You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
759 lines
29 KiB
759 lines
29 KiB
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class LeaderAgent(ABC):
def distribute_task(self, WAs, task):
def collect_results(self, WAs):
def process_results(self):
class WorkerAgent(ABC):
def execute_task(self):
class CollaborativeAgent(ABC):
def execute_task(self, task):
def collaborate(self):
class CompetitiveAgent(ABC):
def execute_task(self, task):
def evaluate_results(CompAs):
# Example
class MyWorkerAgent(WorkerAgent):
def execute_task(self):
# Insert your implementation here
import json
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List
from tiktoken import Tokenizer, TokenizerException
# Helper function to count tokens
def count_tokens(text: str, tokenizer: Tokenizer) -> int:
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
return len(tokens)
except TokenizerException as e:
logging.error(f"Error tokenizing text: {e}")
return 0
def divide_and_conquer_v2(task: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function divides a complex task into smaller subtasks and assigns each subtask to a different agent.
Then, it combines the results to form the final solution, considering the GPT-4 token limit.
task (str): The complex task to be solved.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final solution to the complex task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
|"Divide and conquer started for task: {task}")
subtasks = split_task_into_subtasks(task)
results = []
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
for subtask in subtasks:
agent_memory = random.choice(agents_memory)
chat_input = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": subtask}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for divide_and_conquer_v2")
return ""
result, _ = chat(chat_input)
final_solution = combine_subtask_results(results)
|"Divide and conquer completed. Final solution: {final_solution}")
# Save the final solution to a database (e.g., a document-based database like MongoDB)
save_solution_to_database(task, final_solution)
return final_solution
def collaborative_execution_v2(task: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows a group of agents to collaborate on solving a complex task, considering the GPT-4 token limit.
Each agent proposes a solution, and a final solution is derived from the best aspects of each proposal.
task (str): The complex task to be solved.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final solution to the complex task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
|"Collaborative execution started for task: {task}")
solutions = []
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
for agent_memory in agents_memory:
chat_input = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Propose a solution for: {task}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for collaborative_execution_v2")
return ""
solution, _ = chat(chat_input)
solutions.append({"role": "assistant", "content": solution.strip()})
chat_input = [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a collaborative AI agent. Work with other agents to solve the given task."}] + solutions + [{"role": "user", "content": "Combine the best aspects of each solution to create the final solution."}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for collaborative_execution_v2")
return ""
final_solution, _ = chat(chat_input)
|"Collaborative execution completed. Final solution: {final_solution}")
# Save the final solution to a database (e.g., a graph-based database like Neo4j for better analysis of connections)
save_solution_to_database(task, final_solution)
return final_solution.strip()
def expert_agents_v2(task: str, domain_experts_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows a group of domain expert agents to provide solutions to a given task.
The function evaluates the quality of each solution and returns the best one.
task (str): The complex task to be solved.
domain_experts_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of domain expert agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The best solution to the complex task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
|"Expert agents execution started for task: {task}")
best_solution = None
best_score = 0
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
for expert_memory in domain_experts_memory:
chat_input = expert_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Provide a solution for: {task} based on your domain expertise."}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for expert_agents_v2")
return ""
expert_solution, _ = chat(chat_input)
score = evaluate_solution_quality(task, expert_solution.strip())
if score > best_score:
best_solution = expert_solution.strip()
best_score = score
|"Expert agents execution completed. Best solution: {best_solution}")
# Save the best solution to a database (e.g., a relational database like PostgreSQL for structured data)
save_solution_to_database(task, best_solution)
return best_solution
def _v2(taskagent_delegation: str, manager_agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], subordinate_agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows a group of manager agents to delegate a complex task to a group of subordinate agents.
