@ -1,59 +1,61 @@
require_relative 'contact'
require_relative 'person'
require_relative 'student'
require_relative 'student_short'
require_relative 'student_repository'
student_string = "Норакет Норакет Норакет | ID: 2 | Phone: +1234567890 | Telegram: @noracat | Email: nora@example.com | Git: https://github.com/nora"
student_from_string = Student.from_string(student_string)
puts "Создан объект из строки:\n#{student_from_string}"
student1 = Student.new(
surname: 'Алексеевич',
name: 'Артем-Дариус',
patronymic: 'Вебер',
id: 1,
git: 'https://github.com/space-creator'
phone: '+79891242223',
telegram: '@alstroemeria22',
email: 'no-replay@djft.ru'
puts student1.get_info
puts "Surname and Initials: #{student1.surname_and_initials}"
puts "Git Info: #{student1.git_info}"
puts "Contact Info: #{student1.contact_info}"
student2 = Student.new(
surname: 'Норакет',
name: 'Норакет',
patronymic: 'Фамилия'
phone: '+70000000000'
puts student1
puts '-' * 40
puts student2
student_short_from_student = StudentShort.new(student1)
puts "StudentShort from Student object:"
puts "ID: #{student_short_from_student.id}"
puts "Surname and Initials: #{student_short_from_student.surname_initials}"
puts "Git: #{student_short_from_student.git}"
puts "Contact: #{student_short_from_student.contact}"
student_short_from_string = StudentShort.from_string(5, 'Skye A.A., Git: https://github.com/skye, Contact: Phone: +4923467890')
puts "StudentShort from string:"
puts "ID: #{student_short_from_string.id}"
puts "Surname and Initials: #{student_short_from_string.surname_initials}"
puts "Git: #{student_short_from_string.git}"
puts "Contact: #{student_short_from_string.contact}"
rescue ArgumentError => e
puts "Ошибка: #{e.message}"
def test_classes
contact = Contact.new(phone: '+798912465', telegram: '@example_user', email: 'test@example.com')
puts "Contact Info: #{contact.info}"
person = Person.new(id: '1', git: 'https://github.com/example', contact: contact)
puts "Person Contact Info: #{person.contact_info}"
student = Student.new(
id: '2',
git: 'https://github.com/student_example',
contact: contact,
surname: 'Иванов',
name: 'Иван',
patronymic: 'Иванович'
puts "Student Full Info: #{student.to_s}"
puts "Student Initials: #{student.surname_and_initials}"
puts "Student Contact Info: #{student.contact_info}"
student_short = StudentShort.from_student(student)
puts "Student Short Info: #{student_short.to_s}"
file_path = 'students.txt'
students = StudentRepository.read_from_txt(file_path)
puts "Read Students from File:"
students.each { |s| puts s.to_s }
output_path = 'output_students.txt'
StudentRepository.write_to_txt(output_path, students)
puts "Students written to file: #{output_path}"
def test_parsing
student_string = 'Иванов Иван Иванович | ID: 3 | Phone: +79876543210 | Telegram: @ivan_user | Email: ivan@example.com | Git: https://github.com/ivanov'
student = Student.from_string(student_string)
puts "Parsed Student: #{student.to_s}"
short_string = 'Иванов И.И., Git: https://github.com/ivanov, Contact: Phone: +79876543210'
student_short = StudentShort.from_string('4', short_string)
puts "Parsed StudentShort: #{student_short.to_s}"
if __FILE__ == $0
puts "=== Testing Classes ==="
puts "\n=== Testing Parsing ==="