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Welcome to Swarms - the future of AI, where we leverage the power of autonomous agents to create 'swarms' of Language Models (LLM) that work together, creating a dynamic and interactive AI system.
## Vision
In the world of AI and machine learning, individual models have made significant strides in understanding and generating human-like text. But imagine the possibilities when these models are no longer solitary units, but part of a cooperative and communicative swarm. This is the future we envision.
Just as a swarm of bees works together, communicating and coordinating their actions for the betterment of the hive, swarming LLM agents can work together to create richer, more nuanced outputs. By harnessing the strengths of individual agents and combining them through a swarming architecture, we can unlock a new level of performance and responsiveness in AI systems. We envision swarms of LLM agents revolutionizing fields like customer support, content creation, research, and much more.
There are 2 methods, one is very simple to test it out and then there is another to explore the agents and so on! Check out the [Documetation file ](/DOCUMENTATION.md) to understand the classes
- The `AutoAgent` makes use of several helper tools and context managers for tasks such as processing CSV files, browsing web pages, and querying web pages. For the best use of this agent, understanding these tools is crucial.
- Additionally, the agent uses the ChatOpenAI, a language learning model (LLM), to perform its tasks. You need to provide an OpenAI API key to make use of it.
- Detailed knowledge of FAISS, a library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors, is also essential as it's used for memory storage and retrieval.
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We're always looking for contributors to help us improve and expand this project. If you're interested, please check out our [Contributing Guidelines](./CONTRIBUTING.md).
* Create a worker Swarm class, where it's just workers who are equal and that can self scale. If they need help they'll just spawn an entirely new worker and they can spawn more workers
# Optimization
* Reliability => The swarm needs to be reliable. How do we quantify reliability -> Reliability is obtaining an desired output with a basic and un-detailed input.
* Speed => How long does it take the swarm to accomplish a task, such as `let's respond to all the emails`, we need to minimize this => we can do this by cultivating an efficient communication layer, critiquing, and self-alignment with meta prompting.
* Scalability => Asynchrony, Concurrent, and self-healing.