You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
352 lines
14 KiB
352 lines
14 KiB
import asyncio
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Literal, Awaitable
from livekit.agents import JobContext, WorkerOptions, cli
from livekit.agents.transcription import STTSegmentsForwarder
from livekit.agents.llm import ChatContext
from livekit import rtc
from livekit.agents.pipeline import VoicePipelineAgent
from livekit.plugins import deepgram, openai, silero, elevenlabs, cartesia
from livekit.agents.llm.chat_context import ChatContext, ChatImage, ChatMessage
from livekit.agents.llm import LLMStream
from source.server.livekit.video_processor import RemoteVideoProcessor
from source.server.livekit.transcriptions import _forward_transcription
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# Define the path to the log file
LOG_FILE_PATH = 'worker.txt'
def log_message(message: str):
"""Append a message to the log file with a timestamp."""
timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
with open(LOG_FILE_PATH, 'a') as log_file:
log_file.write(f"{timestamp} - {message}\n")
start_message = """Hi! You can hold the white circle below to speak to me.
Try asking what I can do."""
# This function is the entrypoint for the agent.
async def entrypoint(ctx: JobContext):
# Create an initial chat context with a system prompt
initial_chat_ctx = ChatContext().append(
"Only take into context the user's image if their message is relevant or pertaining to the image. Otherwise just keep in context that the image is present but do not acknowledge or mention it in your response." # Open Interpreter handles this.
# Connect to the LiveKit room
await ctx.connect()
# Create chat manager
chat = rtc.ChatManager(
# Initialize RemoteVideoProcessor
remote_video_processor = None
# publish agent image
# Create a black background with a white circle
width, height = 640, 480
image_np = np.zeros((height, width, 4), dtype=np.uint8)
# Create a white circle
center = (width // 2, height // 2)
radius = 50
y, x = np.ogrid[:height, :width]
mask = ((x - center[0])**2 + (y - center[1])**2) <= radius**2
image_np[mask] = [255, 255, 255, 255] # White color with full opacity
source = rtc.VideoSource(width, height)
track = rtc.LocalVideoTrack.create_video_track("static_image", source)
options = rtc.TrackPublishOptions()
options.source = rtc.TrackSource.SOURCE_CAMERA
publication = await, options)
# Function to continuously publish the static image
async def publish_static_image():
while True:
frame = rtc.VideoFrame(width, height, rtc.VideoBufferType.RGBA, image_np.tobytes())
await asyncio.sleep(1/30) # Publish at 30 fps
# Start publishing the static image
# initialize voice agent pipeline
interpreter_server_host = os.getenv('INTERPRETER_SERVER_HOST', 'localhost')
interpreter_server_port = os.getenv('INTERPRETER_SERVER_PORT', '8000')
base_url = f"http://{interpreter_server_host}:{interpreter_server_port}/"
# For debugging
base_url = ""
open_interpreter = openai.LLM(
model="open-interpreter", base_url=base_url, api_key="x"
tts_provider = os.getenv('01_TTS', '').lower()
stt_provider = os.getenv('01_STT', '').lower()
# Add plugins here
if tts_provider == 'openai':
tts = openai.TTS()
elif tts_provider == 'elevenlabs':
tts = elevenlabs.TTS()
elif tts_provider == 'cartesia':
tts = cartesia.TTS()
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported TTS provider: {tts_provider}. Please set 01_TTS environment variable to 'openai' or 'elevenlabs'.")
if stt_provider == 'deepgram':
stt = deepgram.STT()
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported STT provider: {stt_provider}. Please set 01_STT environment variable to 'deepgram'.")
