import asyncio
import copy
import os
from livekit.agents import AutoSubscribe, JobContext, WorkerOptions, cli
from livekit.agents.llm import ChatContext, ChatMessage
from livekit import rtc
from livekit.agents.voice_assistant import VoiceAssistant
from livekit.plugins import deepgram, openai, silero, elevenlabs
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# This function is the entrypoint for the agent.
async def entrypoint(ctx: JobContext):
# Create an initial chat context with a system prompt
initial_ctx = ChatContext().append(
"You are a voice assistant created by LiveKit. Your interface with users will be voice. "
"You should use short and concise responses, and avoiding usage of unpronounceable punctuation."
# Connect to the LiveKit room
await ctx.connect(auto_subscribe=AutoSubscribe.AUDIO_ONLY)
# VoiceAssistant is a class that creates a full conversational AI agent.
# See https://github.com/livekit/agents/blob/main/livekit-agents/livekit/agents/voice_assistant/assistant.py
# for details on how it works.
interpreter_server_host = os.getenv('INTERPRETER_SERVER_HOST', '')
interpreter_server_port = os.getenv('INTERPRETER_LIGHT_SERVER_PORT', '8000')
base_url = f"http://{interpreter_server_host}:{interpreter_server_port}/openai"
open_interpreter = openai.LLM(
model="open-interpreter", base_url=base_url
assistant = VoiceAssistant(
vad=silero.VAD.load(), # Voice Activity Detection
stt=deepgram.STT(), # Speech-to-Text
llm=open_interpreter, # Language Model
tts=elevenlabs.TTS(), # Text-to-Speech
chat_ctx=initial_ctx, # Chat history context
chat = rtc.ChatManager(ctx.room)
async def _answer_from_text(text: str):
chat_ctx = copy.deepcopy(assistant._chat_ctx)
chat_ctx.messages.append(ChatMessage(role="user", content=text))
stream = open_interpreter.chat(chat_ctx=chat_ctx)
await assistant.say(stream)
def on_chat_received(msg: rtc.ChatMessage):
if not msg.message:
# Start the voice assistant with the LiveKit room
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# Greets the user with an initial message
await assistant.say("Hey, how can I help you today?", allow_interruptions=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Initialize the worker with the entrypoint
WorkerOptions(entrypoint_fnc=entrypoint, api_key="devkey", api_secret="secret", ws_url=os.getenv("LIVEKIT_URL"))