diff --git a/docs/troubleshooting/faq.mdx b/docs/troubleshooting/faq.mdx
index 3a81b2e..0605ebe 100644
--- a/docs/troubleshooting/faq.mdx
+++ b/docs/troubleshooting/faq.mdx
@@ -7,31 +7,55 @@ description: "Frequently Asked Questions"
- Where should I start?
- Is there a walk-through for connecting a device to the server?
- What are minimum hardware requirements?
-- How do I have code run on the client-side?
-We are working on supporting this, but we only support server-side code execution right now.
-- How do I build a profile?
-We recommend running `--profiles`, duplicating a profile, then experimenting with the settings in the profile file (like `system_message`).
-- Where does the server run?
-The server runs on your home computer, or whichever device you want to control.
-- Can an 01 device connect to the desktop app, or do general customers/consumers need to set it up in their terminal?
-We are working on supporting external devices to the desktop app, but for now the 01 will need to connect to the Python server.
-- Can I on/off certain tools?
-We are working on building this feature, but it isn't avaliable yet.
+ We are working on supporting this, but we only support server-side code
+ execution right now.
+ We recommend running `--profiles`, duplicating a profile, then experimenting
+ with the settings in the profile file (like `system_message`).
+ The server runs on your home computer, or whichever device you want to
+ control.
+ We are working on supporting external devices to the desktop app, but for
+ now the 01 will need to connect to the Python server.
+ We are working on building this feature, but it isn't avaliable yet.
- What firmware do I use to connect?
- What ideally do I need in my code to access the server correctly?
-- Alternatives to nGrok?
-We support `--tunnel-service bore` and `--tunnel-service localtunnel` in addition to `--tunnel-service ngrok`. [link to tunnel service docs]
+ We support `--tunnel-service bore` and `--tunnel-service localtunnel` in
+ addition to `--tunnel-service ngrok`. [link to tunnel service docs]
- If my device runs off bluetooth connected to a phone, is there a mobile app to use to connect to the server?
-- Uses a huge deal of API credits, what options do I have for using local models? Can these be run on the client device?
-If you use `--profile local`, you won't need to use an LLM via an API. The 01 server will be responsible for LLM running, but you can run the server + client on the same device (simply run `poetry run 01` to test this.)
-- Which model is best?
-We have found `gpt-4-turbo` to be the best, but we expect Claude Sonnet 1.5 to be comparable or better.
-- Do I need to pay for a monthly subscription?
-If you use `--profile local`, you don't need to. For hosted language models, you may need to pay a monthly subscription.
-- Does the computer the O1 connects to need to always be on and running? If its in sleep mode will it wake up when I call on it?
-The computer does need to be running, and will not wake up if a request is sent while it's sleeping.
-- Which Model does 01 use?
-The 01 defaults to `gpt-4-turbo`.
+ {" "}
+ {" "}
+ {" "}
+ If you use `--profile local`, you won't need to use an LLM via an API. The
+ 01 server will be responsible for LLM running, but you can run the server +
+ client on the same device (simply run `poetry run 01` to test this.)
+ We have found `gpt-4-turbo` to be the best, but we expect Claude Sonnet 1.5
+ to be comparable or better.
+ If you use `--profile local`, you don't need to. For hosted language models,
+ you may need to pay a monthly subscription.
+ The computer does need to be running, and will not wake up if a request is
+ sent while it's sleeping.
+ The 01 defaults to `gpt-4-turbo`.
(from help email templates)
@@ -42,4 +66,4 @@ How Do I Get Involved
We are figuring out the best way to activate the community to build the next phase. For now, you can read over the Repository https://github.com/OpenInterpreter/01 and join the Discord https://discord.gg/Hvz9Axh84z to find and discuss ways to start contributing to the open-source 01 Project!
Mobile App
-The official app is being developed, and you can find instructions for how to set it up and contribute to development here: https://github.com/OpenInterpreter/01/tree/main/software/source/clients/mobile Please also join the Discord https://discord.gg/Hvz9Axh84z to find and discuss ways to start contributing to the open-source 01 Project!
\ No newline at end of file
+The official app is being developed, and you can find instructions for how to set it up and contribute to development here: https://github.com/OpenInterpreter/01/tree/main/software/source/clients/mobile Please also join the Discord https://discord.gg/Hvz9Axh84z to find and discuss ways to start contributing to the open-source 01 Project!