# initialize voice assistant states
push_to_talk = True
current_message: ChatMessage = ChatMessage(role='user')
submitted_message: ChatMessage = ChatMessage(role='user')
video_muted = False
tasks = []
# before_llm_cb
def _before_llm_cb(
agent: VoicePipelineAgent,
chat_ctx: ChatContext
) -> Awaitable[LLMStream] | Literal[False]:
nonlocal push_to_talk
nonlocal remote_video_processor
nonlocal current_message
nonlocal submitted_message
log_message(f"[before_llm_cb] chat_ctx before we perform any processing: {chat_ctx}")
if push_to_talk:
last_message = chat_ctx.messages[-1]
if submitted_message and isinstance(last_message.content, str):
log_message(f"[before_llm_cb] submitted_message: {submitted_message}")
# Find where submitted_messages ends in last_message
submitted_end_idx = 0
while isinstance(submitted_message.content, str) and submitted_message.content[submitted_end_idx] == last_message.content[submitted_end_idx]:
submitted_end_idx += 1
if submitted_end_idx == len(submitted_message.content):
# Remove the submitted message from the accumulated messages
log_message(f"[before_llm_cb] submitted_end_idx: {submitted_end_idx}")
# Take messages after the submitted message
current_message = ChatMessage(role=last_message.role, content=last_message.content[submitted_end_idx:])
log_message(f"[before_llm_cb] current_message after removing submitted_message: {current_message}")
current_message = ChatMessage(role=last_message.role, content=last_message.content)
log_message(f"[before_llm_cb] current_message after removing submitted_message: {current_message}")
# Continue without invoking LLM immediately
return False
async def process_query():
if remote_video_processor and not video_muted:
video_frame = await remote_video_processor.get_current_frame()
if video_frame:
chat_ctx.append(role="user", images=[ChatImage(image=video_frame)])
log_message("[before_llm_cb] No video frame available")
return process_query()
# on_message_received implementation
async def _on_message_received(msg: str):
nonlocal push_to_talk
nonlocal remote_video_processor
nonlocal current_message
nonlocal submitted_message
if msg == "{COMPLETE}":
chat_ctx = assistant.chat_ctx
log_message(f"[on_message_received] copied chat_ctx: {chat_ctx}")
# append image if available
if remote_video_processor and not video_muted:
video_frame = await remote_video_processor.get_current_frame()
if video_frame:
chat_ctx.append(role="user", images=[ChatImage(image=video_frame)])
log_message(f"[on_message_received] appended image: {video_frame} to chat_ctx: {chat_ctx}")
if isinstance(current_message.content, str):
chat_ctx.append(role=current_message.role, text=current_message.content)
# extend existing submitted_message content with the new message content
if submitted_message and isinstance(submitted_message.content, str):
submitted_message.content += current_message.content
submitted_message = current_message
log_message(f"[on_message_received] appended message: {current_message.content}")
log_message(f"[on_message_received] submitted_message is now {submitted_message}")
log_message(f"[on_message_received] chat_ctx is now {chat_ctx}")
elif isinstance(current_message.content, ChatImage):
chat_ctx.append(role=current_message.role, images=[current_message.content])
log_message(f"[on_message_received] appended message: {current_message.content}")
log_message(f"[on_message_received] submitted_messages is now {submitted_message}")
log_message(f"[on_message_received] chat_ctx is now {chat_ctx}")
log_message(f"[on_message_received] Unsupported message content type: {current_message}")
current_message = ChatMessage(role='user')
log_message(f"[on_message_received] current_message reset to {current_message}")
# Generate a response
stream =
await assistant.say(stream)
if msg == "{REQUIRE_START_ON}":
push_to_talk = True
if msg == "{REQUIRE_START_OFF}":
push_to_talk = False
# we copy chat_ctx here to handle the actual message content being sent to the LLM by the user
# _on_message_received is called once with the message request and then once with the {COMPLETE} message to trigger the actual LLM call
# so this copy is our default case where we just append the user's message to the chat_ctx
chat_ctx = assistant.chat_ctx
chat_ctx.append(role="user", text=msg)
log_message(f"[on_message_received] appended message: {msg} to chat_ctx: {chat_ctx}")
# on_message_received callback
def on_chat_received(msg: rtc.ChatMessage):
log_message(f"Chat message received: {msg.message}")
if msg.message:
# transcribe participant track
async def transcribe_track(participant: rtc.RemoteParticipant, track: rtc.Track):
audio_stream = rtc.AudioStream(track)
stt_forwarder = STTSegmentsForwarder(
|, participant=participant, track=track
stt_stream =
stt_task = asyncio.create_task(
_forward_transcription(stt_stream, stt_forwarder)
async for ev in audio_stream:
# on_track_subscribed callback
def on_track_subscribed(
track: rtc.Track,
publication: rtc.TrackPublication,
participant: rtc.RemoteParticipant,
log_message(f"Track subscribed: {track.kind}")
if track.kind == rtc.TrackKind.KIND_AUDIO:
tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(transcribe_track(participant, track)))
if track.kind == rtc.TrackKind.KIND_VIDEO:
nonlocal remote_video_processor
remote_video_stream = rtc.VideoStream(track=track, format=rtc.VideoBufferType.RGBA)
remote_video_processor = RemoteVideoProcessor(video_stream=remote_video_stream, job_ctx=ctx)
log_message("remote video processor." + str(remote_video_processor))
# on track muted callback
def on_track_muted(participant: rtc.RemoteParticipant, publication: rtc.TrackPublication):
nonlocal video_muted
if publication.kind == rtc.TrackKind.KIND_VIDEO:
video_muted = True
log_message(f"Track muted: {publication.kind}")
# on track unmuted callback
def on_track_unmuted(participant: rtc.RemoteParticipant, publication: rtc.TrackPublication):
nonlocal video_muted
if publication.kind == rtc.TrackKind.KIND_VIDEO:
video_muted = False
log_message(f"Track unmuted: {publication.kind}")
# Start the voice assistant with the LiveKit room
assistant = VoicePipelineAgent(
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# Greets the user with an initial message
await assistant.say(start_message, allow_interruptions=True)
def main(livekit_url: str):
# Workers have to be run as CLIs right now.
# So we need to simualte running "[this file] dev"
# Modify sys.argv to set the path to this file as the first argument
# and 'dev' as the second argument
sys.argv = [str(__file__), 'dev']
# livekit_url = "ws://localhost:7880"
# Initialize the worker with the entrypoint
WorkerOptions(entrypoint_fnc=entrypoint, api_key="devkey", api_secret="secret", ws_url=livekit_url)
) |