import asyncio import json from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass from datetime import datetime from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set import aiohttp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx import websockets from loguru import logger from swarms import Agent TREND_AGENT_PROMPT = """You are a specialized blockchain trend analysis agent. Your role: 1. Analyze transaction patterns in Solana blockchain data 2. Identify volume trends, price movements, and temporal patterns 3. Focus on whale movements and their market impact 4. Format findings in clear, structured JSON 5. Include confidence scores for each insight 6. Flag unusual patterns or anomalies 7. Provide historical context for significant movements Output format: { "trends": [ {"pattern": str, "confidence": float, "impact": str} ], "whale_activity": {...}, "temporal_analysis": {...} }""" RISK_AGENT_PROMPT = """You are a blockchain risk assessment specialist. Your tasks: 1. Identify suspicious transaction patterns 2. Monitor for known exploit signatures 3. Assess wallet clustering and relationship patterns 4. Evaluate transaction velocity and size anomalies 5. Check for bridge-related risks 6. Monitor smart contract interactions 7. Flag potential wash trading Output format: { "risk_score": float, "flags": [...], "recommendations": [...] }""" SUMMARY_AGENT_PROMPT = """You are a blockchain data synthesis expert. Your responsibilities: 1. Combine insights from trend and risk analyses 2. Prioritize actionable intelligence 3. Highlight critical patterns 4. Generate executive summaries 5. Provide market context 6. Make predictions with confidence intervals 7. Suggest trading strategies based on data Output format: { "key_insights": [...], "market_impact": str, "recommendations": {...} }""" @dataclass class Transaction: signature: str timestamp: datetime amount: float from_address: str to_address: str class SolanaRPC: def __init__( self, endpoint="" ): self.endpoint = endpoint self.session = None async def get_signatures(self, address: str) -> List[Dict]: if not self.session: self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession() payload = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getSignaturesForAddress", "params": [address, {"limit": 100}], } async with self.endpoint, json=payload ) as response: result = await response.json() return result.get("result", []) async def get_transaction(self, signature: str) -> Dict: payload = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getTransaction", "params": [ signature, { "encoding": "json", "maxSupportedTransactionVersion": 0, }, ], } async with self.endpoint, json=payload ) as response: result = await response.json() return result.get("result", {}) class AlertSystem: def __init__(self, email: str, threshold: float = 1000.0): = email self.threshold = threshold self.smtp_server = "" self.smtp_port = 587 async def check_and_alert( self, transaction: Transaction, risk_score: float ): if transaction.amount > self.threshold or risk_score > 0.8: await self.send_alert(transaction, risk_score) async def send_alert( self, transaction: Transaction, risk_score: float ): # msg = MIMEText( # f"High-risk transaction detected:\n" # f"Amount: {transaction.amount} SOL\n" # f"Risk Score: {risk_score}\n" # f"Signature: {transaction.signature}" # ) f"Alert sent for transaction {transaction.signature}" ) class WalletClusterAnalyzer: def __init__(self): self.graph = nx.Graph() self.known_wallets: Set[str] = set() def update_graph(self, transaction: Transaction): self.graph.add_edge( transaction.from_address, transaction.to_address, weight=transaction.amount, ) self.known_wallets.add(transaction.from_address) self.known_wallets.add(transaction.to_address) def identify_clusters(self) -> Dict: communities = self.graph ) return { "clusters": [list(c) for c in communities], "central_wallets": [ wallet for wallet in self.known_wallets if[wallet] > 5 ], } class TransactionVisualizer: def __init__(self): self.transaction_history = [] def add_transaction(self, transaction: Transaction): self.transaction_history.append(asdict(transaction)) def generate_volume_chart(self) -> str: volumes = [tx["amount"] for tx in self.transaction_history] plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.plot(volumes) plt.title("Transaction Volume Over Time") plt.savefig("volume_chart.png") return "volume_chart.png" def generate_network_graph( self, wallet_analyzer: WalletClusterAnalyzer ) -> str: plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) pos = nx.spring_layout(wallet_analyzer.graph) nx.draw( wallet_analyzer.graph, pos, node_size=1000, node_color="lightblue", with_labels=True, ) plt.savefig("network_graph.png") return "network_graph.png" class SolanaMultiAgentAnalyzer: def __init__( self, min_amount: float = 50.0, websocket_url: str = "wss://", alert_email: str = None, ): self.rpc = SolanaRPC() self.websocket_url = websocket_url