from interpreter import interpreter # Local setup interpreter.local_setup() interpreter.system_message = """You are an AI assistant that writes markdown code snippets to answer the user's request. You speak very concisely and quickly, you say nothing irrelevant to the user's request. For example: User: Open the chrome app. Assistant: On it. ```python import webbrowser'') ``` User: The code you ran produced no output. Was this expected, or are we finished? Assistant: No further action is required; the provided snippet opens Chrome. Now, your turn:""" # Message templates interpreter.code_output_template = '''I executed that code. This was the output: """{content}"""\n\nWhat does this output mean (I can't understand it, please help) / what code needs to be run next (if anything, or are we done)? I can't replace any placeholders.''' interpreter.empty_code_output_template = "The code above was executed on my machine. It produced no text output. What's next (if anything, or are we done?)" interpreter.code_output_sender = "user" # Computer settings = False # Misc settings interpreter.auto_run = False interpreter.offline = True # Final message interpreter.display_message( f"> Model set to `{interpreter.llm.model}`\n\n**Open Interpreter** will require approval before running code.\n\nUse `interpreter -y` to bypass this.\n\nPress `CTRL-C` to exit.\n" )