import queue import subprocess import threading import pytest from import ( # Adjust the import according to your project structure SubprocessCodeInterpreter, ) # Fixture for the SubprocessCodeInterpreter instance @pytest.fixture def interpreter(): return SubprocessCodeInterpreter() # Test for correct initialization def test_initialization(interpreter): assert interpreter.start_cmd == "" assert interpreter.process is None assert not interpreter.debug_mode assert isinstance(interpreter.output_queue, queue.Queue) assert isinstance(interpreter.done, threading.Event) # Test for starting and terminating process def test_start_and_terminate_process(interpreter): interpreter.start_cmd = "echo Hello" interpreter.start_process() assert isinstance(interpreter.process, subprocess.Popen) interpreter.terminate() assert ( interpreter.process.poll() is not None ) # Process should be terminated # Test preprocess_code method def test_preprocess_code(interpreter): code = "print('Hello, World!')" processed_code = interpreter.preprocess_code(code) # Add assertions based on expected behavior of preprocess_code assert processed_code == code # Example assertion # Test detect_active_line method def test_detect_active_line(interpreter): line = "Some line of code" assert ( interpreter.detect_active_line(line) is None ) # Adjust assertion based on implementation # Test detect_end_of_execution method def test_detect_end_of_execution(interpreter): line = "End of execution line" assert ( interpreter.detect_end_of_execution(line) is None ) # Adjust assertion based on implementation # Test line_postprocessor method def test_line_postprocessor(interpreter): line = "Some output line" assert ( interpreter.line_postprocessor(line) == line ) # Adjust assertion based on implementation # Test handle_stream_output method def test_handle_stream_output(interpreter, monkeypatch): # This requires more complex setup, including monkeypatching and simulating stream output # Example setup def mock_readline(): yield "output line" yield "" monkeypatch.setattr("sys.stdout", mock_readline()) # More test code needed here to simulate and assert the behavior of handle_stream_output