from datetime import datetime import json import requests from loguru import logger from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import timezone import time from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from urllib3.util.retry import Retry # Configure loguru logger logger.add( "solana_transactions.log", rotation="500 MB", retention="10 days", level="INFO", format="{time} {level} {message}", ) # Reliable public RPC endpoints RPC_ENDPOINTS = [ "", "", "", ] @dataclass class TransactionError: """Data class to represent transaction errors""" error_type: str message: str timestamp: str = class SolanaAPIException(Exception): """Custom exception for Solana API related errors""" pass def create_http_session() -> requests.Session: """ Creates a requests session with retry logic and timeouts """ session = requests.Session() # Configure retry strategy retry_strategy = Retry( total=3, backoff_factor=0.5, status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504], ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_strategy) session.mount("http://", adapter) session.mount("https://", adapter) return session def get_working_endpoint(session: requests.Session) -> str: """ Tests endpoints and returns the first working one. Args: session: requests.Session object with retry logic Returns: str: Working RPC endpoint URL Raises: SolanaAPIException: If no working endpoint is found """ for endpoint in RPC_ENDPOINTS: try: payload = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getHealth", } response =, json=payload, timeout=5) if response.status_code == 200:"Using RPC endpoint: {endpoint}") return endpoint except Exception as e: logger.warning( f"Endpoint {endpoint} failed health check: {str(e)}" ) continue raise SolanaAPIException("No working RPC endpoints found") def fetch_wallet_transactions(wallet_address: str) -> str: """ Fetches all transactions for a given Solana wallet address using public RPC endpoints. Args: wallet_address (str): The Solana wallet address to fetch transactions for Example: "CtBLg4AX6LQfKVtPPUWqJyQ5cRfHydUwuZZ87rmojA1P" Returns: str: JSON string containing the list of transactions and their details Format: { "success": bool, "transactions": List[Dict], "error": Optional[Dict] } """ try: # Validate wallet address format (basic check) if ( not isinstance(wallet_address, str) or len(wallet_address) != 44 ): raise ValueError( f"Invalid Solana wallet address format: {wallet_address}" ) f"Fetching transactions for wallet: {wallet_address}" ) # Create session with retry logic session = create_http_session() # Get working endpoint api_endpoint = get_working_endpoint(session) # Initialize variables for pagination all_transactions = [] before_signature = None limit = 25 # Smaller batch size to be more conservative while True: try: # Prepare request payload payload = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "method": "getSignaturesForAddress", "params": [ wallet_address, {"limit": limit, "before": before_signature}, ], } # Make API request response = api_endpoint, json=payload, timeout=10 ) data = response.json() if "error" in data: error_code = data.get("error", {}).get("code") if error_code == 429: # Rate limit time.sleep(1) # Wait before trying again continue raise SolanaAPIException( f"API error: {data['error']}" ) # Extract transactions from response transactions = data.get("result", []) if not transactions: break # Add transactions to our list all_transactions.extend(transactions) # Update pagination cursor before_signature = transactions[-1]["signature"] f"Fetched {len(transactions)} transactions. Total: {len(all_transactions)}" ) # Break if we received fewer transactions than the limit if len(transactions) < limit: break # Add small delay between batches time.sleep(0.2) except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Error during transaction fetch: {str(e)}" ) # Try to get a new endpoint if the current one fails api_endpoint = get_working_endpoint(session) continue # Enrich transaction data with additional details enriched_transactions = [] for tx in all_transactions: try: tx_payload = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "method": "getTransaction", "params": [ tx["signature"], { "encoding": "json", "maxSupportedTransactionVersion": 0, }, ], } response = api_endpoint, json=tx_payload, timeout=10 ) tx_data = response.json() if "result" in tx_data and tx_data["result"]: enriched_transactions.append( { "signature": tx["signature"], "slot": tx["slot"], "timestamp": tx["blockTime"], "status": ( "success" if not tx.get("err") else "error" ), "details": tx_data["result"], } ) # Small delay between transaction fetches time.sleep(0.1) # print(tx)"Enriched transaction: {tx}") except Exception as e: logger.warning( f"Failed to fetch details for transaction {tx['signature']}: {str(e)}" ) continue f"Successfully fetched and enriched {len(enriched_transactions)} transactions" ) return json.dumps( { "success": True, "transactions": enriched_transactions, "error": None, } ) except SolanaAPIException as e: error = TransactionError( error_type="API_ERROR", message=str(e) ) logger.error(f"API error: {error.message}") return json.dumps( { "success": False, "transactions": [], "error": error.__dict__, } ) except Exception as e: error = TransactionError( error_type="UNKNOWN_ERROR", message=f"An unexpected error occurred: {str(e)}", ) logger.error(f"Unexpected error: {error.message}") return json.dumps( { "success": False, "transactions": [], "error": error.__dict__, } ) # Example usage if __name__ == "__main__": wallet = "CtBLg4AX6LQfKVtPPUWqJyQ5cRfHydUwuZZ87rmojA1P" try: result = fetch_wallet_transactions(wallet) print(json.dumps(json.loads(result), indent=2)) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to fetch transactions: {str(e)}")