Each manager agent selects the best subordinate agent for each subtask, and the results are combined.
task (str): The complex task to be solved.
manager_agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of manager agent memory states.
subordinate_agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of subordinate agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final combined result of the complex task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
|"Agent delegation execution started for task: {task}")
subtasks = generate_tasks(task)
results = []
for subtask in subtasks:
manager_memory = random.choice(manager_agents_memory)
selected_subordinate_memory = None
while selected_subordinate_memory is None:
chat_input = manager_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Select the best subordinate to solve: {subtask}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for agent_delegation_v2")
return ""
suggested_subordinate, _ = chat(chat_input)
subordinate_id = int(suggested_subordinate.strip())
if 0 <= subordinate_id < len(subordinate_agents_memory):
selected_subordinate_memory = subordinate_agents_memory[subordinate_id]
manager_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": "Invalid subordinate ID, please try again."})
result = continue_until_done(subtask, selected_subordinate_memory)
final_result = combine_results(results)
|"Agent delegation execution completed. Final result: {final_result}")
# Save the final result to a database (e.g., a graph database like Neo4j for mapping connections between entities)
save_result_to_database(task, final_result)
return final_result
def parallel_execution_v2(task: str, num_agents: int, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function uses multiple agents to solve a complex task in parallel.
Each agent works on a subtask, and the results are combined.
task (str): The complex task to be solved.
num_agents (int): The number of agents working in parallel.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final combined result of the complex task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
|"Parallel execution started for task: {task}")
tasks = generate_tasks(task)
results = []
threads = []
def threaded_execution(task: str, agent_memory: Dict[str, Any], results: List[str]) -> None:
chat_input = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": task}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for parallel_execution_v2")
result = continue_until_done(task, agent_memory)
for task in tasks:
agent_id = random.randint(0, num_agents - 1)
t = threading.Thread(target=threaded_execution, args=(task, agents_memory[agent_id], results))
for t in threads:
final_result = combine_results(results)
|"Parallel execution completed. Final result: {final_result}")
# Save the final result to a database (e.g., a relational database like PostgreSQL for structured data)
save_result_to_database(task, final_result)
return final_result
def hierarchical_execution_v2(task: str, num_levels: int, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function solves a complex task by dividing it into smaller subtasks and assigning them to agents in a
hierarchical manner.
task (str): The complex task to be solved.
num_levels (int): The number of hierarchical levels in the agent hierarchy.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final combined result of the complex task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
|"Hierarchical execution started for task: {task}")
levels = divide_problem_into_modules(task)
results = []
for level in levels:
assigned_agent_memory = agents_memory[num_levels % len(agents_memory)]
chat_input = assigned_agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": level}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for hierarchical_execution_v2")
return ""
result = continue_until_done(level, assigned_agent_memory)
num_levels += 1
final_result = combine_results(results)
|"Hierarchical execution completed. Final result: {final_result}")
# Save the final result to a database (e.g., a graph database like Neo4j for hierarchical relationships)
save_result_to_database(task, final_result)
return final_result
def consensus_based_decision_v2(task_prompt: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function takes a task prompt and a list of agent memories, and it returns the consensus-based decision among
the agents.
task_prompt (str): The task prompt to be solved.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of agent memory states.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The consensus-based decision among the agents.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
|"Consensus-based decision started for task: {task_prompt}")
options = collaborative_brainstorm(task_prompt, agents_memory[0], agents_memory[1])
votes = []
for option in options:
vote_count = 0
for agent_memory in agents_memory:
chat_input = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Which option do you prefer: {options[0]} or {option}?"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for consensus_based_decision_v2")
return ""
vote, _ = chat(chat_input)
if vote.strip() == option:
vote_count += 1
consensus_option = options[votes.index(max(votes))]
|"Consensus-based decision completed. Final result: {consensus_option}")
# Save the final result to a database (e.g., a relational database like PostgreSQL for structured data)
save_result_to_database(task_prompt, consensus_option)
return consensus_option
def ask_for_help_v2(chatbot1_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], chatbot2_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function facilitates the interaction between two chatbots. Chatbot1 asks Chatbot2 for help on a task.
chatbot1_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Memory state of Chatbot1.
