import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
from Interfaces.RealSense import RealSenseController
from Interfaces.CameraProcessor import CameraProcessor
from ultralytics import YOLO
from datetime import datetime
class TargetFollower:
def __init__(self, detections, annotated_image, camera_position=np.array([0, 0, 0])):
self.detections = detections
self.camera_position = camera_position
self.target = None
# Сохраняем аннотированное изображение
output_path = './annotated_image.jpg'
cv2.imwrite(output_path, annotated_image)
print(f"Annotated image saved to {output_path}")
print("Detections info:")
for info in detections:
def select_target(self, class_name, nearest=False):
Выбирает объект по указанному имени класса.
Если nearest=True, выбирается ближайший объект по значению mean_depth.
:param class_name: Имя класса, который нужно выбрать.
:param nearest: Если True, выбирает ближайший объект с данным классом.
:return: Найденный объект или None, если объект не найден.
if nearest:
closest_detection = None
min_depth = float('inf')
for detection in self.detections:
if detection['class_name'] == class_name:
if detection['mean_depth'] < min_depth:
min_depth = detection['mean_depth']
closest_detection = detection
self.target = closest_detection
if self.target is not None:
print(f"Closest target selected: {self.target}")
print(f"Target with class name '{class_name}' not found.")
return self.target
for detection in self.detections:
if detection['class_name'] == class_name:
self.target = detection
print(f"Target selected: {self.target}")
return self.target
print(f"Target with class name '{class_name}' not found.")
return None
def calculate_follow_vector(self):
if self.target is None:
print("Target not selected.")
return None
bbox = self.target['bbox']
target_center_x = (bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2
target_center_y = (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2
target_depth = self.target['mean_depth']
target_position = np.array([target_center_x, target_center_y, target_depth])
follow_vector = target_position - self.camera_position
return follow_vector
def get_target_position(self):
if self.target is None:
print("Target not selected.")
return None
bbox = self.target['bbox']
target_center_x = (bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2
target_center_y = (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2
target_depth = self.target['mean_depth']
target_position = np.array([target_center_x, target_center_y, target_depth])
return target_position