#!/usr/bin/env python """A basic echo server for testing the device.""" import asyncio import uuid import websockets from websockets.server import serve import traceback def divide_chunks(l, n): # looping till length l for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i : i + n] buffers: dict[uuid.UUID, bytearray] = {} async def echo(websocket: websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol): async for message in websocket: try: if message == "s": print("starting stream for", websocket.id) buffers[websocket.id] = bytearray() elif message == "e": print("end, echoing stream for", websocket.id) await websocket.send("s") for chunk in divide_chunks(buffers[websocket.id], 1000): await websocket.send(chunk) await websocket.send("e") elif type(message) is bytes: print("recvd", len(message), "bytes from", websocket.id) buffers[websocket.id].extend(message) else: print("ERR: recvd unknown message", message[:10], "from", websocket.id) except Exception as _e: traceback.print_exc() async def main(): async with serve(echo, "", 9001): await asyncio.Future() # run forever asyncio.run(main())