chatbot2_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Memory state of Chatbot2.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The suggestion provided by Chatbot2 to help Chatbot1 with the task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
|"Ask for help started")
chat_input1 = chatbot1_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": "Chatbot1, I need help with this task."}]
tokens1 = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input1), tokenizer)
if tokens1 >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for ask_for_help_v2")
return ""
chatbot1_help_request, chatbot1_tokens = chat(chat_input1)
chatbot1_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chatbot1_help_request})
chat_input2 = chatbot2_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Chatbot2, please help me with this: {chatbot1_help_request}"}]
tokens2 = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input2), tokenizer)
if tokens2 >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for ask_for_help_v2")
return ""
chatbot2_suggestion, chatbot2_tokens = chat(chat_input2)
chatbot2_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chatbot2_suggestion})
|"Ask for help completed. Chatbot2's suggestion: {chatbot2_suggestion}")
# Save the chat history to a database (e.g., a graph database like Neo4j for interconnected data)
save_chat_history_to_database(chatbot1_memory, chatbot2_memory)
return chatbot2_suggestion
def collaborative_brainstorm_v2(topic: str, chatbot1_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], chatbot2_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> List[str]:
This function enables two chatbots to collaboratively brainstorm ideas on a given topic.
topic (str): The topic for brainstorming.
chatbot1_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Memory state of Chatbot1.
chatbot2_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Memory state of Chatbot2.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
List[str]: A list of brainstormed ideas from both chatbots.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty list.
|"Collaborative brainstorming started for topic: {topic}")
ideas = []
for i in range(3):
chat_input1 = chatbot1_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Chatbot1, brainstorm an idea for {topic}"}]
tokens1 = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input1), tokenizer)
if tokens1 >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for collaborative_brainstorm_v2")
return []
chatbot1_idea, chatbot1_tokens = chat(chat_input1)
chatbot1_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chatbot1_idea})
chat_input2 = chatbot2_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Chatbot2, brainstorm an idea for {topic}"}]
tokens2 = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input2), tokenizer)
if tokens2 >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for collaborative_brainstorm_v2")
return []
chatbot2_idea, chatbot2_tokens = chat(chat_input2)
chatbot2_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chatbot2_idea})
|"Collaborative brainstorming completed. Ideas: {ideas}")
# Save the brainstorming session to a database (e.g., a document database like MongoDB for storing complex data structures)
save_brainstorming_session_to_database(topic, ideas, chatbot1_memory, chatbot2_memory)
return ideas
def graph_based_chat_v2(chatbot_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], user_id: str, user_message: str, graph_database: GraphDatabase, max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows a chatbot to engage in a conversation with a user, utilizing a graph database to provide insights
and connections between users, keywords, and topics.
chatbot_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Memory state of the chatbot.
user_id (str): The unique identifier for the user.
user_message (str): The message from the user.
graph_database (GraphDatabase): The graph database containing connections between users, keywords, topics, etc.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The chatbot's response to the user's message.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
|"Received message from user {user_id}: {user_message}")
# Update the graph database with user's message
update_graph_database(user_id, user_message, graph_database)
# Retrieve insights from the graph database
insights = get_insights(graph_database)
chat_input = chatbot_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"{user_message}\nInsights: {insights}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for graph_based_chat_v2")
return ""
chatbot_response, chatbot_tokens = chat(chat_input)
chatbot_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chatbot_response})
|"Chatbot response to user {user_id}: {chatbot_response}")
# Save the chat conversation to a database (e.g., a relational database like MySQL for structured data)
save_chat_conversation_to_database(user_id, user_message, chatbot_response)
return chatbot_response
def multi_platform_chat_v2(platform: str, chatbot_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], user_id: str, user_message: str, max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows a chatbot to engage in a conversation with a user on various platforms such as
WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
platform (str): The platform on which the chat is taking place (e.g., "WhatsApp", "Facebook").
chatbot_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Memory state of the chatbot.
user_id (str): The unique identifier for the user.
