import redis import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import asyncio import websockets import sounddevice as sd import numpy as np import time import re def transcribe(audio_chunks): pass # (todo) def say(text): # This should immediatly stop if button is pressed (if GPIO.input(18)) pass # (todo) # Connect to button GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Set the duration and sample rate for the mic chunk_duration = 0.5 # seconds sample_rate = 44100 # Hz # Set up Redis connection r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) # Set up websocket connection websocket = websockets.connect('ws://localhost:8765') # This is so we only say() full sentences accumulated_text = "" def is_full_sentence(text): return text.endswith(('.', '!', '?')) def split_into_sentences(text): return re.split(r'(?<=[.!?])\s+', text) async def send_to_websocket(message): async with websocket as ws: await ws.send(message) async def check_websocket(): async with websocket as ws: message = await ws.recv() return message def main(): while True: # If the button is pushed down if not GPIO.input(18): # Tell websocket and core that the user is speaking send_to_websocket({"role": "user", "type": "message", "start": True}) # Standard start flag, required per streaming LMC protocol ( r.rpush('to_core', {"role": "user", "type": "message", "content": "stop"}) # Custom stop message. Core is not streaming LMC (it's static LMC) so doesn't require that ^ flag # Record audio from the microphone in chunks audio_chunks = [] # Continue recording until the button is released while not GPIO.input(18): chunk = sd.rec(int(chunk_duration * sample_rate), samplerate=sample_rate, channels=2) sd.wait() # Wait until recording is finished audio_chunks.append(chunk) # Transcribe text = transcribe(audio_chunks) message = {"role": "user", "type": "message", "content": text, "time": time.time()} # Send message to core and websocket r.rpush('to_core', message) send_to_websocket(message) # Send user message end flag to websocket, required per streaming LMC protocol send_to_websocket({"role": "user", "type": "message", "end": True}) # Send out anything in the to_interface queue chunk = r.lpop('to_interface') if chunk: send_to_websocket(chunk) accumulated_text += chunk["content"] # Speak full sentences out loud sentences = split_into_sentences(accumulated_text) if is_full_sentence(sentences[-1]): for sentence in sentences: say(sentence) accumulated_text = "" else: for sentence in sentences[:-1]: say(sentence) accumulated_text = sentences[-1] else: say(accumulated_text) accumulated_text = "" message = check_websocket() if message: r.rpush('to_core', message) if __name__ == "__main__": main()