import os from datetime import datetime from pytimeparse import parse from crontab import CronTab from uuid import uuid4 from platformdirs import user_data_dir def schedule(message="", start=None, interval=None) -> None: """ Schedules a task at a particular time, or at a particular interval """ if start and interval: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both start time and interval.") if not start and not interval: raise ValueError("Either start time or interval must be specified.") # Read the temp file to see what the current session is session_file_path = os.path.join(user_data_dir("01"), "01-session.txt") with open(session_file_path, "r") as session_file: file_session_value = prefixed_message = "AUTOMATED MESSAGE FROM SCHEDULER: " + message # Escape the message and the json, cron is funky with quotes escaped_question = prefixed_message.replace('"', '\\"') json_data = f'{{\\"text\\": \\"{escaped_question}\\"}}' command = f"""bash -c 'if [ "$(cat "{session_file_path}")" == "{file_session_value}" ]; then /usr/bin/curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{json_data}" http://localhost:10001/; fi' """ cron = CronTab(user=True) job = # Prefix with 01 dev preview so we can delete them all in the future job_id = "01-dev-preview-" + str(uuid4()) job.set_comment(job_id) if start: try: start_time = datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid datetime format: {start}.") job.setall(start_time) print(f"Task scheduled for {start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") elif interval: seconds = parse(interval) if seconds <= 60: job.minute.every(1) print("Task scheduled every minute") elif seconds < 3600: minutes = max(int(seconds / 60), 1) job.minute.every(minutes) print(f"Task scheduled every {minutes} minutes") elif seconds < 86400: hours = max(int(seconds / 3600), 1) job.hour.every(hours) print(f"Task scheduled every {hours} hour(s)") else: days = max(int(seconds / 86400), 1) print(f"Task scheduled every {days} day(s)") cron.write()