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384 lines
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4 months ago
# License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
# Copyright(c) 2023 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#test:retries:gha 2
import pyrealdds as dds
from rspy import log, test
from time import sleep
from rspy.stopwatch import Stopwatch
import threading
dds.debug( log.is_debug_on() )
participant = dds.participant()
participant.init( 123, "client" )
def image_id( image ):
We use timestamps as keys for the syncer.
To make them readable, approachable, and simple, we simply encode our "counter" (0-x) as the
timestamp seconds.
return image.timestamp.seconds
def md_id( metadata ):
Same for metadata, which is expressed as a float X.Y; our Y is always 0 and X is the counter
return int(metadata['timestamp'])
def time_stamp( id ):
Opposite of image_id().
return dds.time.from_double( id )
from collections import namedtuple
frame = namedtuple( 'frame', 'image md' )
received_frames = []
def on_frame_ready( image, metadata ):
log.d( f'{image_id(image):-<4}> {} [{threading.get_native_id()}] frame ready: {image=} {metadata=}' )
test.check( last_image() is None or image_id( last_image() ) < image_id( image ) )
received_frames.append( frame( image, metadata ))
def last_frame():
if len(received_frames):
return received_frames[-1]
return None
def last_image():
f = last_frame()
return f and f.image
def last_metadata():
f = last_frame()
return f and
dropped_metadata = []
def on_metadata_dropped( key, metadata ):
log.d( f' drop {} [{threading.get_native_id()}] metadata dropped: {key=} {metadata=}' )
dropped_metadata.append( key )
def new_syncer( on_frame_ready=on_frame_ready, on_metadata_dropped=on_metadata_dropped ):
syncer = dds.metadata_syncer()
syncer.on_frame_ready( on_frame_ready )
syncer.on_metadata_dropped( on_metadata_dropped )
global dropped_metadata, received_frames
dropped_metadata = []
received_frames = []
return syncer
def new_image_( id, width, height, bpp, timestamp=None ):
i = dds.message.image()
i.width = width
i.height = height
| = bytearray( width * height * bpp )
i.timestamp = timestamp or time_stamp( id )
return i
def new_image( id, timestamp=None ):
return new_image_( id, 2, 2, 3, timestamp )
def new_metadata( id, timestamp=None ):
timestamp = timestamp or time_stamp( id )
md = {
'timestamp' : timestamp.to_double(),
return md
with test.closure( 'Enqueue 1 image -> nothing should come out' ):
syncer = new_syncer()
syncer.enqueue_frame( 1, new_image( 1 ) )
test.check_equal( last_frame(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
with test.closure( 'Enqueue 1 metadata -> nothing should come out' ):
syncer = new_syncer()
syncer.enqueue_metadata( 1, new_metadata( 1 ) )
test.check_equal( last_frame(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
with test.closure( 'Enqueue many metadata -> nothing out; should get drops' ):
syncer = new_syncer()
for i in range( dds.metadata_syncer.max_md_queue_size*2 ):
syncer.enqueue_metadata( i, new_metadata( i ) )
test.check_equal( last_frame(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), dds.metadata_syncer.max_md_queue_size )
with test.closure( 'Enqueue many images -> some out (no md); no drops' ):
syncer = new_syncer()
for i in range( dds.metadata_syncer.max_frame_queue_size*3 ):
syncer.enqueue_frame( i, new_image( i ) )
if test.check_equal( len(received_frames), i - dds.metadata_syncer.max_frame_queue_size + 1 ):
# Some images are still queued in the syncer
test.check_equal( image_id( last_image() ), i - dds.metadata_syncer.max_frame_queue_size )
test.check_equal( last_metadata(), None ) # Note: not {}, but None!
