import asyncio import os from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, Mock, mock_open, patch from aiohttp import ClientResponseError import pytest from dotenv import load_dotenv from requests.exceptions import RequestException from swarms.models.gpt4_vision_api import GPT4VisionAPI load_dotenv() custom_api_key = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") img = "images/swarms.jpeg" @pytest.fixture def vision_api(): return GPT4VisionAPI(openai_api_key="test_api_key") def test_init(vision_api): assert vision_api.openai_api_key == "test_api_key" def test_encode_image(vision_api): with patch( "", mock_open(read_data=b"test_image_data"), create=True, ): encoded_image = vision_api.encode_image(img) assert encoded_image == "dGVzdF9pbWFnZV9kYXRh" def test_run_success(vision_api): expected_response = { "This is the model's response." } with patch( "", return_value=Mock(json=lambda: expected_response), ) as mock_post: result ="What is this?", img) mock_post.assert_called_once() assert result == "This is the model's response." def test_run_request_error(vision_api): with patch( "", side_effect=RequestException("Request Error") ) as mock_post: with pytest.raises(RequestException):"What is this?", img) def test_run_response_error(vision_api): expected_response = {"error": "Model Error"} with patch( "", return_value=Mock(json=lambda: expected_response), ) as mock_post: with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):"What is this?", img) def test_call(vision_api): expected_response = { "choices": [{"text": "This is the model's response."}] } with patch( "", return_value=Mock(json=lambda: expected_response), ) as mock_post: result = vision_api("What is this?", img) mock_post.assert_called_once() assert result == "This is the model's response." @pytest.fixture def gpt_api(): return GPT4VisionAPI() def test_initialization_with_default_key(): api = GPT4VisionAPI() assert api.openai_api_key == custom_api_key def test_initialization_with_custom_key(): custom_key = custom_api_key api = GPT4VisionAPI(openai_api_key=custom_key) assert api.openai_api_key == custom_key def test_run_successful_response(gpt_api): task = "What is in the image?" img_url = img response_json = { "choices": [{"text": "Answer from GPT-4 Vision"}] } mock_response = Mock() mock_response.json.return_value = response_json with patch( "", return_value=mock_response ) as mock_post: result =, img_url) mock_post.assert_called_once() assert result == response_json["choices"][0]["text"] def test_run_with_exception(gpt_api): task = "What is in the image?" img_url = img with patch( "", side_effect=Exception("Test Exception") ): with pytest.raises(Exception):, img_url) def test_call_method_successful_response(gpt_api): task = "What is in the image?" img_url = img response_json = { "choices": [{"text": "Answer from GPT-4 Vision"}] } mock_response = Mock() mock_response.json.return_value = response_json with patch( "", return_value=mock_response ) as mock_post: result = gpt_api(task, img_url) mock_post.assert_called_once() assert result == response_json def test_call_method_with_exception(gpt_api): task = "What is in the image?" img_url = img with patch( "", side_effect=Exception("Test Exception") ): with pytest.raises(Exception): gpt_api(task, img_url) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_arun_success(vision_api): expected_response = { "choices": [ {"message": {"content": "This is the model's response."}} ] } with patch( "", new_callable=AsyncMock, return_value=AsyncMock( json=AsyncMock(return_value=expected_response) ), ) as mock_post: result = await vision_api.arun("What is this?", img) mock_post.assert_called_once() assert result == "This is the model's response." @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_arun_request_error(vision_api): with patch( "", new_callable=AsyncMock, side_effect=Exception("Request Error"), ) as mock_post: with pytest.raises(Exception): await vision_api.arun("What is this?", img) def test_run_many_success(vision_api): expected_response = { "choices": [ {"message": {"content": "This is the model's response."}} ] } with patch( "", return_value=Mock(json=lambda: expected_response), ) as mock_post: tasks = ["What is this?", "What is that?"] imgs = [img, img] results = vision_api.run_many(tasks, imgs) assert mock_post.call_count == 2 assert results == [ "This is the model's response.", "This is the model's response.", ] def test_run_many_request_error(vision_api): with patch( "", side_effect=RequestException("Request Error") ) as mock_post: tasks = ["What is this?", "What is that?"] imgs = [img, img] with pytest.raises(RequestException): vision_api.run_many(tasks, imgs) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_arun_json_decode_error(vision_api): with patch( "", new_callable=AsyncMock, return_value=AsyncMock( json=AsyncMock(side_effect=ValueError) ), ) as mock_post: with pytest.raises(ValueError): await vision_api.arun("What is this?", img) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_arun_api_error(vision_api): error_response = {"error": {"message": "API Error"}} with patch( "", new_callable=AsyncMock, return_value=AsyncMock( json=AsyncMock(return_value=error_response) ), ) as mock_post: with pytest.raises(Exception, match="API Error"): await vision_api.arun("What is this?", img) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_arun_unexpected_response(vision_api): unexpected_response = {"unexpected": "response"} with patch( "", new_callable=AsyncMock, return_value=AsyncMock( json=AsyncMock(return_value=unexpected_response) ), ) as mock_post: with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Unexpected response"): await vision_api.arun("What is this?", img) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_arun_retries(vision_api): with patch( "", new_callable=AsyncMock, side_effect=ClientResponseError(None, None), ) as mock_post: with pytest.raises(ClientResponseError): await vision_api.arun("What is this?", img) assert mock_post.call_count == vision_api.retries + 1 @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_arun_timeout(vision_api): with patch( "", new_callable=AsyncMock, side_effect=asyncio.TimeoutError, ) as mock_post: with pytest.raises(asyncio.TimeoutError): await vision_api.arun("What is this?", img)