title: "Android"
description: "Control 01 from your Android phone"

Using your phone is a great way to control 01. There are multiple options available.

## [React Native app](https://github.com/OpenInterpreter/01/tree/main/software/source/clients/mobile)

Work in progress, we will continue to improve this application.

If you want to run it on your device, you will need to install [Expo Go](https://expo.dev/go) on your mobile device.

### Setup Instructions

- [Install 01 software](/software/installation) on your machine

- Run the Expo server:

cd software/source/clients/mobile/react-native
npm install # install dependencies
npx expo start # start local expo development server

This will produce a QR code that you can scan with Expo Go on your mobile device.

Open **Expo Go** on your mobile device and select _Scan QR code_ to scan the QR code produced by the `npx expo start` command.

- Run 01:

cd software                             # cd into `software`
poetry run 01 --mobile                  # exposes QR code for 01 Light server

### Using the App

In the 01 mobile app, select _Scan Code_ to scan the QR code produced by the `poetry run 01 --mobile` command.

Press and hold the button to speak, release to make the request. To rescan the QR code, swipe left on the screen to go back.