with test.closure( 'Enqueue image+metadata -> out' ):
syncer = new_syncer()
syncer.enqueue_frame( 1, new_image( 1 ) )
test.check_equal( last_frame(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
syncer.enqueue_metadata( 1, new_metadata( 1 ) )
if test.check_equal( len(received_frames), 1 ):
test.check_equal( image_id( last_image() ), 1 )
test.check_equal( md_id( last_metadata() ), 1 )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
with test.closure( 'Enqueue metadata+image -> out' ):
syncer = new_syncer()
syncer.enqueue_metadata( 1, new_metadata( 1 ) )
test.check_equal( last_frame(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
syncer.enqueue_frame( 1, new_image( 1 ) )
if test.check_equal( len(received_frames), 1 ):
test.check_equal( image_id( last_image() ), 1 )
test.check_equal( md_id( last_metadata() ), 1 )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
with test.closure( 'Enqueue 1 image after some metadata -> drops + match' ):
syncer = new_syncer()
for i in range(4):
syncer.enqueue_metadata( i, new_metadata( i ) )
test.check_equal( last_frame(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
syncer.enqueue_frame( 2, new_image( 2 ) )
if test.check_equal( len(received_frames), 1 ):
test.check_equal( image_id( last_image() ), 2 )
test.check_equal( md_id( last_metadata() ), 2 )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 2 ) # 0 and 1
with test.closure( 'Enqueue 1 image then earlier metadata -> nothing out; metadata is dropped' ):
syncer = new_syncer()
syncer.enqueue_frame( 1, new_image( 1 ) )
test.check_equal( last_frame(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
syncer.enqueue_metadata( 0, new_metadata( 0 ) )
test.check_equal( last_frame(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 1 ) # not going to be any frame for it
with test.closure( 'Enqueue 1 image then later metadata -> image out w/o md' ):
syncer = new_syncer()
syncer.enqueue_frame( 1, new_image( 1 ) )
test.check_equal( last_frame(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
syncer.enqueue_metadata( 2, new_metadata( 2 ) )
if test.check( len(received_frames), 1 ):
test.check_equal( image_id( last_image() ), 1 )
test.check_equal( last_metadata(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
with test.closure( 'Enqueue 2 images then matching metadata for the second -> both out' ):
syncer = new_syncer()
syncer.enqueue_frame( 1, new_image( 1 ) )
test.check_equal( last_frame(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
syncer.enqueue_frame( 2, new_image( 2 ) )
test.check_equal( last_frame(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
syncer.enqueue_metadata( 2, new_metadata( 2 ) )
if test.check_equal( len(received_frames), 2 ):
test.check_equal( image_id( last_image() ), 2 )
test.check_equal( md_id( last_metadata() ), 2 )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
with test.closure( 'Enqueue during callback' ):
def enqueue_during_callback( image, metadata ):
on_frame_ready( image, metadata )
id = image_id( image ) + 1
syncer.enqueue_frame( id, new_image( id ))
# Above used to generate a 'RuntimeError: device or resource busy' so the 2nd frame didn't
# come out - that's what we're testing: the syncer shouldn't be locked inside the callback!
syncer = new_syncer( on_frame_ready=enqueue_during_callback )
syncer.enqueue_frame( 1, new_image( 1 ) )
test.check_equal( last_frame(), None )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
syncer.enqueue_metadata( 1, new_metadata( 1 ) )
if test.check( last_frame() ):
test.check_equal( image_id( last_image() ), 1 )
test.check_equal( md_id( last_metadata() ), 1 )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
# If the enqueue succeeded, a matching metadata will generate a callback
syncer.enqueue_metadata( 2, new_metadata( 2 ) )
test.check_equal( image_id( last_image() ), 2 )
test.check_equal( md_id( last_metadata() ), 2 )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
def two_threads( callback_time, time_between_frames=0.033, n=10, order='metadata-first' ):
Generate frames periodically. Enqueue images and metadata from two separate threads just as in
a DDS client (thread per reader).
:param order: either 'image-first' or 'metadata-first'; signifies the order in which we want to
receive messages, to try and control which thread generates the image-metadata
match & callback
Note that, in the client, it's likely that the metadata is received first because it's a much-
smaller message. I.e., the MD will be received, cached, and when the image arrives the match
will be made and the callback will be called from the image thread. While this shouldn't block
the syncer, it does block the image-receiving thread so, if the callback takes long enough,
we'll see additional metadata being received and cached. If we specify 'image-first' then the
opposite happens: the MD thread will block and we'll see images arriving during the callback,
meaning images will build up and eventually being freed without metadata meaning the callback
will be called from two different threads, possibly concurrently!
