The executive assistant lets you offload a bunch of executive functions related to time management— it intelligently orders your lists, batches tasks, and reminds you of scheduled items.
I imagine telling it everything I need to do, adding items to that list throughout the day, then having it guide me through the list. **I imagine it answering the question "what should I be doing right now?"**
Once you've started a task, it checks in with you when that item should be completed (based on its estimate, which could be informed by previous information re: how long it took to finish some task).
I imagine taking a photo of something, like dry skin, and asking questions about what I can do.
It could do RAG over [Medline Plus]( to give me grounded information. It could use [Moondream]( locally.
RAG over Wikipedia, updates every day (if it's connected to the internet, otherwise updates next time it's connected to the internet).
I imagine building a windmill with it— walking through the steps, it might have access to some schematics? And could help me calculate anything I need to calculate / work with the materials I have access to.