple_arguments(mock_func):
# Test passing multiple valid arguments
tool_instance = tool("mock", mock_func)
assert isinstance(tool_instance, BaseTool)
# ... more argument handling tests ...
# Schema inference and application tests
class TestSchema(BaseModel):
arg: str
def test_tool_with_args_schema(mock_func):
# Test passing a custom args_schema
tool_instance = tool(mock_func, args_schema=TestSchema)
assert tool_instance.args_schema == TestSchema
# ... more schema tests ...
# Exception handling tests
def test_tool_function_without_docstring():
# Test that a ValueError is raised if the function lacks a docstring
def no_doc_func(arg: str) -> str:
return arg
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# ... more exception tests ...
# Decorator behavior tests
async def test_async_tool_function():
# Test an async function with the tool decorator
async def async_func(arg: str) -> str:
return arg
# Add async specific assertions here
# ... more decorator tests ...
class MockSchema(BaseModel):
"""Mock schema for testing args_schema."""
arg: str
# Test suite starts here
class TestTool:
# Basic Functionality Tests
def test_tool_with_valid_callable_creates_base_tool(self, mock_func):
result = tool(mock_func)
assert isinstance(result, BaseTool)
def test_tool_returns_correct_function_name(self, mock_func):
result = tool(mock_func)
assert result.func.__name__ == "mock_function"
# Argument Handling Tests
def test_tool_with_string_and_runnable(self, mock_runnable):
result = tool("mock_runnable", mock_runnable)
assert isinstance(result, BaseTool)
def test_tool_raises_error_with_invalid_arguments(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# Schema Inference and Application Tests
def test_tool_with_args_schema(self, mock_func):
result = tool(mock_func, args_schema=MockSchema)
assert result.args_schema == MockSchema
def test_tool_with_infer_schema_true(self, mock_func):
tool(mock_func, infer_schema=True)
# Assertions related to schema inference
# Return Direct Feature Tests
def test_tool_with_return_direct_true(self, mock_func):
tool(mock_func, return_direct=True)
# Assertions for return_direct behavior
# Error Handling Tests
def test_tool_raises_error_without_docstring(self):
def no_doc_func(arg: str) -> str:
return arg
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_tool_raises_error_runnable_without_object_schema(
self, mock_runnable
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# Decorator Behavior Tests
async def test_async_tool_function(self):
async def async_func(arg: str) -> str:
return arg
# Assertions for async behavior
# Integration with StructuredTool and Tool Classes
def test_integration_with_structured_tool(self, mock_func):
result = tool(mock_func)
assert isinstance(result, StructuredTool)
# Concurrency and Async Handling Tests
def test_concurrency_in_tool(self, mock_func):
# Test related to concurrency
# Mocking and Isolation Tests
def test_mocking_external_dependencies(self, mocker):
# Use mocker to mock external dependencies
def test_tool_with_different_return_types(self):
def return_int(arg: str) -> int:
return int(arg)
result = return_int("123")
assert isinstance(result, int)
assert result == 123
def return_bool(arg: str) -> bool:
return arg.lower() in ["true", "yes"]
result = return_bool("true")
assert isinstance(result, bool)
assert result is True
# Test with multiple arguments
def test_tool_with_multiple_args(self):
def concat_strings(a: str, b: str) -> str:
return a + b
result = concat_strings("Hello", "World")
assert result == "HelloWorld"
# Test handling of optional arguments
def test_tool_with_optional_args(self):
def greet(name: str, greeting: str = "Hello") -> str:
return f"{greeting} {name}"
assert greet("Alice") == "Hello Alice"
assert greet("Alice", greeting="Hi") == "Hi Alice"
# Test with variadic arguments
def test_tool_with_variadic_args(self):
def sum_numbers(*numbers: int) -> int:
return sum(numbers)
assert sum_numbers(1, 2, 3) == 6
assert sum_numbers(10, 20) == 30
# Test with keyword arguments
def test_tool_with_kwargs(self):
def build_query(**kwargs) -> str:
return "&".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in kwargs.items())
assert build_query(a=1, b=2) == "a=1&b=2"
assert build_query(foo="bar") == "foo=bar"
# Test with mixed types of arguments
def test_tool_with_mixed_args(self):
def mixed_args(a: int, b: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
return f"{a}{b}{len(args)}{'-'.join(kwargs.values())}"
assert mixed_args(1, "b", "c", "d", x="y", z="w") == "1b2y-w"
# Test error handling with incorrect types
def test_tool_error_with_incorrect_types(self):
def add_numbers(a: int, b: int) -> int:
return a + b
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
add_numbers("1", "2")
# Test with nested tools
def test_nested_tools(self):
def inner_tool(arg: str) -> str:
return f"Inner {arg}"
def outer_tool(arg: str) -> str:
return f"Outer {inner_tool(arg)}"
assert outer_tool("Test") == "Outer Inner Test"
def test_tool_with_global_variable(self):
def access_global(arg: str) -> str:
return f"{global_var} {arg}"
assert access_global("Var") == "global Var"
# Test with environment variables
def test_tool_with_env_variables(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv("TEST_VAR", "Environment")
def access_env_variable(arg: str) -> str:
import os
return f"{os.environ['TEST_VAR']} {arg}"
assert access_env_variable("Var") == "Environment Var"
# ... [Previous test cases] ...
# Test with complex data structures
def test_tool_with_complex_data_structures(self):
def process_data(data: dict) -> list:
return [data[key] for key in sorted(data.keys())]
result = process_data({"b": 2, "a": 1})
assert result == [1, 2]
# Test handling exceptions within the tool function
def test_tool_handling_internal_exceptions(self):
def function_that_raises(arg: str):
if arg == "error":
raise ValueError("Error occurred")
return arg
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert function_that_raises("ok") == "ok"
# Test with functions returning None
def test_tool_with_none_return(self):
def return_none(arg: str):
return None
assert return_none("anything") is None
# Test with lambda functions
def test_tool_with_lambda(self):
tool_lambda = tool(lambda x: x * 2)
assert tool_lambda(3) == 6
# Test with class methods
def test_tool_with_class_method(self):
class MyClass:
def method(self, arg: str) -> str:
return f"Method {arg}"
obj = MyClass()
assert obj.method("test") == "Method test"
# Test tool function with inheritance
def test_tool_with_inheritance(self):
class Parent:
def parent_method(self, arg: str) -> str:
return f"Parent {arg}"
class Child(Parent):
def child_method(self, arg: str) -> str:
return f"Child {arg}"
child_obj = Child()
assert child_obj.parent_method("test") == "Parent test"
assert child_obj.child_method("test") == "Child test"
# Test with decorators stacking
def test_tool_with_multiple_decorators(self):
def another_decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return f"Decorated {func(*args, **kwargs)}"
return wrapper
def decorated_function(arg: str):
return f"Function {arg}"
assert decorated_function("test") == "Decorated Function test"
# Test tool function when used in a multi-threaded environment
def test_tool_in_multithreaded_environment(self):
import threading
def threaded_function(arg: int) -> int:
return arg * 2
results = []
def thread_target():
threads = [threading.Thread(target=thread_target) for _ in range(10)]
for t in threads:
for t in threads:
assert results == [10] * 10
# Test with recursive functions
def test_tool_with_recursive_function(self):
def recursive_function(n: int) -> int:
if n == 0:
return 0
return n + recursive_function(n - 1)
assert recursive_function(5) == 15
# Additional tests can be added here to cover more scenarios