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Davy Peter Braun 79ee710064
Re-lint after rebase
10 months ago
Labeled Wiring Diagram.png
O1Light - M5 ATOM Echo.fzz Re-lint after rebase 10 months ago
wiring diagram.jpg

ESP32 Setup


To set up audio recording + playback on the ESP32 (M5 Atom), do the following:

  1. Open Arduino IDE, and open the client.ino file
  2. Go to Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager, search "esp32", then install the boards by Arduino and Espressif
  3. Go to Tools -> Manage Libraries, then install the following:

Finally, to flash the .ino to the board, connect the board to the USB port, select the port from the dropdown on the IDE, then select the M5Atom board (or M5Stack-ATOM if you have that). Click on upload to flash the board.

Alternative - PlatformIO

You don't need anything, PlatformIO will install everything for you, dependencies, tool chains, etc.

Please install first PlatformIO open source ecosystem for IoT development compatible with Arduino IDE and its command line tools (Windows, MacOs and Linux), and then enter to the firmware directory:

cd software/source/clients/esp32/src/client/

And build and upload the firmware with a simple command:

pio run --target upload


The board needs to connect to WiFi. Once you flash, connect to the ESP32 WiFi portal "01-Light" which will get WiFi details. Once it connects, it will ask you to enter 01OS server address. Once its able to connect, you can use the device.