from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() # take environment variables from .env. import requests import subprocess import os import sys import asyncio import threading import pyaudio from pynput import keyboard import json import traceback import websockets import websockets.sync.client import queue from pydub import AudioSegment from pydub.playback import play import time import wave import tempfile from datetime import datetime import cv2 import base64 import platform from interpreter import ( interpreter, ) # Just for code execution. Maybe we should let people do from import run? # In the future, I guess kernel watching code should be elsewhere? Somewhere server / client agnostic? from ..server.utils.kernel import put_kernel_messages_into_queue from ..server.utils.get_system_info import get_system_info from ..server.utils.process_utils import kill_process_tree from ..server.utils.logs import setup_logging from ..server.utils.logs import logger setup_logging() os.environ["STT_RUNNER"] = "server" os.environ["TTS_RUNNER"] = "server" from ..utils.accumulator import Accumulator accumulator = Accumulator() # Configuration for Audio Recording CHUNK = 1024 # Record in chunks of 1024 samples FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 # 16 bits per sample CHANNELS = 1 # Mono RATE = 16000 # Sample rate RECORDING = False # Flag to control recording state SPACEBAR_PRESSED = False # Flag to track spacebar press state # Camera configuration CAMERA_ENABLED = os.getenv("CAMERA_ENABLED", False) if type(CAMERA_ENABLED) == str: CAMERA_ENABLED = CAMERA_ENABLED.lower() == "true" CAMERA_DEVICE_INDEX = int(os.getenv("CAMERA_DEVICE_INDEX", 0)) CAMERA_WARMUP_SECONDS = float(os.getenv("CAMERA_WARMUP_SECONDS", 0)) # Specify OS current_platform = get_system_info() def is_win11(): return sys.getwindowsversion().build >= 22000 def is_win10(): try: return ( platform.system() == "Windows" and "10" in platform.version() and not is_win11() ) except: return False # Initialize PyAudio p = pyaudio.PyAudio() send_queue = queue.Queue() class Device: def __init__(self): self.pressed_keys = set() self.captured_images = [] self.audiosegments = asyncio.Queue() self.server_url = "" self.ctrl_pressed = False self.tts_service = "" # self.playback_latency = None def fetch_image_from_camera(self, camera_index=CAMERA_DEVICE_INDEX): """Captures an image from the specified camera device and saves it to a temporary file. Adds the image to the captured_images list.""" image_path = None cap = cv2.VideoCapture(camera_index) ret, frame = # Capture a single frame to initialize the camera if CAMERA_WARMUP_SECONDS > 0: # Allow camera to warm up, then snap a picture again # This is a workaround for some cameras that don't return a properly exposed # picture immediately when they are first turned on time.sleep(CAMERA_WARMUP_SECONDS) ret, frame = if ret: temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() image_path = os.path.join( temp_dir, f"01_photo_{'%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')}.png" ) self.captured_images.append(image_path) cv2.imwrite(image_path, frame)"Camera image captured to {image_path}") f"You now have {len(self.captured_images)} images which will be sent along with your next audio message." ) else: logger.error( f"Error: Couldn't capture an image from camera ({camera_index})" ) cap.release() return image_path def encode_image_to_base64(self, image_path): """Encodes an image file to a base64 string.""" with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file: return base64.b64encode("utf-8") def add_image_to_send_queue(self, image_path): """Encodes an image and adds an LMC message to the send queue with the image data.""" base64_image = self.encode_image_to_base64(image_path) image_message = { "role": "user", "type": "image", "format": "base64.png", "content": base64_image, } send_queue.put(image_message) # Delete the image file from the file system after sending it os.remove(image_path) def queue_all_captured_images(self): """Queues all captured images to be sent.""" for image_path in self.captured_images: self.add_image_to_send_queue(image_path) self.captured_images.clear() # Clear the list after sending