Former-commit-id: f5f95f3c0b
Kye 1 year ago
parent d5cae4ca61
commit 9092be3105

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ class Kosmos:
# Initialize Kosmos
kosmos = Kosmos()

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
import pytest
import requests
# This will be your project directory
from swarms.models.kosmos_two import Kosmos, is_overlapping
# A placeholder image URL for testing
# Mock the response for the test image
def mock_image_request():
img_data = open(TEST_IMAGE_URL, "rb").read()
mock_resp = Mock()
mock_resp.raw = img_data
with patch.object(requests, "get", return_value=mock_resp) as _fixture:
yield _fixture
# Test utility function
def test_is_overlapping():
assert is_overlapping((1,1,3,3), (2,2,4,4)) == True
assert is_overlapping((1,1,2,2), (3,3,4,4)) == False
assert is_overlapping((0,0,1,1), (1,1,2,2)) == False
assert is_overlapping((0,0,2,2), (1,1,2,2)) == True
# Test model initialization
def test_kosmos_init():
kosmos = Kosmos()
assert kosmos.model is not None
assert kosmos.processor is not None
# Test image fetching functionality
def test_get_image(mock_image_request):
kosmos = Kosmos()
image = kosmos.get_image(TEST_IMAGE_URL)
assert image is not None
# Test multimodal grounding
def test_multimodal_grounding(mock_image_request):
kosmos = Kosmos()
kosmos.multimodal_grounding("Find the red apple in the image.", TEST_IMAGE_URL)
# TODO: Validate the result if possible
# Test referring expression comprehension
def test_referring_expression_comprehension(mock_image_request):
kosmos = Kosmos()
kosmos.referring_expression_comprehension("Show me the green bottle.", TEST_IMAGE_URL)
# TODO: Validate the result if possible
# ... (continue with other functions in the same manner) ...
# Test error scenarios - Example
@pytest.mark.parametrize("phrase, image_url", [
("Find the red apple in the image.", None),
("Find the red apple in the image.", ""),
def test_kosmos_error_scenarios(phrase, image_url):
kosmos = Kosmos()
with pytest.raises(Exception):
kosmos.multimodal_grounding(phrase, image_url)
# ... (Add more tests for different edge cases and functionalities) ...
# Sample test image URLs
IMG_URL1 = ""
IMG_URL2 = ""
IMG_URL3 = ""
IMG_URL4 = ""
IMG_URL5 = ""
# Mock response for requests.get()
class MockResponse:
def json():
return {}
def raw(self):
return open("tests/sample_image.jpg", "rb")
# Test the Kosmos class
def kosmos():
return Kosmos()
# Mocking the requests.get() method
def mock_request_get(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', lambda url, **kwargs: MockResponse())
def test_multimodal_grounding(kosmos):
kosmos.multimodal_grounding("Find the red apple in the image.", IMG_URL1)
def test_referring_expression_comprehension(kosmos):
kosmos.referring_expression_comprehension("Show me the green bottle.", IMG_URL2)
def test_referring_expression_generation(kosmos):
kosmos.referring_expression_generation("It is on the table.", IMG_URL3)
def test_grounded_vqa(kosmos):
kosmos.grounded_vqa("What is the color of the car?", IMG_URL4)
def test_grounded_image_captioning(kosmos):
def test_grounded_image_captioning_detailed(kosmos):
def test_multimodal_grounding_2(kosmos):
kosmos.multimodal_grounding("Find the yellow fruit in the image.", IMG_URL2)
def test_referring_expression_comprehension_2(kosmos):
kosmos.referring_expression_comprehension("Where is the water bottle?", IMG_URL3)
def test_grounded_vqa_2(kosmos):
kosmos.grounded_vqa("How many cars are in the image?", IMG_URL4)
def test_grounded_image_captioning_2(kosmos):
def test_grounded_image_captioning_detailed_2(kosmos):