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## License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory. ####
## Box Dimensioner with multiple cameras: Helper files ####
# Opencv helper functions and class
import cv2
import numpy as np
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def calculate_rmsd(points1, points2, validPoints=None):
calculates the root mean square deviation between to point sets
points1, points2: numpy matrix (K, N)
where K is the dimension of the points and N is the number of points
validPoints: bool sequence of valid points in the point set.
If it is left out, all points are considered valid
assert(points1.shape == points2.shape)
N = points1.shape[1]
if validPoints == None:
validPoints = [True]*N
assert(len(validPoints) == N)
points1 = points1[:,validPoints]
points2 = points2[:,validPoints]
N = points1.shape[1]
dist = points1 - points2
rmsd = 0
for col in range(N):
rmsd += np.matmul(dist[:,col].transpose(), dist[:,col]).flatten()[0]
return np.sqrt(rmsd/N)
def get_chessboard_points_3D(chessboard_params):
Returns the 3d coordinates of the chessboard corners
in the coordinate system of the chessboard itself.
objp : array
(3, N) matrix with N being the number of corners
assert(len(chessboard_params) == 3)
width = chessboard_params[0]
height = chessboard_params[1]
square_size = chessboard_params[2]
objp = np.zeros((width * height, 3), np.float32)
objp[:,:2] = np.mgrid[0:width,0:height].T.reshape(-1,2)
return objp.transpose() * square_size
def cv_find_chessboard(depth_frame, infrared_frame, chessboard_params):
Searches the chessboard corners using the set infrared image and the
checkerboard size
chessboard_found : bool
Indicates wheather the operation was successful
corners : array
(2,N) matrix with the image coordinates of the chessboard corners
assert(len(chessboard_params) == 3)
infrared_image = np.asanyarray(infrared_frame.get_data())
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001)
chessboard_found = False
chessboard_found, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(infrared_image, (
chessboard_params[0], chessboard_params[1]))
if chessboard_found:
corners = cv2.cornerSubPix(infrared_image, corners, (11,11),(-1,-1), criteria)
corners = np.transpose(corners, (2,0,1))
return chessboard_found, corners
def get_depth_at_pixel(depth_frame, pixel_x, pixel_y):
Get the depth value at the desired image point
depth_frame : rs.frame()
The depth frame containing the depth information of the image coordinate
pixel_x : double
The x value of the image coordinate
pixel_y : double
The y value of the image coordinate
depth value at the desired pixel
return depth_frame.as_depth_frame().get_distance(round(pixel_x), round(pixel_y))
def convert_depth_pixel_to_metric_coordinate(depth, pixel_x, pixel_y, camera_intrinsics):
Convert the depth and image point information to metric coordinates
depth : double
The depth value of the image point
pixel_x : double
The x value of the image coordinate
pixel_y : double
The y value of the image coordinate
camera_intrinsics : The intrinsic values of the imager in whose coordinate system the depth_frame is computed
X : double
The x value in meters
Y : double
The y value in meters
Z : double
The z value in meters
X = (pixel_x - camera_intrinsics.ppx)/camera_intrinsics.fx *depth
Y = (pixel_y - camera_intrinsics.ppy)/camera_intrinsics.fy *depth
return X, Y, depth
def convert_depth_frame_to_pointcloud(depth_image, camera_intrinsics ):
Convert the depthmap to a 3D point cloud
depth_frame : rs.frame()
The depth_frame containing the depth map
camera_intrinsics : The intrinsic values of the imager in whose coordinate system the depth_frame is computed
x : array
The x values of the pointcloud in meters
y : array
The y values of the pointcloud in meters
z : array
The z values of the pointcloud in meters
[height, width] = depth_image.shape
nx = np.linspace(0, width-1, width)
ny = np.linspace(0, height-1, height)
u, v = np.meshgrid(nx, ny)
x = (u.flatten() - camera_intrinsics.ppx)/camera_intrinsics.fx
y = (v.flatten() - camera_intrinsics.ppy)/camera_intrinsics.fy
z = depth_image.flatten() / 1000;
x = np.multiply(x,z)
y = np.multiply(y,z)
x = x[np.nonzero(z)]
y = y[np.nonzero(z)]
z = z[np.nonzero(z)]
return x, y, z
def convert_pointcloud_to_depth(pointcloud, camera_intrinsics):
Convert the world coordinate to a 2D image coordinate
pointcloud : numpy array with shape 3xN
camera_intrinsics : The intrinsic values of the imager in whose coordinate system the depth_frame is computed
x : array
The x coordinate in image
y : array
The y coordiante in image
assert (pointcloud.shape[0] == 3)
x_ = pointcloud[0,:]
y_ = pointcloud[1,:]
z_ = pointcloud[2,:]
m = x_[np.nonzero(z_)]/z_[np.nonzero(z_)]
n = y_[np.nonzero(z_)]/z_[np.nonzero(z_)]
x = m*camera_intrinsics.fx + camera_intrinsics.ppx
y = n*camera_intrinsics.fy + camera_intrinsics.ppy
return x, y
def get_boundary_corners_2D(points):
Get the minimum and maximum point from the array of points
points : array
The array of points out of which the min and max X and Y points are needed
boundary : array
The values arranged as [minX, maxX, minY, maxY]
if points.shape[0] == 3:
assert (len(points.shape)==2)
minPt_3d_x = np.amin(points[0,:])
maxPt_3d_x = np.amax(points[0,:])
minPt_3d_y = np.amin(points[1,:])
maxPt_3d_y = np.amax(points[1,:])
boudary = [minPt_3d_x-padding, maxPt_3d_x+padding, minPt_3d_y-padding, maxPt_3d_y+padding]
raise Exception("wrong dimension of points!")
return boudary
def get_clipped_pointcloud(pointcloud, boundary):
Get the clipped pointcloud withing the X and Y bounds specified in the boundary
pointcloud : array
The input pointcloud which needs to be clipped
boundary : array
The X and Y bounds
pointcloud : array
The clipped pointcloud
assert (pointcloud.shape[0]>=2)
pointcloud = pointcloud[:,np.logical_and(pointcloud[0,:]<boundary[1], pointcloud[0,:]>boundary[0])]
pointcloud = pointcloud[:,np.logical_and(pointcloud[1,:]<boundary[3], pointcloud[1,:]>boundary[2])]
return pointcloud