from dotenv import load_dotenv from swarms.structs.auto_swarm_builder import AutoSwarmBuilder load_dotenv() def print_separator(): print("\n" + "=" * 50) def test_initialization(): """Test basic initialization of AutoSwarmBuilder""" print_separator() print("Testing AutoSwarmBuilder Initialization") try: swarm = AutoSwarmBuilder( name="TestSwarm", description="A test swarm for validation", verbose=True, max_loops=2, ) print("✓ Created swarm with configuration:") print(f" - Name: {}") print(f" - Description: {swarm.description}") print(f" - Max loops: {swarm.max_loops}") print(f" - Verbose: {swarm.verbose}") print("✓ Initialization test passed") return swarm except Exception as e: print(f"✗ Initialization test failed: {e!s}") raise def test_agent_building(): """Test building individual agents""" print_separator() print("Testing Agent Building") try: swarm = AutoSwarmBuilder() agent = swarm.build_agent( agent_name="TestAgent", agent_description="A test agent", agent_system_prompt="You are a test agent", max_loops=1, ) print("✓ Built agent with configuration:") print(f" - Name: {agent.agent_name}") print(f" - Description: {agent.description}") print(f" - Max loops: {agent.max_loops}") print("✓ Agent building test passed") return agent except Exception as e: print(f"✗ Agent building test failed: {e!s}") raise def test_agent_creation(): """Test creating multiple agents for a task""" print_separator() print("Testing Agent Creation from Task") try: swarm = AutoSwarmBuilder( name="ResearchSwarm", description="A swarm for research tasks", ) task = "Research the latest developments in quantum computing" agents = swarm._create_agents(task) print("✓ Created agents for research task:") for i, agent in enumerate(agents, 1): print(f" Agent {i}:") print(f" - Name: {agent.agent_name}") print(f" - Description: {agent.description}") print(f"✓ Created {len(agents)} agents successfully") return agents except Exception as e: print(f"✗ Agent creation test failed: {e!s}") raise def test_swarm_routing(): """Test routing tasks through the swarm""" print_separator() print("Testing Swarm Routing") try: swarm = AutoSwarmBuilder( name="RouterTestSwarm", description="Testing routing capabilities", ) agents = ( test_agent_creation() ) # Get agents from previous test task = "Analyze the impact of AI on healthcare" print("Starting task routing...") result = swarm.swarm_router(agents, task) print("✓ Task routed successfully") print( f" - Result length: {len(str(result)) if result else 0} characters" ) print("✓ Swarm routing test passed") return result except Exception as e: print(f"✗ Swarm routing test failed: {e!s}") raise def test_full_swarm_execution(): """Test complete swarm execution with a real task""" print_separator() print("Testing Full Swarm Execution") try: swarm = AutoSwarmBuilder( name="FullTestSwarm", description="Testing complete swarm functionality", max_loops=1, ) task = ( "Create a summary of recent advances in renewable energy" ) print("Starting full swarm execution...") result = print("✓ Full swarm execution completed:") print(f" - Output generated: {bool(result)}") print( f" - Output length: {len(str(result)) if result else 0} characters" ) print("✓ Full swarm execution test passed") return result except Exception as e: print(f"✗ Full swarm execution test failed: {e!s}") raise def test_error_handling(): """Test error handling in swarm operations""" print_separator() print("Testing Error Handling") try: swarm = AutoSwarmBuilder() # Test with invalid agent configuration print("Testing invalid agent configuration...") try: swarm.build_agent("", "", "") print( "✗ Should have raised an error for empty agent configuration" ) except Exception as e: print( f"✓ Correctly handled invalid agent configuration: {type(e).__name__}" ) # Test with None task print("\nTesting None task...") try: print("✗ Should have raised an error for None task") except Exception as e: print( f"✓ Correctly handled None task: {type(e).__name__}" ) print("✓ Error handling test passed") except Exception as e: print(f"✗ Error handling test failed: {e!s}") raise def run_all_tests(): """Run complete test suite""" print("\n=== Starting AutoSwarmBuilder Test Suite ===\n") try: # Run all tests in sequence test_initialization() test_agent_building() test_agent_creation() test_swarm_routing() test_full_swarm_execution() test_error_handling() print_separator() print("🎉 All tests completed successfully!") except Exception as e: print_separator() print(f"❌ Test suite failed: {e!s}") raise if __name__ == "__main__": run_all_tests()