import asyncio import os from loguru import logger from swarms.structs.agent import Agent from swarms.structs.spreadsheet_swarm import SpreadSheetSwarm def create_test_csv() -> str: """Create a test CSV file with agent configurations.""" print("\nStarting creation of test CSV file") try: csv_content = """agent_name,description,system_prompt,task test_agent_1,Test Agent 1,System prompt 1,Task 1 test_agent_2,Test Agent 2,System prompt 2,Task 2""" file_path = "test_agents.csv" with open(file_path, "w") as f: f.write(csv_content) print(f"Created CSV with content:\n{csv_content}") print(f"CSV file created at: {file_path}") return file_path except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to create test CSV: {e!s}") raise def create_test_agent(name: str) -> Agent: """Create a test agent with specified name.""" print(f"\nCreating test agent: {name}") try: agent = Agent( agent_name=name, system_prompt=f"Test prompt for {name}", model_name="gpt-4o-mini", max_loops=1, autosave=True, verbose=True, ) print(f"Created agent: {name}") return agent except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to create agent {name}: {e!s}") raise def test_swarm_initialization() -> None: """Test basic swarm initialization.""" print("\n[TEST] Starting swarm initialization test") try: print("Creating test agents...") agents = [ create_test_agent("agent1"), create_test_agent("agent2"), ] print("Initializing swarm...") swarm = SpreadSheetSwarm( name="Test Swarm", description="Test Description", agents=agents, max_loops=2, ) print("Verifying swarm configuration...") assert == "Test Swarm" assert swarm.description == "Test Description" assert len(swarm.agents) == 2 assert swarm.max_loops == 2 print("✅ Swarm initialization test PASSED") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"❌ Swarm initialization test FAILED: {e!s}") raise async def test_load_from_csv() -> None: """Test loading agent configurations from CSV.""" print("\n[TEST] Starting CSV loading test") try: csv_path = create_test_csv() print("Initializing swarm with CSV...") swarm = SpreadSheetSwarm(load_path=csv_path) print("Loading configurations...") await swarm._load_from_csv() print("Verifying loaded configurations...") assert len(swarm.agents) == 2 assert len(swarm.agent_configs) == 2 assert "test_agent_1" in swarm.agent_configs assert "test_agent_2" in swarm.agent_configs os.remove(csv_path) print(f"Cleaned up test file: {csv_path}") print("✅ CSV loading test PASSED") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"❌ CSV loading test FAILED: {e!s}") raise async def test_run_tasks() -> None: """Test running tasks with multiple agents.""" print("\n[TEST] Starting task execution test") try: print("Setting up test swarm...") agents = [ create_test_agent("agent1"), create_test_agent("agent2"), ] swarm = SpreadSheetSwarm(agents=agents, max_loops=1) test_task = "Test task for all agents" print(f"Running test task: {test_task}") await swarm._run_tasks(test_task) print("Verifying task execution...") assert swarm.metadata.tasks_completed == 2 assert len(swarm.metadata.outputs) == 2 print("✅ Task execution test PASSED") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"❌ Task execution test FAILED: {e!s}") raise def test_output_tracking() -> None: """Test tracking of task outputs.""" print("\n[TEST] Starting output tracking test") try: print("Creating test swarm...") swarm = SpreadSheetSwarm(agents=[create_test_agent("agent1")]) print("Tracking test output...") swarm._track_output("agent1", "Test task", "Test result") print("Verifying output tracking...") assert swarm.metadata.tasks_completed == 1 assert len(swarm.metadata.outputs) == 1 assert swarm.metadata.outputs[0].agent_name == "agent1" print("✅ Output tracking test PASSED") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"❌ Output tracking test FAILED: {e!s}") raise async def test_save_to_csv() -> None: """Test saving metadata to CSV.""" print("\n[TEST] Starting CSV saving test") try: print("Setting up test data...") swarm = SpreadSheetSwarm( agents=[create_test_agent("agent1")], save_file_path="test_output.csv", ) swarm._track_output("agent1", "Test task", "Test result") print("Saving to CSV...") await swarm._save_to_csv() print("Verifying file creation...") assert os.path.exists(swarm.save_file_path) os.remove(swarm.save_file_path) print("Cleaned up test file") print("✅ CSV saving test PASSED") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"❌ CSV saving test FAILED: {e!s}") raise def test_json_export() -> None: """Test JSON export functionality.""" print("\n[TEST] Starting JSON export test") try: print("Creating test data...") swarm = SpreadSheetSwarm(agents=[create_test_agent("agent1")]) swarm._track_output("agent1", "Test task", "Test result") print("Exporting to JSON...") json_output = swarm.export_to_json() print("Verifying JSON output...") assert isinstance(json_output, str) assert "run_id" in json_output assert "tasks_completed" in json_output print("✅ JSON export test PASSED") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"❌ JSON export test FAILED: {e!s}") raise async def run_all_tests() -> None: """Run all test functions.""" print("\n" + "=" * 50) print("Starting SpreadsheetSwarm Test Suite") print("=" * 50 + "\n") try: # Run synchronous tests print("Running synchronous tests...") test_swarm_initialization() test_output_tracking() test_json_export() # Run asynchronous tests print("\nRunning asynchronous tests...") await test_load_from_csv() await test_run_tasks() await test_save_to_csv() print("\n🎉 All tests completed successfully!") print("=" * 50) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"\n❌ Test suite failed: {e!s}") print("=" * 50) raise if __name__ == "__main__": # Run all tests