
144 lines
4.1 KiB

import requests
import pytest
from unittest.mock import patch, Mock
from swarms.models.together import TogetherLLM
import logging
def mock_api_key(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv("TOGETHER_API_KEY", "mocked-api-key")
def test_init_defaults():
model = TogetherLLM()
assert model.together_api_key == "mocked-api-key"
assert model.logging_enabled is False
assert model.model_name == "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1"
assert model.max_workers == 10
assert model.max_tokens == 300
assert model.api_endpoint == "https://api.together.xyz"
assert model.beautify is False
assert model.streaming_enabled is False
assert model.meta_prompt is False
assert model.system_prompt is None
def test_init_custom_params(mock_api_key):
model = TogetherLLM(
assert model.together_api_key == "custom-api-key"
assert model.logging_enabled is True
assert model.model_name == "custom-model"
assert model.max_workers == 5
assert model.max_tokens == 500
assert model.api_endpoint == "https://custom-api.together.xyz"
assert model.beautify is True
assert model.streaming_enabled is True
assert model.meta_prompt == "meta-prompt"
assert model.system_prompt == "system-prompt"
def test_run_success(mock_post, mock_api_key):
mock_response = Mock()
mock_response.json.return_value = {
"choices": [{"message": {"content": "Generated response"}}]
mock_post.return_value = mock_response
model = TogetherLLM()
task = "What is the color of the object?"
response = model.run(task)
assert response == "Generated response"
def test_run_failure(mock_post, mock_api_key):
mock_post.side_effect = requests.exceptions.RequestException(
"Request failed"
model = TogetherLLM()
task = "What is the color of the object?"
response = model.run(task)
assert response is None
def test_run_with_logging_enabled(caplog, mock_api_key):
model = TogetherLLM(logging_enabled=True)
task = "What is the color of the object?"
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
assert "Sending request to" in caplog.text
"invalid_input", [None, 123, ["list", "of", "items"]]
def test_invalid_task_input(invalid_input, mock_api_key):
model = TogetherLLM()
response = model.run(invalid_input)
assert response is None
def test_run_streaming_enabled(mock_post, mock_api_key):
mock_response = Mock()
mock_response.json.return_value = {
"choices": [{"message": {"content": "Generated response"}}]
mock_post.return_value = mock_response
model = TogetherLLM(streaming_enabled=True)
task = "What is the color of the object?"
response = model.run(task)
assert response == "Generated response"
def test_run_empty_choices(mock_post, mock_api_key):
mock_response = Mock()
mock_response.json.return_value = {"choices": []}
mock_post.return_value = mock_response
model = TogetherLLM()
task = "What is the color of the object?"
response = model.run(task)
assert response is None
def test_run_with_exception(mock_post, mock_api_key):
mock_post.side_effect = Exception("Test exception")
model = TogetherLLM()
task = "What is the color of the object?"
response = model.run(task)
assert response is None
def test_init_logging_disabled(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv("TOGETHER_API_KEY", "mocked-api-key")
model = TogetherLLM()
assert model.logging_enabled is False
assert not model.system_prompt