# January 20th, 2024 At our first meetup, we discussed the context and future of the six-week project and I laid out [four goals](https://github.com/KillianLucas/01/blob/main/GOALS.md). ## Whiteboards Regarding the minimal body: ![IMG_6280](https://github.com/KillianLucas/01/assets/63927363/6e0f833a-ffab-43ff-99b3-0914ff0a34db) Regarding the heavy body: ![IMG_6282](https://github.com/KillianLucas/01/assets/63927363/c06bd0f5-eef8-4e26-83ec-0afeaa07eab6) ## Decisions 1. We'll try to build around the use-cases, some of which [I have compiled here.](https://github.com/KillianLucas/01/blob/main/USE_CASES.md) If you think of more please make a PR. 2. We want to design two bodies to house the 01, one will be very minimal and require an internet connection (possible names: The 01 **Light**, The 01 **Click**, or The 01 **Feather**) and another will run fully locally (The 01 **Heavy**).