import subprocess import time import os import typer import platform import webbrowser import psutil import ngrok import segno import json from pathlib import Path from livekit import api from source.server.livekit.worker import main as worker_main from source.server.livekit.multimodal import main as multimodal_main from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() system_type = platform.system() app = typer.Typer() ROOM_NAME = "my-room" def pre_clean_process(port): """Find and kill process running on specified port""" for proc in psutil.process_iter(['pid', 'name', 'connections']): try: for conn in proc.connections(): if conn.laddr.port == port: print(f"Killing process {} ({}) on port {port}") proc.terminate() proc.wait() return True except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied): pass return False def cleanup_processes(processes): for process in processes: if process.poll() is None: # if process is still running process.terminate() process.wait() # wait for process to terminate @app.command() def run( host: str = typer.Option( "", "--host", help="Specify the server host where the livekit server will deploy. For other devices on your network to connect to it, keep it on default ``", ), port: int = typer.Option( 10101, "--port", help="Specify the server port where the livekit server will deploy", ), domain: str = typer.Option(None, "--domain", help="Pass in a custom ngrok domain to expose the livekit server over the internet"), client: str = typer.Option(None, "--client", help="Run client of a particular type. Accepts `meet` or `mobile`, defaults to `meet`"), profiles: bool = typer.Option( False, "--profiles", help="Opens the folder where profiles are contained", ), profile: str = typer.Option( "", "--profile", help="Specify the path to the profile, or the name of the file if it's in the `profiles` directory (run `--profiles` to open the profiles directory)", ), debug: bool = typer.Option( False, "--debug", help="Print latency measurements and save microphone recordings locally for manual playback", ), multimodal: bool = typer.Option( False, "--multimodal", help="Run the multimodal agent", ) ): # preprocess ports ports = [10101, 8000, 3000] for port in ports: pre_clean_process(port) if profiles: if platform.system() == "Windows": subprocess.Popen(['explorer', profiles_dir]) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": subprocess.Popen(['open', profiles_dir]) elif platform.system() == "Linux": subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', profiles_dir]) else: subprocess.Popen(['open', profiles_dir]) exit(0) profiles_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "source", "server", "profiles") if profile: if not os.path.isfile(profile): profile = os.path.join(profiles_dir, profile) if not os.path.isfile(profile): profile += ".py" if not os.path.isfile(profile): print(f"Invalid profile path: {profile}") exit(1) OI_CMD = f"interpreter --serve --profile {profile}" oi_server = subprocess.Popen(OI_CMD, shell=True) print("Interpreter server started") print("Starting livekit server...") if debug: LK_CMD = f"livekit-server --dev --bind {host} --port {port}" else: LK_CMD = f"livekit-server --dev --bind {host} --port {port} > /dev/null 2>&1" lk_server = subprocess.Popen(LK_CMD, shell=True) print("Livekit server started") time.sleep(2) lk_url = f"http://localhost:10101" participant_token = str(api.AccessToken('devkey', 'secret') \ .with_identity("Participant") \ .with_name("You") \ .with_grants(api.VideoGrants( room_join=True, room=ROOM_NAME,)) .to_jwt()) processes = [lk_server, oi_server] if client == 'mobile': listener = ngrok.forward(f"{host}:{port}", authtoken_from_env=True, domain=domain) lk_url = listener.url() print(f"Livekit server forwarded to: {lk_url}") print("Scan the QR code below with your mobile app to connect to the livekit server.") content = json.dumps({"livekit_server": lk_url, "token": participant_token}) qr_code = segno.make(content) qr_code.terminal(compact=True) else: # meet client # Get the path to the meet client directory meet_client_path = Path(__file__).parent / "source" / "clients" / "meet" print("Starting Next.js dev server...") next_server = subprocess.Popen(["pnpm", "dev"], cwd=meet_client_path,) print("Next.js dev server started") time.sleep(2) meet_url = f'http://localhost:3001/custom?liveKitUrl={lk_url.replace("http", "ws")}&token={participant_token}' print(f"\nOpening meet interface at: {meet_url}") processes.append(next_server) try: print("Starting worker...") if multimodal: multimodal_main(lk_url) else: worker_main(lk_url) print("Worker started") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nReceived interrupt signal, shutting down...") finally: print("Cleaning up processes...") cleanup_processes(processes)