have_image = threading.Event()
have_md = threading.Event()
images = []
mds = []
def frame_handler( image, metadata ):
# This is our callback
nonlocal callback_time
on_frame_ready( image, metadata ) # for reporting
sleep( callback_time )
log.d( f'<{image_id(image):->4} {} [{threading.get_native_id()}]' )
syncer = new_syncer( on_frame_ready=frame_handler )
def generator_thread():
# This thread generates the frames
nonlocal time_between_frames, n
threadid = threading.get_native_id()
for i in range(n):
timestamp = time_stamp( i )
log.d( f'{i:>5} {} [{threadid}] generate @ {timestamp}' )
image = new_image( i, timestamp )
md = new_metadata( i, timestamp )
images.append( image )
mds.append( md )
sleep( time_between_frames )
metadata_first = order == 'metadata-first'
image_first = order == 'image-first'
def image_thread():
# This thread enqueues the images
threadid = threading.get_native_id()
nonlocal syncer, n, metadata_first
for i in range(n):
image = images.pop( 0 )
if not images:
if metadata_first:
sleep( 0.005 ) # delay a bit, to try and control the narrative
idstr = f'i{image_id(image)}'
log.d( f'{idstr:>5} {} [{threadid}] enqueue {image}' )
syncer.enqueue_frame( i, image )
def md_thread():
# This thread enqueues the metadata
threadid = threading.get_native_id()
nonlocal syncer, n, image_first
for i in range(n):
md = mds.pop( 0 )
if not mds:
if image_first:
sleep( 0.005 ) # delay a bit, to try and control the narrative
idstr = f'm{md_id(md)}'
log.d( f'{idstr:>5} {} [{threadid}] enqueue {md}' )
syncer.enqueue_metadata( i, md )
f_th = threading.Thread( target=image_thread )
m_th = threading.Thread( target=md_thread )
if metadata_first:
with test.closure( 'Two threads, slow callback on MD thread -> parallel callbacks; MD doesn\'t arrive in time -> drops' ):
two_threads( callback_time=0.1, # longer than time-between-frames, on purpose!
order='image-first' )
if test.check_equal( len(received_frames), 10 ):
test.check_equal( image_id( last_image() ), 9 )
test.check_equal( md_id( last_metadata() ), 9 )
test.check( len(dropped_metadata) > 0 )
with test.closure( 'Two threads, slow callback on image thread -> metadata builds up with eventual drops' ):
two_threads( callback_time=0.1, # longer than time-between-frames, on purpose!
order='metadata-first' )
if test.check_equal( len(received_frames), dds.metadata_syncer.max_md_queue_size*2 ):
test.check_equal( image_id( last_image() ), dds.metadata_syncer.max_md_queue_size*2 - 1 )
test.check_equal( md_id( last_metadata() ), dds.metadata_syncer.max_md_queue_size*2 - 1 )
test.check( len(dropped_metadata) > 0 )
with test.closure( 'Two threads, fast callback -> no drops, no parallel callbacks' ):
two_threads( callback_time=0.01 ) # shorter than time-between-frames
if test.check_equal( len(received_frames), 10 ):
test.check_equal( image_id( last_image() ), 9 )
test.check_equal( md_id( last_metadata() ), 9 )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )
with test.closure( 'Two threads, slow callback -> different callbacks intervined' ):
Test correct handling of this scenario: (incorrect handling can trigger an exception)
Thread A enqueues frame0
Thread A enqueues frame1
Thread B enqueues metadata1
hadndle_frame_without_metadata( frame0 ) calls user callback in thread B context
while the callback is handled thread A enqueues frame2
handle_match( frame1, metadata1 ) calls user callback in thread A context
def frame_callback( image, metadata ):
on_frame_ready( image, metadata ) # for reporting
sleep( 0.1 )
log.d( f'<{image_id(image):->4} {} [{threading.get_native_id()}]' )
syncer = new_syncer( on_frame_ready=frame_callback )
def frame_thread():
threadid = threading.get_native_id()
for i in range( 3 ):
image = new_image( i, time_stamp( i ) )
idstr = f'i{image_id(image)}'
log.d( f'{idstr:>5} {} [{threadid}] enqueue {image}' )
syncer.enqueue_frame( i, image )
sleep( 0.05 )
threadA = threading.Thread( target=frame_thread )
sleep( 0.12 ) # Between 2nd and 3rd enqueue_frame
md = new_metadata( 1, time_stamp( 1 ) )
syncer.enqueue_metadata( 1, md )
if test.check( len(received_frames), 2 ):
test.check_equal( image_id( last_image() ), 1 )
test.check_equal( md_id( last_metadata() ), 1 )
test.check_equal( len(dropped_metadata), 0 )