# ESP32 Setup ## Flashing To set up audio recording + playback on the ESP32 (M5 Atom), do the following: 1. Open Arduino IDE, and open the [client.ino](https://github.com/OpenInterpreter/01/blob/main/software/source/clients/esp32/src/client/client.ino) file 2. Go to Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager, search "esp32", then install the boards by Arduino and Espressif 3. Go to Tools -> Manage Libraries, then install the following: - M5Atom by M5Stack [Reference](https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/m5atom/) - WebSockets by Markus Sattler [Reference](https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/websockets/) Finally, to flash the .ino to the board, connect the board to the USB port, select the port from the dropdown on the IDE, then select the M5Atom board (or M5Stack-ATOM if you have that). Click on upload to flash the board. ## Wifi The board needs to connect to WiFi. Once you flash, connect to the ESP32 WiFi portal "01-Light" which will get WiFi details. Once it connects, it will ask you to enter 01OS server address. Once its able to connect, you can use the device.