self.min_amount = min_amount self.transactions = [] self.wallet_analyzer = WalletClusterAnalyzer() self.visualizer = TransactionVisualizer() self.alert_system = ( AlertSystem(alert_email) if alert_email else None ) self.trend_agent = Agent( agent_name="trend-analyzer", system_prompt=TREND_AGENT_PROMPT, model_name="gpt-4o-mini", max_loops=1, streaming_on=True, ) self.risk_agent = Agent( agent_name="risk-analyzer", system_prompt=RISK_AGENT_PROMPT, model_name="gpt-4o-mini", max_loops=1, streaming_on=True, ) self.summary_agent = Agent( agent_name="summary-agent", system_prompt=SUMMARY_AGENT_PROMPT, model_name="gpt-4o-mini", max_loops=1, streaming_on=True, ) logger.add( "solana_analysis.log", rotation="500 MB", level="INFO" ) async def start_websocket_stream(self): async with websockets.connect( self.websocket_url ) as websocket: subscribe_message = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "programSubscribe", "params": [ "11111111111111111111111111111111", {"encoding": "json", "commitment": "confirmed"}, ], } await websocket.send(json.dumps(subscribe_message)) while True: try: msg = await websocket.recv() transaction = await self.parse_websocket_message( msg ) if ( transaction and transaction.amount >= self.min_amount ): await self.process_transaction(transaction) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Websocket error: {e}") await asyncio.sleep(5) async def parse_websocket_message( self, msg: str ) -> Optional[Transaction]: try: data = json.loads(msg) if "params" in data and "result" in data["params"]: tx_data = data["params"]["result"] return Transaction( signature=tx_data["signature"], timestamp=datetime.fromtimestamp( tx_data["blockTime"] ), amount=float( tx_data["meta"]["postBalances"][0] - tx_data["meta"]["preBalances"][0] ) / 1e9, from_address=tx_data["transaction"]["message"][ "accountKeys" ][0], to_address=tx_data["transaction"]["message"][ "accountKeys" ][1], ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error parsing websocket message: {e}") return None async def process_transaction(self, transaction: Transaction): self.wallet_analyzer.update_graph(transaction) self.visualizer.add_transaction(transaction) risk_analysis = await f"Analyze risk for transaction: {json.dumps(asdict(transaction))}" ) if self.alert_system: await self.alert_system.check_and_alert( transaction, risk_analysis.get("risk_score", 0) ) async def fetch_transactions(self) -> List[Transaction]: try: signatures = await self.rpc.get_signatures( "11111111111111111111111111111111" ) transactions = [] for sig_info in signatures: tx_data = await self.rpc.get_transaction( sig_info["signature"] ) if not tx_data or "meta" not in tx_data: continue pre_balances = tx_data["meta"]["preBalances"] post_balances = tx_data["meta"]["postBalances"] amount = abs(pre_balances[0] - post_balances[0]) / 1e9 if amount >= self.min_amount: tx = Transaction( signature=sig_info["signature"], timestamp=datetime.fromtimestamp( tx_data["blockTime"] ), amount=amount, from_address=tx_data["transaction"][ "message" ]["accountKeys"][0], to_address=tx_data["transaction"]["message"][ "accountKeys" ][1], ) transactions.append(tx) return transactions except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error fetching transactions: {e}") return [] async def analyze_transactions( self, transactions: List[Transaction] ) -> Dict: tx_data = [asdict(tx) for tx in transactions] cluster_data = self.wallet_analyzer.identify_clusters() trend_analysis = await f"Analyze trends in: {json.dumps(tx_data)}" ) print(trend_analysis) risk_analysis = await f"Analyze risks in: {json.dumps({'transactions': tx_data, 'clusters': cluster_data})}" ) print(risk_analysis) summary = await f"Synthesize insights from: {trend_analysis}, {risk_analysis}" ) print(summary) volume_chart = self.visualizer.generate_volume_chart() network_graph = self.visualizer.generate_network_graph( self.wallet_analyzer ) return { "transactions": tx_data, "trend_analysis": trend_analysis, "risk_analysis": risk_analysis, "cluster_analysis": cluster_data, "summary": summary, "visualizations": { "volume_chart": volume_chart, "network_graph": network_graph, }, } async def run_continuous_analysis(self):"Starting continuous analysis") asyncio.create_task(self.start_websocket_stream()) while True: try: transactions = await self.fetch_transactions() if transactions: analysis = await self.analyze_transactions( transactions ) timestamp = "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" ) with open(f"analysis_{timestamp}.json", "w") as f: json.dump(analysis, f, indent=2, default=str) f"Analysis completed: analysis_{timestamp}.json" ) await asyncio.sleep(60) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error in analysis loop: {e}") await asyncio.sleep(60) # Add to __main__: if __name__ == "__main__":"Starting Solana analyzer...") analyzer = SolanaMultiAgentAnalyzer(alert_email="") try: except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Critical error: {e}")