import os import asyncio import dalle3 import discord import responses from invoke import Executor from dotenv import load_dotenv from discord.ext import commands class Bot: def __init__(self, agent, llm, command_prefix="!"): load_dotenv() intents = discord.intents.default() intents.messages = True intents.guilds = True intents.voice_states = True intents.message_content = True # setup self.llm = llm self.agent = agent ="!", intents=intents) self.discord_token = os.getenv("DISCORD_TOKEN") self.storage_service = os.getenv("STORAGE_SERVICE") async def on_ready(): print(f"we have logged in as {}") async def greet(ctx): """greets the user.""" await ctx.send(f"hello, {}!") async def help_me(ctx): """provides a list of commands and their descriptions.""" help_text = """ - `!greet`: greets you. - `!run [description]`: generates a video based on the given description. - `!help_me`: provides this list of commands and their descriptions. """ await ctx.send(help_text) async def on_command_error(ctx, error): """handles errors that occur while executing commands.""" if isinstance(error, commands.commandnotfound): await ctx.send("that command does not exist!") else: await ctx.send(f"an error occurred: {error}") async def join(ctx): """joins the voice channel that the user is in.""" if channel = await channel.connect() else: await ctx.send("you are not in a voice channel!") async def leave(ctx): """leaves the voice channel that the is in.""" if ctx.voice_client: await ctx.voice_client.disconnect() else: await ctx.send("i am not in a voice channel!") # async def listen(ctx): """starts listening to voice in the voice channel that the bot is in.""" if ctx.voice_client: # create a wavesink to record the audio sink = discord.sinks.wavesink("audio.wav") # start recording ctx.voice_client.start_recording(sink) await ctx.send("started listening and recording.") else: await ctx.send("i am not in a voice channel!") # async def generate_image(ctx, *, prompt: str): """generates images based on the provided prompt""" await ctx.send(f"generating images for prompt: `{prompt}`...") loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # initialize a future object for the dalle instance model_instance = dalle3() future = loop.run_in_executor(Executor,, prompt) try: # wait for the dalle request to complete, with a timeout of 60 seconds await asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout=300) print("done generating images!") # list all files in the save_directory all_files = [ os.path.join(root, file) for root, _, files in os.walk(os.environ("SAVE_DIRECTORY")) for file in files ] # sort files by their creation time (latest first) sorted_files = sorted(all_files, key=os.path.getctime, reverse=True) # get the 4 most recent files latest_files = sorted_files[:4] print(f"sending {len(latest_files)} images to discord...") # send all the latest images in a single message storage_service = os.environ( "STORAGE_SERVICE" ) # " await ctx.send( files=[ storage_service.upload(filepath) for filepath in latest_files ] ) except asyncio.timeouterror: await ctx.send( "the request took too long! it might have been censored or you're out of boosts. please try entering the prompt again." ) except Exception as e: await ctx.send(f"an error occurred: {e}") async def send_text(ctx, *, text: str, use_agent: bool = True): """sends the provided text to the worker and returns the response""" if use_agent: response = else: response = await ctx.send(response) def add_command(self, name, func): async def command(ctx, *args): reponse = func(*args) await ctx.send(responses) def run(self):"DISCORD_TOKEN")