# This is a websocket interpreter, TTS and STT disabled. # It makes a websocket on port 8000 that sends/recieves LMC messages in *streaming* format. ### You MUST send a start and end flag with each message! For example: ### """ {"role": "user", "type": "message", "start": True}) {"role": "user", "type": "message", "content": "hi"}) {"role": "user", "type": "message", "end": True}) """ ### from pynput import keyboard from RealtimeTTS import TextToAudioStream, CoquiEngine, OpenAIEngine, ElevenlabsEngine from RealtimeSTT import AudioToTextRecorder import time import asyncio import json import os class AsyncInterpreter: def __init__(self, interpreter): self.interpreter = interpreter # STT self.stt = AudioToTextRecorder( model="tiny.en", spinner=False, use_microphone=False ) self.stt.stop() # It needs this for some reason # TTS if self.interpreter.tts == "coqui": engine = CoquiEngine() elif self.interpreter.tts == "openai": engine = OpenAIEngine() elif self.interpreter.tts == "elevenlabs": engine = ElevenlabsEngine(api_key=os.environ["ELEVEN_LABS_API_KEY"]) engine.set_voice("Michael") else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported TTS engine: {self.interpreter.tts}") self.tts = TextToAudioStream(engine) self.active_chat_messages = [] self._input_queue = asyncio.Queue() # Queue that .input will shove things into self._output_queue = asyncio.Queue() # Queue to put output chunks into self._last_lmc_start_flag = None # Unix time of last LMC start flag recieved self._in_keyboard_write_block = ( False # Tracks whether interpreter is trying to use the keyboard ) self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async def _add_to_queue(self, queue, item): await queue.put(item) async def clear_queue(self, queue): while not queue.empty(): await queue.get() async def clear_input_queue(self): await self.clear_queue(self._input_queue) async def clear_output_queue(self): await self.clear_queue(self._output_queue) async def input(self, chunk): """ Expects a chunk in streaming LMC format. """ if isinstance(chunk, bytes): # It's probably a chunk of audio self.stt.feed_audio(chunk) # print("INTERPRETER FEEDING AUDIO") else: try: chunk = json.loads(chunk) except: pass if "start" in chunk: # print("Starting STT") self.stt.start() self._last_lmc_start_flag = time.time() # self.interpreter.computer.terminal.stop() # Stop any code execution... maybe we should make interpreter.stop()? elif "end" in chunk: # print("Running OI on input") asyncio.create_task(self.run()) else: await self._add_to_queue(self._input_queue, chunk) def add_to_output_queue_sync(self, chunk): """ Synchronous function to add a chunk to the output queue. """ # print("ADDING TO QUEUE:", chunk) asyncio.create_task(self._add_to_queue(self._output_queue, chunk)) def generate(self, message, start_interpreter): last_lmc_start_flag = self._last_lmc_start_flag self.interpreter.messages = self.active_chat_messages # print("message is", message) for chunk in self.interpreter.chat(message, display=True, stream=True): if self._last_lmc_start_flag != last_lmc_start_flag: # self.beeper.stop() break # self.add_to_output_queue_sync(chunk) # To send text, not just audio content = chunk.get("content") # Handle message blocks if chunk.get("type") == "message": if content: # self.beeper.stop() # Experimental: The AI voice sounds better with replacements like these, but it should happen at the TTS layer # content = content.replace(". ", ". ... ").replace(", ", ", ... ").replace("!", "! ... ").replace("?", "? ... ") # print("yielding ", content) yield content # Handle code blocks elif chunk.get("type") == "code": if "start" in chunk: # self.beeper.start() pass # Experimental: If the AI wants to type, we should type immediatly if ( self.interpreter.messages[-1] .get("content", "") .startswith("computer.keyboard.write(") ): keyboard.controller.type(content) self._in_keyboard_write_block = True if "end" in chunk and self._in_keyboard_write_block: self._in_keyboard_write_block = False # (This will make it so it doesn't type twice when the block executes) if self.interpreter.messages[-1]["content"].startswith( "computer.keyboard.write(" ): self.interpreter.messages[-1]["content"] = ( "dummy_variable = (" + self.interpreter.messages[-1]["content"][ len("computer.keyboard.write(") : ] ) # Send a completion signal # self.add_to_output_queue_sync({"role": "server","type": "completion", "content": "DONE"}) async def run(self): """ Runs OI on the audio bytes submitted to the input. Will add streaming LMC chunks to the _output_queue. """ self.interpreter.messages = self.active_chat_messages self.stt.stop() input_queue = [] while not self._input_queue.empty(): input_queue.append(self._input_queue.get()) message = self.stt.text() print(message) # Feed generate to RealtimeTTS self.add_to_output_queue_sync( {"role": "assistant", "type": "audio", "format": "bytes.wav", "start": True} ) start_interpreter = time.time() text_iterator = self.generate(message, start_interpreter) self.tts.feed(text_iterator) self.tts.play_async(on_audio_chunk=self.on_tts_chunk, muted=True) while True: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # print("is_playing", self.tts.is_playing()) if not self.tts.is_playing(): self.add_to_output_queue_sync( { "role": "assistant", "type": "audio", "format": "bytes.wav", "end": True, } ) self.tts.stop() break async def _on_tts_chunk_async(self, chunk): # print("adding chunk to queue") await self._add_to_queue(self._output_queue, chunk) def on_tts_chunk(self, chunk): # print("ye") asyncio.run(self._on_tts_chunk_async(chunk)) async def output(self): # print("outputting chunks") return await self._output_queue.get()