import typer import ngrok import platform import threading import os import importlib from source.server.tunnel import create_tunnel from source.server.async_server import start_server import subprocess from livekit import api import socket import json import segno import time from dotenv import load_dotenv import signal app = typer.Typer() load_dotenv() @app.command() def run( server: bool = typer.Option(False, "--server", help="Run server"), server_host: str = typer.Option( "", "--server-host", help="Specify the server host where the server will deploy", ), server_port: int = typer.Option( 10001, "--server-port", help="Specify the server port where the server will deploy", ), expose: bool = typer.Option(False, "--expose", help="Expose server to internet"), client: bool = typer.Option(False, "--client", help="Run client"), server_url: str = typer.Option( None, "--server-url", help="Specify the server URL that the client should expect. Defaults to server-host and server-port", ), client_type: str = typer.Option( "auto", "--client-type", help="Specify the client type" ), qr: bool = typer.Option( False, "--qr", help="Display QR code to scan to connect to the server" ), domain: str = typer.Option( None, "--domain", help="Connect ngrok to a custom domain" ), profiles: bool = typer.Option( False, "--profiles", help="Opens the folder where this script is contained", ), profile: str = typer.Option( "", # default "--profile", help="Specify the path to the profile, or the name of the file if it's in the `profiles` directory (run `--profiles` to open the profiles directory)", ), debug: bool = typer.Option( False, "--debug", help="Print latency measurements and save microphone recordings locally for manual playback.", ), livekit: bool = typer.Option( False, "--livekit", help="Creates QR code for livekit server and token." ), ): _run( server=server, server_host=server_host, server_port=server_port, expose=expose, client=client, server_url=server_url, client_type=client_type, qr=qr, debug=debug, domain=domain, profiles=profiles, profile=profile, livekit=livekit, ) def _run( server: bool = False, server_host: str = "", server_port: int = 10001, expose: bool = False, client: bool = False, server_url: str = None, client_type: str = "auto", qr: bool = False, debug: bool = False, domain = None, profiles = None, profile = None, livekit: bool = False, ): profiles_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "source", "server", "profiles") if profiles: if platform.system() == "Windows": subprocess.Popen(['explorer', profiles_dir]) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": subprocess.Popen(['open', profiles_dir]) elif platform.system() == "Linux": subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', profiles_dir]) else: subprocess.Popen(['open', profiles_dir]) exit(0) if profile: if not os.path.isfile(profile): profile = os.path.join(profiles_dir, profile) if not os.path.isfile(profile): profile += ".py" if not os.path.isfile(profile): print(f"Invalid profile path: {profile}") exit(1) system_type = platform.system() if system_type == "Windows": server_host = "localhost" if not server_url: server_url = f"{server_host}:{server_port}" if not server and not client and not livekit: server = True client = True def handle_exit(signum, frame): os._exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_exit) if server: play_audio = False # (DISABLED) # Have the server play audio if we're running this on the same device. Needless pops and clicks otherwise! # if client: # play_audio = True server_thread = threading.Thread( target=start_server, args=( server_host, server_port, profile, debug, play_audio, ), ) server_thread.start() if expose and not livekit: tunnel_thread = threading.Thread( target=create_tunnel, args=[server_host, server_port, qr, domain] ) tunnel_thread.start() if client: if client_type == "auto": system_type = platform.system() if system_type == "Darwin": # Mac OS client_type = "mac" elif system_type == "Windows": # Windows System client_type = "windows" elif system_type == "Linux": # Linux System try: with open("/proc/device-tree/model", "r") as m: if "raspberry pi" in client_type = "rpi" else: client_type = "linux" except FileNotFoundError: client_type = "linux" module = importlib.import_module( f".clients.{client_type}.device", package="source" ) play_audio = True # (DISABLED) # Have the server play audio if we're running this on the same device. Needless pops and clicks otherwise! # if server: # play_audio = False client_thread = threading.Thread(target=module.main, args=[server_url, debug, play_audio]) client_thread.start() if livekit: def run_command(command):, shell=True, check=True) def getToken(): token = ( api.AccessToken("devkey", "secret") .with_identity("identity") .with_name("my name") .with_grants( api.VideoGrants( room_join=True, room="my-room", ) ) ) return token.to_jwt() # Create threads for each command and store handles interpreter_thread = threading.Thread( target=run_command, args=("poetry run interpreter --server",) ) livekit_thread = threading.Thread( target=run_command, args=('livekit-server --dev --bind ""',) ) worker_thread = threading.Thread( target=run_command, args=("python dev",) ) threads = [interpreter_thread, livekit_thread, worker_thread] # Start all threads and set up logging for thread completion for thread in threads: thread.start() time.sleep(7) token = getToken() # Create QR code if expose and domain: listener = ngrok.forward("localhost:7880", authtoken_from_env=True, domain=domain) url= listener.url() print(url) content = json.dumps({"livekit_server": url, "token": token}) elif expose and not domain: listener = ngrok.forward("localhost:7880", authtoken_from_env=True) url= listener.url() print(url) content = json.dumps({"livekit_server": url, "token": token}) else: # Get local IP address s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(("", 80)) ip_address = s.getsockname()[0] s.close() url = f"ws://{ip_address}:7880" print(url) content = json.dumps({"livekit_server": url, "token": token}) qr_code = segno.make(content) qr_code.terminal(compact=True) print("Mobile setup complete. Scan the QR code to connect.") def signal_handler(sig, frame): print("Termination signal received. Shutting down...") for thread in threads: if thread.is_alive(): # This will only work if the subprocess uses shell=True and the OS is Unix-like"pkill -P {os.getpid()}", shell=True) os._exit(0) # Register the signal handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) # Wait for all threads to complete for thread in threads: thread.join() try: if server: server_thread.join() if expose: tunnel_thread.join() if client: client_thread.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)