# What is this? This is the operating system that powers the 01. # No, I mean what's this folder? It's the `diff` between 01OS and Ubuntu. 01OS should be a customized version of Linux. Ubuntu is popular, stable, runs on lots of different hardware. **(open question: Should this be Xubuntu, which is lighter? or something else?)** We want to _build on_ Ubuntu by customizing the stable branch programatically, not by forking it — which would mean we'd have to maintain the underlying OS, merge in security patches, etc. Yuck. This folder contains everything we want to change from the base Ubuntu. A folder here represents a folder added/modified at the `root`. You can think of it like the `diff` between 01OS and Ubuntu. I imagine we'll use something like Cubic to then press this + Ubuntu into an ISO image. # Structure ### `start.sh` The start script's job is to start the `core` and the `app` (in full-screen mode). ### `/core` The `core`'s job is to: 1. Set up the language model 2. Set up the interpreter 3. Serve the interpreter at "/" ### `/app` The `app`'s job is to be the interface between the user and the interpreter. This could be text only, audio, video, who knows. For the first version, I think we should just handle audio in/out. So the `app`'s job here is to: 1. Be a fullscreen app for the user to use 01 2. Turn the user's speech into text and send it to "/" 3. Turn the interpreter's text into speech and play it for the user ### Changes to Linux We need to make the following changes: 1. Modify the bootloader to just show white circle on black 2. Auto start the start script, `start.sh` 3. Put detectors everywhere, which will put [LMC Messages](https://docs.openinterpreter.com/protocols/lmc-messages) from the computer into `/01/core/queue` 4. (open question: should we do this? do we want the first 01 to be ready for GUI control?) Make the display that's shown to the user (and filled with the `app`) the _secondary_ display. The primary display will be a normal Ubuntu desktop, invisible to the user. Why? So the interpreter can control the primary display "under the hood".