import pytest from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from swarms.agents import SelfHealingAgent # Test data SAMPLE_ERROR_RESPONSE = { "error_type": "ZeroDivisionError", "analysis": "Division by zero error occurred", "context": "Error in calculate_ratio() function", "solution": "Add zero check before division", "confidence": 0.95, "metadata": { "file": "", "line": 10, "function": "calculate_ratio" } } @pytest.fixture def agent(): """Create a SelfHealingAgent instance for testing""" return SelfHealingAgent( model_name="gpt-4o-mini", max_retries=3, verbose=False ) def test_agent_initialization(): """Test agent initialization with different parameters""" agent = SelfHealingAgent( model_name="gpt-4o-mini", max_retries=5, verbose=True ) assert agent.model_name == "gpt-4o-mini" assert agent.max_retries == 5 assert agent.verbose is True def test_analyze_and_fix_zero_division(): """Test error analysis for zero division error""" agent = SelfHealingAgent() try: 1/0 except Exception as e: fix = agent.analyze_and_fix(e) assert isinstance(fix, dict) assert "error_type" in fix assert "analysis" in fix assert "solution" in fix assert "confidence" in fix assert fix["error_type"] == "ZeroDivisionError" assert isinstance(fix["confidence"], float) assert 0 <= fix["confidence"] <= 1 def test_analyze_and_fix_key_error(): """Test error analysis for key error""" agent = SelfHealingAgent() try: empty_dict = {} _ = empty_dict["nonexistent_key"] except Exception as e: fix = agent.analyze_and_fix(e) assert isinstance(fix, dict) assert fix["error_type"] == "KeyError" assert "solution" in fix assert isinstance(fix["confidence"], float) def test_analyze_and_fix_type_error(): """Test error analysis for type error""" agent = SelfHealingAgent() try: _ = "string" + 123 except Exception as e: fix = agent.analyze_and_fix(e) assert isinstance(fix, dict) assert fix["error_type"] == "TypeError" assert "solution" in fix assert isinstance(fix["confidence"], float) @patch('swarms.agents.self_healing_agent.SelfHealingAgent.analyze_and_fix') def test_apply_fix_success(mock_analyze): """Test successful fix application""" agent = SelfHealingAgent() mock_analyze.return_value = SAMPLE_ERROR_RESPONSE try: 1/0 except Exception as e: fix = agent.analyze_and_fix(e) result = agent.apply_fix(fix) assert result is True assert fix["confidence"] > 0.8 assert "solution" in fix @patch('swarms.agents.self_healing_agent.SelfHealingAgent.analyze_and_fix') def test_apply_fix_low_confidence(mock_analyze): """Test fix application with low confidence""" agent = SelfHealingAgent() low_confidence_response = SAMPLE_ERROR_RESPONSE.copy() low_confidence_response["confidence"] = 0.3 mock_analyze.return_value = low_confidence_response try: 1/0 except Exception as e: fix = agent.analyze_and_fix(e) result = agent.apply_fix(fix) assert result is False assert fix["confidence"] < 0.8 def test_max_retries_limit(): """Test that agent respects max_retries limit""" agent = SelfHealingAgent(max_retries=2) retry_count = 0 try: while True: 1/0 retry_count += 1 except Exception as e: fix = agent.analyze_and_fix(e) assert retry_count <= agent.max_retries assert isinstance(fix, dict) def test_context_handling(): """Test error analysis with additional context""" agent = SelfHealingAgent() context = { "function": "test_function", "input_data": "test_input", "expected_output": "test_output" } try: 1/0 except Exception as e: fix = agent.analyze_and_fix(e, context=context) assert isinstance(fix, dict) assert "context" in fix assert fix["context"] is not None def test_batch_error_handling(): """Test handling multiple errors in batch""" agent = SelfHealingAgent() errors = [] test_operations = [ lambda: 1/0, lambda: {}["nonexistent"], lambda: "string" + 123 ] for op in test_operations: try: op() except Exception as e: fix = agent.analyze_and_fix(e) errors.append(fix) assert len(errors) == 3 assert all(isinstance(fix, dict) for fix in errors) assert all("error_type" in fix for fix in errors) assert all("solution" in fix for fix in errors) def test_error_metadata(): """Test error metadata collection""" agent = SelfHealingAgent() try: 1/0 except Exception as e: fix = agent.analyze_and_fix(e) assert "metadata" in fix assert isinstance(fix["metadata"], dict) assert "file" in fix["metadata"] assert "line" in fix["metadata"] def test_verbose_mode(): """Test agent's verbose mode""" agent = SelfHealingAgent(verbose=True) try: 1/0 except Exception as e: with patch('builtins.print') as mock_print: fix = agent.analyze_and_fix(e) assert mock_print.called def test_custom_system_prompt(): """Test agent with custom system prompt""" custom_prompt = "You are an expert Python developer specializing in error fixing." agent = SelfHealingAgent(system_prompt=custom_prompt) try: 1/0 except Exception as e: fix = agent.analyze_and_fix(e) assert isinstance(fix, dict) assert "solution" in fix if __name__ == "__main__": pytest.main([__file__])