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202 lines
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from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest
import torch
from PIL import Image
from transformers import FuyuImageProcessor, FuyuProcessor
from swarms.models.fuyu import Fuyu
# Basic test to ensure instantiation of class.
def test_fuyu_initialization():
fuyu_instance = Fuyu()
assert isinstance(fuyu_instance, Fuyu)
# Using parameterized testing for different init parameters.
"pretrained_path, device_map, max_new_tokens",
("adept/fuyu-8b", "cuda:0", 7),
("adept/fuyu-8b", "cpu", 10),
def test_fuyu_parameters(pretrained_path, device_map, max_new_tokens):
fuyu_instance = Fuyu(pretrained_path, device_map, max_new_tokens)
assert fuyu_instance.pretrained_path == pretrained_path
assert fuyu_instance.device_map == device_map
assert fuyu_instance.max_new_tokens == max_new_tokens
# Fixture for creating a Fuyu instance.
def fuyu_instance():
return Fuyu()
# Test using the fixture.
def test_fuyu_processor_initialization(fuyu_instance):
assert isinstance(fuyu_instance.processor, FuyuProcessor)
assert isinstance(fuyu_instance.image_processor, FuyuImageProcessor)
# Test exception when providing an invalid image path.
def test_invalid_image_path(fuyu_instance):
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
fuyu_instance("Hello", "invalid/path/to/image.png")
# Using monkeypatch to replace the method to simulate a failure.
def test_image_open_failure(fuyu_instance, monkeypatch):
def mock_open(*args, **kwargs):
raise Exception("Mocked failure")
monkeypatch.setattr(Image, "open", mock_open)
with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Mocked failure"):
# Marking a slow test.
def test_fuyu_model_output(fuyu_instance):
# This is a dummy test and may not be functional without real data.
output = fuyu_instance(
"Hello, my name is",
assert isinstance(output, str)
def test_tokenizer_type(fuyu_instance):
assert "tokenizer" in dir(fuyu_instance)
def test_processor_has_image_processor_and_tokenizer(fuyu_instance):
assert (
== fuyu_instance.image_processor
assert fuyu_instance.processor.tokenizer == fuyu_instance.tokenizer
def test_model_device_map(fuyu_instance):
assert fuyu_instance.model.device_map == fuyu_instance.device_map
# Testing maximum tokens setting
def test_max_new_tokens_setting(fuyu_instance):
assert fuyu_instance.max_new_tokens == 7
# Test if an exception is raised when invalid text is provided.
def test_invalid_text_input(fuyu_instance):
with pytest.raises(Exception):
fuyu_instance(None, "path/to/image.png")
# Test if an exception is raised when empty text is provided.
def test_empty_text_input(fuyu_instance):
with pytest.raises(Exception):
fuyu_instance("", "path/to/image.png")
# Test if an exception is raised when a very long text is provided.
def test_very_long_text_input(fuyu_instance):
with pytest.raises(Exception):
fuyu_instance("A" * 10000, "path/to/image.png")
# Check model's default device map
def test_default_device_map():
fuyu_instance = Fuyu()
assert fuyu_instance.device_map == "cuda:0"
# Testing if processor is correctly initialized
def test_processor_initialization(fuyu_instance):
assert isinstance(fuyu_instance.processor, FuyuProcessor)
# Test `get_img` method with a valid image path
def test_get_img_valid_path(fuyu_instance):
with patch("") as mock_open:
mock_open.return_value = "Test image"
result = fuyu_instance.get_img("valid/path/to/image.png")
assert result == "Test image"
# Test `get_img` method with an invalid image path
def test_get_img_invalid_path(fuyu_instance):
with patch("") as mock_open:
mock_open.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
# Test `run` method with valid inputs
def test_run_valid_inputs(fuyu_instance):
with patch.object(
fuyu_instance, "get_img"
) as mock_get_img, patch.object(
fuyu_instance, "processor"
) as mock_processor, patch.object(
fuyu_instance, "model"
) as mock_model:
mock_get_img.return_value = "Test image"
mock_processor.return_value = {
"input_ids": torch.tensor([1, 2, 3])
mock_model.generate.return_value = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3])
mock_processor.batch_decode.return_value = ["Test text"]
result =
"Hello, world!", "valid/path/to/image.png"
assert result == ["Test text"]
# Test `run` method with invalid text input
def test_run_invalid_text_input(fuyu_instance):
with pytest.raises(Exception):
|, "valid/path/to/image.png")
# Test `run` method with empty text input
def test_run_empty_text_input(fuyu_instance):
with pytest.raises(Exception):
|"", "valid/path/to/image.png")
# Test `run` method with very long text input
def test_run_very_long_text_input(fuyu_instance):
with pytest.raises(Exception):
|"A" * 10000, "valid/path/to/image.png")
# Test `run` method with invalid image path
def test_run_invalid_image_path(fuyu_instance):
with patch.object(fuyu_instance, "get_img") as mock_get_img:
mock_get_img.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
|"Hello, world!", "invalid/path/to/image.png")
# Test `__init__` method with default parameters
def test_init_default_parameters():
fuyu_instance = Fuyu()
assert fuyu_instance.pretrained_path == "adept/fuyu-8b"
assert fuyu_instance.device_map == "auto"
assert fuyu_instance.max_new_tokens == 500
# Test `__init__` method with custom parameters
def test_init_custom_parameters():
fuyu_instance = Fuyu("custom/path", "cpu", 1000)
assert fuyu_instance.pretrained_path == "custom/path"
assert fuyu_instance.device_map == "cpu"
assert fuyu_instance.max_new_tokens == 1000