You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
241 lines
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241 lines
7.0 KiB
4 months ago
// License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
// Copyright(c) 2023 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#include <unit-tests/catch.h>
#include <rsutils/easylogging/easyloggingpp.h>
#include <rsutils/signal.h>
#include <ostream>
// Many of the ideas behind testing this came from:
TEST_CASE( "signal", "[signal]" )
SECTION( "should trigger bound member function slots" )
struct C
bool bound_slot_triggered = false;
void bound_slot() { bound_slot_triggered = true; }
} obj;
rsutils::signal<> signal;
signal.add( std::bind( &C::bound_slot, &obj ) );
CHECK( obj.bound_slot_triggered );
SECTION( "should trigger functor slots" )
static bool functor_slot_triggered = false;
struct C
void operator()() { functor_slot_triggered = true; }
} obj;
rsutils::signal<> signal;
signal.add( obj ); // makes a copy of obj!
CHECK( functor_slot_triggered );
SECTION( "should trigger lambda slots" )
bool fired = false;
rsutils::signal<> signal;
signal.add( [&] { fired = true; } );
CHECK( fired );
TEST_CASE( "raise()", "[signal]" )
SECTION( "should NOT perfectly forward r-value references" )
// Explanation: passing r-value refs (&&) will cause the first slot to be constructed
// with SECTION -- essentially moving SECTION -- and the second slot to get nothing!
rsutils::signal< std::string > signal;
std::string str( "hello world" );
signal.add( []( std::string str ) { CHECK( str == "hello world" ); } );
signal.add( []( std::string str ) { CHECK( str == "hello world" ); } );
signal.raise( std::move( str ) );
SECTION( "should not copy references" )
rsutils::signal< std::string & > signal;
std::string str( "hello world" );
[]( std::string & str )
CHECK( str == "hello world" );
str = "hola mundo";
} );
signal.add( []( std::string & str ) { CHECK( str == "hola mundo" ); } );
signal.raise( str );
SECTION( "should be re-entrant" )
unsigned count = 0;
rsutils::signal<> signal;
if( count == 1 )
signal.add( [&] { ++count; } );
} );
CHECK( count == 3 );
TEST_CASE( "size()", "[signal]" )
SECTION( "should return the subscription count" )
rsutils::signal<> signal;
signal.add( [] {} );
CHECK( signal.size() == 1 );
SECTION( "should return the correct count when adding slots during iteration" )
rsutils::signal<> signal;
signal.add( [] {} );
CHECK( signal.size() == 2 );
} );
CHECK( signal.size() == 2 );
TEST_CASE( "subscription", "[signal]" )
rsutils::signal<> signal;
SECTION( "cancel() should disconnect the slot" )
bool fired = false;
auto subscription = signal.subscribe( [&] { fired = true; } );
CHECK( signal.size() == 0 );
CHECK_FALSE( fired );
SECTION( "cancel() should not throw if already disconnected" )
auto subscription = signal.subscribe( [] {} );
CHECK( signal.size() == 0 );
SECTION( "should automatically remove the slot" )
bool fired = false;
auto fn = [&] { fired = true; };
auto subscription = signal.subscribe( fn );
CHECK( signal.size() == 0 );
CHECK_FALSE( fired );
SECTION( "unless detached" )
bool fired = false;
auto fn = [&] { fired = true; };
signal.subscribe( fn ).detach();
CHECK( signal.size() == 1 );
CHECK( fired );
SECTION( "should still be valid if the signal is destroyed" )
rsutils::subscription subscription;
rsutils::signal<> scoped_signal;
subscription = scoped_signal.subscribe( [] {} );
SECTION( "replacing subscription with another should cancel the previous" )
std::string val;
auto subscription = signal.subscribe( [&val] { val += '1'; } );
CHECK( signal.size() == 1 );
CHECK( val == "1" );
subscription = signal.subscribe( [&val] { val += '2'; } );
CHECK( signal.size() == 1 );
CHECK( val == "12" );
subscription = {};
CHECK( signal.size() == 0 );
SECTION( "detach() followed by cancel()" )
std::string val;
auto subscription = signal.subscribe( [&val] { val += '1'; } );
CHECK( signal.size() == 1 );
subscription.detach(); // should no longer be valid
CHECK( signal.size() == 1 );
subscription.cancel(); // make sure!
CHECK( signal.size() == 1 ); // nothing should have happened!
TEST_CASE( "stress test", "[signal]" )
rsutils::signal< int & > signal;
constexpr size_t N = 100000;
// add subscriptions
auto before = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for( int expected = 0; expected < N; ++expected )
[expected]( int & i )
CHECK( i == expected );
} );
auto after = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << " took " << ((after - before).count() / 1e9) << " seconds to add" << std::endl;
CHECK( signal.size() == N );
int i = 0;
before = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
signal.raise( i );
after = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << " took " << ((after - before).count() / 1e9) << " seconds to raise" << std::endl;
// remove all but last
for( int pos = 0; pos < N - 1; ++pos )
CAPTURE( pos );
CHECK( signal.remove( pos ) == true );
CHECK( signal.size() == 1 );
int i = int( N ) - 1; // the only one left
signal.raise( i );
// add one -> should iterate AFTER the last
auto slot_id = signal.add( []( int & i ) { i = -25; } );
int i = int( N ) - 1; // the only one left
signal.raise( i );
CHECK( i == -25 );