async def play_audiosegments(self): """Plays them sequentially.""" print("play audiosegments called!!!") mpv_command = ["mpv", "--no-cache", "--no-terminal", "--", "fd://0"] mpv_process = subprocess.Popen( mpv_command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) while True: try: audio = await self.audiosegments.get() # if self.playback_latency and isinstance(audio, bytes): # elapsed_time = time.time() - self.playback_latency # print(f"Time from request to playback: {elapsed_time} seconds") # self.playback_latency = None if self.tts_service == "elevenlabs": mpv_process.stdin.write(audio) # type: ignore mpv_process.stdin.flush() # type: ignore else: play(audio) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError: # This happens once at the start? pass except: def record_audio(self): if os.getenv("STT_RUNNER") == "server": # STT will happen on the server. we're sending audio. send_queue.put( {"role": "user", "type": "audio", "format": "bytes.wav", "start": True} ) elif os.getenv("STT_RUNNER") == "client": # STT will happen here, on the client. we're sending text. send_queue.put({"role": "user", "type": "message", "start": True}) else: raise Exception("STT_RUNNER must be set to either 'client' or 'server'.") """Record audio from the microphone and add it to the queue.""" stream = format=FORMAT, channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=CHUNK, ) print("Recording started...") global RECORDING # Create a temporary WAV file to store the audio data temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() wav_path = os.path.join( temp_dir, f"audio_{'%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')}.wav" ) wav_file =, "wb") wav_file.setnchannels(CHANNELS) wav_file.setsampwidth(p.get_sample_size(FORMAT)) wav_file.setframerate(RATE) while RECORDING: data =, exception_on_overflow=False) wav_file.writeframes(data) wav_file.close() stream.stop_stream() stream.close() print("Recording stopped.") # self.playback_latency = time.time() duration = wav_file.getnframes() / RATE if duration < 0.3: # Just pressed it. Send stop message if os.getenv("STT_RUNNER") == "client": send_queue.put({"role": "user", "type": "message", "content": "stop"}) send_queue.put({"role": "user", "type": "message", "end": True}) else: send_queue.put( { "role": "user", "type": "audio", "format": "bytes.wav", "content": "", } ) send_queue.put( { "role": "user", "type": "audio", "format": "bytes.wav", "end": True, } ) else: self.queue_all_captured_images() if os.getenv("STT_RUNNER") == "client": # THIS DOES NOT WORK. We moved to this very cool stt_service, llm_service # way of doing things. stt_wav is not a thing anymore. Needs work to work # Run stt then send text text = stt_wav(wav_path) logger.debug(f"STT result: {text}") send_queue.put({"role": "user", "type": "message", "content": text}) send_queue.put({"role": "user", "type": "message", "end": True}) else: # Stream audio with open(wav_path, "rb") as audio_file: byte_data = while byte_data: send_queue.put(byte_data) byte_data = send_queue.put( { "role": "user", "type": "audio", "format": "bytes.wav", "end": True, } ) if os.path.exists(wav_path): os.remove(wav_path) def toggle_recording(self, state): """Toggle the recording state.""" global RECORDING, SPACEBAR_PRESSED if state and not SPACEBAR_PRESSED: SPACEBAR_PRESSED = True if not RECORDING: RECORDING = True threading.Thread(target=self.record_audio).start() elif not state and SPACEBAR_PRESSED: SPACEBAR_PRESSED = False RECORDING = False def on_press(self, key): """Detect spacebar press and Ctrl+C combination.""" self.pressed_keys.add(key) # Add the pressed key to the set if in self.pressed_keys: self.toggle_recording(True) elif {keyboard.Key.ctrl, keyboard.KeyCode.from_char("c")} <= self.pressed_keys:"Ctrl+C pressed. Exiting...") kill_process_tree() os._exit(0) # Windows alternative to the above if key == keyboard.Key.ctrl_l: self.ctrl_pressed = True try: if key.vk == 67 and self.ctrl_pressed:"Ctrl+C pressed. Exiting...") kill_process_tree() os._exit(0) # For non-character keys except: pass def on_release(self, key): """Detect spacebar release and 'c' key press for camera, and handle key release.""" self.pressed_keys.discard( key ) # Remove the released key from the key press tracking set if key == keyboard.Key.ctrl_l: self.ctrl_pressed = False if key == self.toggle_recording(False) elif CAMERA_ENABLED and key == keyboard.KeyCode.from_char("c"): self.fetch_image_from_camera() async def message_sender(self, websocket): print("message sender running!!!") while True: message = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor( None, send_queue.get ) if isinstance(message, bytes): await websocket.send(message) else: await websocket.send(json.dumps(message)) send_queue.task_done() await asyncio.sleep(0.01) async def websocket_communication(self, WS_URL): show_connection_log = True async def exec_ws_communication(websocket): if CAMERA_ENABLED: print( "\nHold the spacebar to start recording. Press 'c' to capture an image from the camera. Press CTRL-C to exit." ) else: print("\nHold the spacebar to start recording. Press CTRL-C to exit.") print("calling message sender") asyncio.create_task(self.message_sender(websocket)) while True: await asyncio.sleep(0.01) chunk = await websocket.recv() logger.debug(f"Got this message from the server: {type(chunk)} {chunk}") # print("received chunk from server") if type(chunk) == str: chunk = json.loads(chunk) if self.tts_service == "elevenlabs": message = chunk else: message = accumulator.accumulate(chunk) if message == None: # Will be None until we have a full message ready continue # At this point, we have our message if isinstance(message, bytes) or ( message["type"] == "audio" and message["format"].startswith("bytes") ): # Convert bytes to audio file if self.tts_service == "elevenlabs": audio_bytes = message audio = audio_bytes else: audio_bytes = message["content"] # Create an AudioSegment instance with the raw data audio = AudioSegment( # raw audio data (bytes) data=audio_bytes, # signed 16-bit little-endian format sample_width=2, # 16,000 Hz frame rate frame_rate=22050, # mono sound channels=1, ) await self.audiosegments.put(audio) # Run the code if that's the client's job if os.getenv("CODE_RUNNER") == "client": if message["type"] == "code" and "end" in message: language = message["format"] code = message["content"] result =, code) send_queue.put(result) if is_win10():"Windows 10 detected") # Workaround for Windows 10 not latching to the websocket server. # See try: ws = websockets.connect(WS_URL) # await exec_ws_communication(ws) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error while attempting to connect: {e}") else: while True: try: async with websockets.connect(WS_URL) as websocket: await exec_ws_communication(websocket) except: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) if show_connection_log:"Connecting to `{WS_URL}`...") show_connection_log = False await asyncio.sleep(2) async def start_async(self): print("start async called!!!!") # Configuration for WebSocket WS_URL = f"ws://{self.server_url}" # Start the WebSocket communication await self.websocket_communication(WS_URL) print("ws communication called!") # Start watching the kernel if it's your job to do that if os.getenv("CODE_RUNNER") == "client": # client is not running code! asyncio.create_task(put_kernel_messages_into_queue(send_queue)) asyncio.create_task(self.play_audiosegments()) print("play audiosegments called!!") # If Raspberry Pi, add the button listener, otherwise use the spacebar if current_platform.startswith("raspberry-pi"):"Raspberry Pi detected, using button on GPIO pin 15") # Use GPIO pin 15 pindef = ["gpiochip4", "15"] # gpiofind PIN15 print("PINDEF", pindef) # HACK: needs passwordless sudo process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( "sudo", "gpiomon", "-brf", *pindef, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE ) while True: line = await process.stdout.readline() if line: line = line.decode().strip() if "FALLING" in line: self.toggle_recording(False) elif "RISING" in line: self.toggle_recording(True) else: break else: # Keyboard listener for spacebar press/release listener = keyboard.Listener( on_press=self.on_press, on_release=self.on_release ) listener.start() print("listener started!!!!!!!!") def start(self): print("start client called!") if os.getenv("TEACH_MODE") != "True": p.terminate()