version: '3.8' services: swarms: build: . ports: - "${EVAL_PORT}:${EVAL_PORT}" environment: EVAL_PORT: 8000 MODEL_NAME: gpt-4 CELERY_BROKER_URL: redis://redis:6379 SERVER: http://localhost:${EVAL_PORT} USE_GPU: False PLAYGROUND_DIR: playground LOG_LEVEL: INFO BOT_NAME: Orca # You will need to set these environment variables to your actual keys in production OPENAI_API_KEY: your_openai_api_key WINEDB_HOST: your_winedb_host WINEDB_PASSWORD: your_winedb_password BING_SEARCH_URL: your_bing_search_url BING_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY: your_bing_subscription_key SERPAPI_API_KEY: your_serpapi_api_key depends_on: - redis volumes: - .:/usr/src/app redis: image: redis:alpine ports: - 6379:6379