""" * WORKING What this script does: Simple agent run to test AgentOps to record tool actions (https://www.agentops.ai/) Requirements: 1. Create an account on https://www.agentops.ai/ and run pip install agentops 2. Add the folowing API key(s) in your .env file: - OPENAI_API_KEY - AGENTOPS_API_KEY 3. Go to your agentops dashboard to observe your activity """ ################ Adding project root to PYTHONPATH ################################ # If you are running playground examples in the project files directly, use this: import sys import os sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd()) ################ Adding project root to PYTHONPATH ################################ from swarms import Agent, OpenAIChat from agentops import record_function # Add agentops decorator on your tools @record_function("length_checker") def length_checker(string: str) -> int: """ For a given string it returns the length of the string. Args: string (str): string to check the length of Returns: int: length of the string """ return len(string) agent1 = Agent( agent_name="lengther", system_prompt="return the length of the string", agent_description=( "For a given string it calls the function length_checker to return the length of the string." ), llm=OpenAIChat(), max_loops=1, agent_ops_on=True, tools=[length_checker], execute_tool=True, ) agent1.run("hello")