user_message (str): The message from the user.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The chatbot's response to the user's message.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
|"Received message from user {user_id} on {platform}: {user_message}")
chat_input = chatbot_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Platform: {platform}\nUser message: {user_message}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(chat_input), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for multi_platform_chat_v2")
return ""
chatbot_response, chatbot_tokens = chat(chat_input)
chatbot_memory.append({"role": "assistant", "content": chatbot_response})
|"Chatbot response to user {user_id} on {platform}: {chatbot_response}")
# Save the chat conversation to a database (e.g., a document-based database like MongoDB for unstructured data)
save_chat_conversation_to_database(user_id, platform, user_message, chatbot_response)
return chatbot_response
def agent_swapping_v2(task_prompt: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows multiple agents to collaboratively solve a task by swapping in and out when
their individual knowledge is insufficient.
task_prompt (str): The task to be solved.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of memory states for each agent.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final solution to the task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
current_agent_index = 0
current_agent_memory = agents_memory[current_agent_index]
input_messages = current_agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Task: {task_prompt}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(input_messages), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for agent_swapping_v2")
return ""
partial_solution, remaining_task = chat(input_messages)
while remaining_task:
current_agent_index = (current_agent_index + 1) % len(agents_memory)
current_agent_memory = agents_memory[current_agent_index]
input_messages = current_agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Remaining task: {remaining_task}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(input_messages), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for agent_swapping_v2")
return ""
next_partial_solution, remaining_task = chat(input_messages)
partial_solution += next_partial_solution
return partial_solution
def multi_agent_voting_v2(task_prompt: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> str:
This function allows multiple agents to collaboratively solve a task by proposing solutions and
voting on the best one.
task_prompt (str): The task to be solved.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of memory states for each agent.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
str: The final solution to the task.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty string.
proposed_solutions = []
for agent_memory in agents_memory:
input_messages = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Propose a solution for: {task_prompt}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(input_messages), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for multi_agent_voting_v2")
return ""
proposed_solution, _ = chat(input_messages)
input_messages = [{"role": "system", "content": "You are an AI agent. Vote on the best solution from the following options:"}] + [{"role": "assistant", "content": option} for option in proposed_solutions]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(input_messages), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for multi_agent_voting_v2")
return ""
winning_solution, _ = chat(input_messages + [{"role": "user", "content": "Which solution is the best?"}])
return winning_solution.strip()
def multi_agent_brainstorming_v2(topic: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> List[str]:
This function allows multiple agents to collaboratively brainstorm ideas on a given topic.
topic (str): The topic for brainstorming.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of memory states for each agent.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
List[str]: List of brainstormed ideas.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty list.
ideas = []
for agent_memory in agents_memory:
input_messages = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Brainstorm an idea for: {topic}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(input_messages), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for multi_agent_brainstorming_v2")
return []
idea, _ = chat(input_messages)
return ideas
def multi_agent_emotion_analysis_v2(text: str, agents_memory: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_tokens: int = 8192) -> Dict[str, float]:
This function allows multiple agents to perform emotion analysis on a given text.
text (str): The text to perform emotion analysis on.
agents_memory (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of memory states for each agent.
max_tokens (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens GPT-4 can handle. Defaults to 8192.
Dict[str, float]: A dictionary containing emotion scores for the text.
Error handling:
If the text exceeds the token limit, an error message is logged, and the function returns an empty dictionary.
emotion_scores = defaultdict(float)
for agent_memory in agents_memory:
input_messages = agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Analyze the emotions in this text: {text}"}]
tokens = count_tokens(json.dumps(input_messages), tokenizer)
if tokens >= max_tokens:
logging.error("Token limit exceeded for multi_agent_emotion_analysis_v2")
return {}
emotion_analysis, _ = chat(input_messages)
parsed_scores = json.loads(emotion_analysis.strip())
for emotion, score in parsed_scores.items():
emotion_scores[emotion] += score
for emotion in emotion_scores:
emotion_scores[emotion] /= len(agents_memory)
return emotion_scores
def swarm_intelligence(task_prompt, agents_memory):
subtasks = generate_tasks(task_prompt)
results = []
for subtask in subtasks:
agent_votes = []
for agent_memory in agents_memory:
agent_vote, _ = chat(agent_memory + [{"role": "user", "content": f"Propose a solution for: {subtask}"}])
most_common_solution = max(set(agent_votes), key=agent_votes.count)
return results |